
About Novotherapy

I believe that people are capable of making dramatic changes in their lives with the right strategy and support. I want to help you be the best you can be.

Novotherapy Description


Hypnotherapy is a safe and natural process. Your therapist will guide you to reach a comfortable and relaxed state known as ‘trance’. This simply means your conscious mind is relaxed but you are still in full control of yourself, your thoughts and your actions. We all experience this every day, whenever your mind wanders or you focus on something intently like reading a book or watching a film, you are in a state of hypnosis.

In this relaxed state your subconscious mind (where fears, phobias and habits exist) is more able to accept suggestions and ideas, enabling you to make the changes you want to make or overcome what has been holding you back.

Hypnotherapy has been endorsed by the BMA (British Medical Association) as being clinically effective in treating IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and can successfully treat a wide range of conditions, particularly those with an emotional or behavioural element.


Neuro-linguistic programming was developed by Richard Bandler a mathematician and a linguist, John Grindler in the 1970’s.

NLP explores our use of language and how we communicate in both verbal and non-verbal ways.

Neuro - how the mind works and why you do what you do

Linguistic - how the language we use affects our state and affects those around us.

Programming - by being made aware of our behaviour we can make changes in our thinking patterns.

In essence, change the thinking – change the behaviour!


How do you get to where you want to be? This is a different experience for everyone, but there are common links.

In coaching we will develop together a clear framework for you to use in your everyday life. This process ensures you are supported along the way and have the right tools to reach your destination. You will have increased control over your life and decision making, leaving less to fate or ‘if only’.

By working with a 'coach' you are plugging into the experience of someone who can help you develop the best way forward and give you strategies to take away with you. This can be challenging but ultimately will get you on the way to where you want to be.

Stress Management

Everyone suffers with stress at sometime. Stress has positive functions such as delivering a rush of adrenaline, which helps you in an interview. However when stress is constant and there doesn't seem to be an answer it may be bad for your own health and will deeply affect those around you.

Managing stress is about working out a coping strategy. I will work with you to find effective ways for you to respond and react in situations that affect you. You will learn to recognise the symptoms of too much stress and will be offered you solutions to work with it in a positive way.

More about Novotherapy

Novotherapy is located at Aspects of Beauty, 312 Manchester Road, S10 5DQ Sheffield