Morpeth Road Academy

About Morpeth Road Academy

Part of WISE Academies

Morpeth Road Academy Description

Can I extend a warm welcome to Morpeth Road Primary School from all staff, students, parents and governors. We are here as an extended family to support, nurture and develop the full potential of all our students and their families.

As a school we are firmly at the centre of the community we serve and have been so since 1910. It is an honour to be a key member of our community and hope that we reflect the aspirations and needs of our community and play a key role in delivering those aspirations.

We belong to a wider family of schools that form “The Blyth Schools”, partnership that strive to make the children in Blyth successful. School is also in a European partnership of schools through the Comenius programme giving our students opportunities to learn along side schools from France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Finland and Czech Republic.

Our key aim is to develop the whole child through social, emotional, creative, physical, academic and spiritual aspects of their characters to gave them self belief and confidence to contribute as citizens in our communities. Ofsted have recognised our commitment to our goals by judging us as a good school with outstanding features.

We passionately believe that all young people can achieve if challenged to do so. Morpeth Road Primary School is a place where pupils make good progress, enjoy their learning and take a full and active part in school life.

I believe strongly that Morpeth Road Primary School is a fun place to learn where children succeed through a dedicated staff who have high expectations of all our young people and where young people thrive on the range of opportunities offered to them.

I am looking forward to meeting you to share our vision and welcoming you to our growing family.

Mike Bell




Reminder: Reception parents are invited to take part in a Read Write Inc lesson on Thursday 14th November at 8.50am. We look forward to seeing you there.


On Wednesday 6th November we will be having an anti-bullying afternoon. Official Odd Socks Day is 12th November but we would like children to come to school on Wednesday wearing odd socks. This is to help celebrate what makes us all unique.
Children will be taking part in activities to help increase their awareness of bullying and how we can work together to tackle it.
Further information about anti-bullying week can be found at


If you have a child in year 2 or year 6 we are holding SATs meetings on Wednesday 6th November.


A letter about our new reading awards! Let's get everybody reading every day!!
24th October 2019 Dear Parents/Carers,
... We are pleased to introduce some fantastic new reading rewards for our children across the school!
From half term Tuesday 5th November onwards, we will be logging your child’s daily reading. Every day they read at home we will add a sticker to their class chart. Once they have read 25 times your child will win a book of their choice! We have lots of other fantastic rewards for future reading too, such as: Spring 1 (50 reads) Extra play time with juice and biscuits or hot chocolate Spring 2 (75 reads) Ice cream and reward Summer 1 (100 reads) Water Fight Summer 2 (125 reads) Cinema Trip
To read 25 times next half term means your child needs to read for around 15 minutes, on an average of 4 times a week. Please then sign their reading diary with the date your child read, the page numbers, a signature of some kind from an adult and then, if possible, a comment on how well they read (for example, they used their phonics to read some tricky new words, they used great expression when they read aloud, they could summarise what they had just read, we discussed the meaning of…).
There are prizes for parents too - if you listen to your child read at least 4 times a week and sign their reading record as mentioned above, you will be entered into a raffle ticket draw. Twice a half term, a ticket will be drawn and the winner will receive a £20 ASDA voucher. Please encourage your child to read and get a chance to receive all of these rewards. If you have any questions please ask your child’s class teacher.
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The newsletter which came home to families last week.
Key Diary Dates: 4.11.19 INSET Day 6.11.19 Y2 and Y6 SATS meeting 5pm...
Continue Reading


A reminder that school is closed for children on Monday 4th November. We'll see everybody back on Tuesday 5th November. Hope you're having a great half term!


Thank you to all the parents and family members who attended the key stage 1 reading event on Friday. It was lovely to see so many of you there!


We will be having an additional inset day on Monday 4th November. This means that school will be closed for children on this day as well as Friday 25th October.
This will enable our staff to receive extra training around our new curriculum so that they are well prepared in making sure our children receive the highest standard of education.


We raised over £2000 at the summer fayre yesterday! Absolutely amazing! Thank you to everybody that came along and supported the event.


Some of our year 5 children visited the Oaks Care Home last week. We've received an e-mail from the home thanking the children for their amazing behaviour and attitude while they were there. We are so proud of you all!


Any children not going to the summer fayre can bring up to £2 for a tuck shop treat on Friday afternoon.


Reminder: Wednesday between 3:15pm and 5pm is a chance for you to come and see your child’s books. Teachers will be available to answer any questions you may have. This is a drop in so we won’t be sending out individual appointments. Just pop in at a time that suits you.


Our summer fayre takes place this Friday. We are looking forward to seeing you all for a fun afternoon!


Reminders about sports days.
KS1 10am on Thursday Early Years 9:15am on Friday


Nursery parents - don't forget that if you want to have a school lunch with your child on 15th or 16th July we need all lunch payments by Tuesday. This is to help with the ordering.


Year 6 parents - SATs results are released on Tuesday!


Well done to our year 1 children who took part in the Blyth Carnival Parade today. Your umbrella jellyfish looked amazing! Thank you to all the parents who supported today too!
An extra big thank you to Mrs Tweddle for making sure that all those amazing umbrellas were finished in time and one last thank you to the staff who came to support today!


London trip will arrive back at school at 9:30pm. Please leave room for the bus to park.

More about Morpeth Road Academy

Morpeth Road Academy is located at Bates Avenue, NE24 5TQ Blyth, Northumberland