Menopause Road Map

Monday: 09:00 - 11:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 11:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 11:00
Sunday: -

About Menopause Road Map

Clare Shepherd, nutritional therapist & award winning menopause coach inspiring women to live a Vibrant Life through the menopause years and beyond.
WhatsOn4Me National Awards

Best Beauty, Lifestyle or Wellbeing Service
Most Inspirational Coach

Menopause Road Map Description

YourNewLifePlan Vibrant Life on-line health programmes and Membership Site offer proven health plans providing you with all the education, nutrition, exercise, coaching, guidance & personal support you need to reduce or banish unpleasant menopause symptoms, allowing you to nurture your body, become EMPOWERED and live a healthy, lean, strong and vibrant life.

Find out more at:



You probably knew that this would be one of the steps? That I would be encouraging you to take more exercise?
But how are you going to do that? You don't have the time, nor the money or inclination to pour yourself into tight leggings and join an expensive gym!
... It really doesn't have to be difficult at all. You can easily increase your exercise following your normal daily routine.
You just have to move more with greater intensity.
And that would be very beneficial, helping keep your weight down, your body more toned. But is it enough to help with hormones and long term health?
Some types of exercise are considered more beneficial than others in creating greater hormone balance and promoting long term health. Think reduced chance of osteoporosis, heart disease (biggest killer in women), obesity, diabetes and even dementia.
All the above conditions generally requiring a number of prescription drugs.
Get LIFETIME access to your copy of the Natural Menopause Road Map here: enopause-road-map
To reduce the possibility of becoming one of these scary statistics, what can you do to move more?
Clare 🙂
PS I'm producing a webinar exploring in more detail the steps of the Natural Menopause Road Map soon, do let me know if you're interested.
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Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. Have you heard of them? Do you know where they are hidden? Did you know that tests have shown more than 200 of these chemicals in the umbilical cords of new born babies? Some of these chemicals have previously been banned for many years!
For example, trace amounts of flame retardants, banned in the US for more than a decade, are still being passed through umbilical cord blood from mothers to... their babies, causing hormone disruption and low birth weight according to new research by Indiana University in the US.
A toxic build up passed down to us through birth, and then added to from our own lifestyle choices. If only we were more informed about them, where they can be found, how we could avoid them, we could perhaps make more informed choices and minimise their affect on our own hormones and health.
In step #4 of the Natural MENOPAUSE ROAD MAP I explore with you how you can recognise these toxins, and how you can minimise the negative effects on your already chaotic menopause hormones.
To get your own copy of the Natural Menopause Road Map, and ALL 7 steps you need to embrace to naturally manage your menopause AND create optimum health through menopause & beyond ... simply click on the link below: enopause-road-map
Join all the amazing women who have found the programme 'life-changing'.
I look forward to joining you too on this amazing, positive journey.
Clare :-)
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The Natural Menopause Road Map ON-LINE programme is now LIVE. Covering the essential steps that need to be embraced to ensure you reduce, or even banish, unpleasant menopause symptoms AND create your optimum health through menopause AND beyond.
Just £29.95 for LIFETIME access.
To find out more:
... enopause-road-map -----------------------------------
Marketing researchers Mintel reports that 65% of the adults in the UK took a vitamin, mineral or other supplement in the year 2016, with over 50s, mainly women, being the greatest purchasers and users.
And this industry in that year was worth a staggering 421 million , expected to grow to over £460 million by 2022.
How many of you have bought herbs or supplements that at now gathering dust in the back of cupboards or drawers? Not finished? Perhaps even unopened? Did you buy them because you read or heard that this was the 'cure all' for hot flushes? Night sweats? Insomnia? Low energy? Brain Fog?
But they didn't work for you? And if they did, it wasn't in the long term, and you still feel that menopause symptoms define you and control your life?
PURPOSEFUL and PERSONAL supplementation is acknowledged as being very effective in managing ALL menopause symptoms. And those should only be recommended by someone who understands and is trained in supplements, their contra-indications, dosage, interactions with each other and prescrition drugs.
Just because it says NATURAL does not mean its SAFE!
Any questions, do drop me a message
Clare :-)
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Are your menopause symptoms affecting you at work? Would you like to reduce your working hours? Would you like more understanding from your employers?
What would help you?


Do you ever feel responsible for everything that is broken? That you’re so busy looking after others you don’t have time for yourself?
Then it’s time to take some time out and rest.
You can’t give from an empty cup.
... Clare😊
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The breakdown and weakening of bones due to declining oestrogen leads to a high potential of bone fractures post menopause.
Here the Royal Osteoporosis Society share their advice…/exercise-and-ph ysical-activity-wit…/


