Sheffield Wednesday Fc

About Sheffield Wednesday Fc

The official Facebook Page for Sheffield Wednesday Football Club!

Sheffield Wednesday Fc Description

We want fans to enjoy our page, that’s why we built it. We do have some basic rules to ensure enjoyment for all. We ask that our fans adhere to the following:

1. No swearing – Even if a word is ‘bleeped’ out with symbols etc. Any posts which include profanity in them will be deleted. This includes the use of swearing in photos and videos.

2. No abuse to other members – Not all fans will see eye to eye on all comments made. Please remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we encourage you to post yours! If debates become personal attacks, they will be deleted.

3. All spam and external links outside the control of Sheffield Wednesday that appear on the Wall will be deleted.

4. As well as our simple rules, we would also like to remind supporters of Facebook’s terms and conditions, which can be found at http://www. php?ref=pf

Sheffield Wednesday Football Club Staff will monitor the page daily to ensure the above rules are being adhered to. If users persistently break the rules, it will result in a ban from using our page. Such bans are att he sole discretion of the page administrator and are irreversable.

If there is something that Sheffield Wednesday staff miss, that you find offensive or unwelcome, please notify Facebook by sending an email to You can help by notifying Facebook of any nudity, pornography, harassment or unwelcome contact by clicking on the "Report" link located on pages throughout the site.

We hope you all enjoy using Sheffield Wednesday FC Official Facebook Fan Page.



Level at the break as Nsiala cancels out Joao’s earlier strike #swfcLIVE


The breakthrough! Joao nods home from Bannan’s corner...
Owls lead 1-0 with 30 minutes gone


Hunter is back, and he is not alone! Three characters, one common goal. Become a champion. #FIFA19 #TheJourney


Here’s how we line-up v Ipswich.. #swfcLIVE


MATCHDAY! Let’s go again! 💪 #swfc


Here's the photoshoot for tomorrow's matchday programme cover!


Pre-match press conference live ahead of our clash with Ipswich at Hillsborough


What a goal this was... Surely worth another look!!


Watch last night's action again here!


We're delighted to announce the movie premiere of ‘All Wednesday’ on Tuesday 4 September 👇


First win of our league campaign 💪


👊 Up and running!


Wednesday lead 2-0 with Lees on target just after the break #swfcLIVE


Strong first half performance from Wednesday.. Bannan's first half stunner is the difference


Here’s how we line-up tonight v Millwall #swfcLIVE


Having extended his contract at Hillsborough, here's a look at Lucas Joao's SWFC goals!


Great news!


Pre-match press conference live ahead of our clash with Millwall tomorrow at Hillsborough

More about Sheffield Wednesday Fc

Sheffield Wednesday Fc is located at Hillsborough Stadium, S6 1SW Sheffield
03700 20 1867