The Natural Menopause Road Map on-line programme is now LIVE!
Guiding you through the 7 steps that need to be collectively embraced to ensure a reduction in those unpleasant menopause symptoms, loss of stubborn excess pounds, and so importantly creating optimum health through both menopause AND beyond.
Step #2 Sustenance (Part 2) Diet
... What does the word 'diet' say to you? Deprivation? A time of change that will come to an end?
Problems so often associated with any suggestion that changes should be made to the foods that are eaten is that they are too difficult to maintain long-term, meaning results are short lived, possibly leaving you feeling a failure. Not at all motivated to try again.
I personally dislike using the word 'diet' for the reasons above. I much prefer the word 'nutrition', promoting the belief that foods you eat will 'nurture' your body, and your mind.
And I believe that you don't have to deprive yourself of anything, a little of what you fancy can do you good!
Within the Natural Menopause Road Map I encourage the plentiful intake of nutrients that will PROMOTE hormone harmony and optimum health .... in the smallest of steps so you're not overwhelmed.
The only food groups I suggest you banish are refined sugars and carbohydrates aka 'junk food'. They really are the devil where health and hormones are concerned.
So enjoy your cuppa, enjoy the odd glass of wine even, but do keep to a minimum. It's all in the BALANCE, and you are all unique, so find out what's right for you.
Click here got more information: enopause-road-map
Clare :-)
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How can you help avoid the negative health consequences from lowered oestrogen post menopause?
My advice is don’t wait until you are post menopause to start making any change to diet and lifestyle. The earlier you take control of your hormones and health, the easier the passage through the menopause years, and the greater the health benefits beyond menopause.
#menopause #happyhormones #creatingheath #saynotoheartdisease #stayingstrong


The Natural Menopause Road Map on-line programme is now LIVE!
Guiding you through the 7 steps that need to be collectively embraced to ensure a reduction in those unpleasant menopause symptoms, loss of stubborn excess pounds, and so importantly creating optimum health through both menopause AND beyond.
Step #2 Sustenance (Part 1)
... Gillian McKeith was correct, "you are what you eat", but that should have been extended that to "you are what you eat, what you can absorb, utilise and also excrete".
Each of these processes are so important to help balance your hormones as well as establish optimum health. And each is considered within the Natural Menopause Road Map programme.
The inclusion, absorption and utilisation of the essential Omega 3 fats being one of the foundation stones of health and hormone harmony.
The body can't make Omega 3 fats itself, so it's essential you provide them.
Are you getting enough? From a supplement and/or food sources e.g. salmon, mackerel, trout, tuna, nuts, seeds?
Or do you avoid these foods because you believe them to be high in calories and will add to your weight gain? These 'essential' fats are used for metabolic purposes, not fuel, and without them you wont be able to help balance those chaotic hormones.
To find out how you can help yourself create greater hormone balance by making simple changes to diet and lifestyle, plus have my support to help you on your journey ... enopause-road-map
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Are you confused by all the menopause information 'out there'? which way to turn? Are you looking for the one size fits all single solution and being constantly disappointed that nothing seems to work for you?
If this is you, l me introduce you to 2 x workshops exploring the 7 steps that need to be COLLECTIVELY embraced to naturally manage the menopause years, reduce unpleasant symptoms, lose excess pounds, and create optimum health through menopause & beyond.
To find out m...ore and book your place (numbers are limited so individual support and advice can be given) click on the link below: pause-road-map-2-p…
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The Natural Menopause Road Map on-line programme is now LIVE!
Guiding you through the 7 steps that need to be collectively embraced to ensure a reduction in those unpleasant menopause symptoms, loss of stubborn excess pounds, and so importantly creating optimum health through both menopause AND beyond.
Steps #1 Stress
... Stress is by far the biggest contributor to hormonal chaos. The higher your current stress level, the greater the symptoms you may be experiencing, the harder it will be to lose weight, sleep, think clearly and more.
With your external stresses, i.e. 'life', you may feel you have little control. As you continue to 'cope with' and 'manage' life, your biochemistry changes, creating an INTERNAL stress, affecting your hormones and exaggerating menopause symptoms. The good news is that you have total control of positively impacting this internal stress :-)
The Natural Menopause Road Map explains exactly what is happening inside you, empowering you with knowledge and HOW you can make the change to reduce that internal stress.
For example, all stress affects your digestion, and a healthy digestive tract is intrinsically linked with many hormones affecting your physical and mental well-being. Knowing how to create a healthy digestive environment with simple changes will help support those hormones, helping sleep, weight loss, cravings, mood swings, brain fog and so much more.
Drinking an adequate amount of water at the correct time of day will have a big impact.
For more information: enopause-road-map
or message me direct using the button below.
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During the long menopause years it can be so easy to believe that your body is working against you, not for you.
Yet it’s doing it’s very best in difficult circumstances, trying to optimally function with chaotic hormones choreographing a merry dance.
What it needs to be the best friend it can be is to be heard. Listen to what it needs, it’s likes and dislikes ... work with it and for it, not against it.
... Take just a little time each day to connect body and mind, and do what you can to nurture the very soul of your being.
The rewards will amaze you.
#menopause #hormoneharmony #beyourownbestfriend #loveyourself
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Fab talk to a #ThisGirlCan ‘PositivePause’ event last night for #Leicestershire and #Rutland Sport.
More than 40 women learning about menopause management and exercise. Indulging in restorative yoga, guided meditation and finishing off the evening with a fun Burlesque lesson!
New friends made, and so importantly knowing that they aren’t alone on this journey.
... Is there anything in your area you attend that will help you?
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More about Menopause Road Map

Menopause Road Map is located at The Coach House , 11 Tapton House Rd, S10 5BY Sheffield
Monday: 09:00 - 11:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 11:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 11:00
Sunday: -