Shiatsu Shane

Monday: 09:00 - 14:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 14:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 14:30
Friday: 09:00 - 14:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Shiatsu Shane

I am Shiatsu Shane
specialist massage therapist
Shiatsu -
Sports Shiatsu
prehab - rehab
Cupping therapy
Dinnington South yorkshire

Shiatsu Shane Description

Shiatsu is a bit like a cross between acupuncture and the most relaxing massage ull ever receive. A shiatsu therapist does not use needles but uses thumbs to gently work pressure points around the body. I truely believe in the power of shiatsu it is both amazingly relaxing and very beneficial to health. . . want to know more?



How injuries occur... - Most injuries occur when doing simple everyday tasks.... we all think of sports Injuries happening while in the gym however I think less happen there than going around doing everyday activities. - Yesterday I damaged my quad... nothing major I can still work, so don't worry everyone but enough to find walking a bit painful. ... How did I do it? - Well I was in York yesterday with the family and coming down the steep steps of Clifton castle I shot down, bounced down even, But then just after the steps I missed a slight curb and jolted my body.... 10 mins later while walking I felt a slight rip... 20 mins later my knee started to ache and after been sat for 30 mins for a sneaky pint of cider I could feel my quad tighten and throb quite a bit.... this will probably take between 7-10 days to heal if it's as minor as I think but I'll be doing lots of work to help speed things up.....
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Ok you guys asked I listened so you can now book a 2hr session.... I've also just opened up this coming Saturday for booking, Follow the link to book either 1 hour or 2 hour session. Let me know if there's anything on my booking site you would like me to add


Shiatsu Shanes CBD oil back in stock buy directly from me at your next session or check out my website to buy direct and have shipped directly to you


Love it when I come across things like this, I do my best to help all my clients 😁😁😁👍☯️


NON SHIATSU POST..... but if you want to watch your therapist getting knocked out watch the best bits from our boxing match( me getting knocked down) this is my son's work he edited this one all by himself will make you all laugh feel free to share too


I've started uploading my videos to my YouTube channel don't forget to jump on there and subscribe to my channel 👊🏽🙏😁 easier to search through my videos there 😁


Clear a headache with this pressure point. - ☯️No filters no special effects just me sat looking more and more like Buddha talking about a pressure point to ease headaches. - ☯️More precisely to ease frontal headaches.... LI4 known as Joining valley is a powerful pressure point known as a clearing point, fantastic to shift all that energy stuck in your head and clear the pain. - ☯️Now this point has many benefits but I must warn you not to use during pregnancy... - ☯️To find - 1. Press the line of your thumb to the web of your hand. 2. Allow the thumb to roll. 3. At the point the pad of the thumb makes contact with the skin allow thumb to sink into the skin. 4. Do not press simply sink into the point. 5. Hold for 1 to 2 minutes 6. Repeat on other hand 7. Smile headache gone now go make a cuppa tea 😁 - Like this post? Show it some ❤ and maybe tag a friend 🖐
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A Massive thank you to all those who came on my first ever shiatsu workshop... I was a bit nervous however I felt it went really well and hope you all had a wonderful day and added a few skills to your toolbox.... watch this space for future workshops @ Shiatsu Shane


The day of the event is upon us.... a reminder to those who have booked on to come we start at 10am the address is 28 union st harthill s26 7YH....tea, coffee and biscuits provided but don't forget to bring your lunch.


So the workbooks have been put together... I've also made a certificate of completion for all my students who are attending my first ever shiatsu workshop in the morning. Assisted by Alena from @handsandhearttherapy now I've just got to see if I can squeeze 5 futons into my little mini.


Day before my first ever workshop I've even made some certificates for those who are coming 😁☯️🙏


For those coming on my workshop this Sunday the 5th Aug please bring yourself some dinner... a pack up.. with it been a Sunday I'm.not sure if there are any local cafes open. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided. Also if anyone else would like to attend feel free to get in touch there is still 3 places remaining


What is Shiatsu? - "Shiatsu is like water, it alters it's shape to become the vessel". - ☯️What I mean by this is Shiatsu is an ever changing therapy, depending on the practioner you see, and the training they has recieved. -... ☯️As shiatsu absorbs different theories and techniques from different therapies to create unique shiatsu therapists. - ☯️Shiatsu is uniquely flexible going as deep as sports massage or deeper still as rolfing or as gentle as cranial osteopathy it can be as physical as Thai massage or as energetic as reiki. - ☯️Bang in some theory such as traditional Chinese medicine, yin yang theory, the 5 elements or western theory such as anatomy & physiology or the fascia system and suddenly a simple powerful therapy that translates simply as "finger pressure" becomes very complex. - ☯️I'd even argue we are in a time where many body work practitioners are learning from each other and skills are swapping other the old divides meaning many therapists are shiatsu therapists without even knowing.
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Awesome another booking for the workshop that's 7 of you that's confirmed best get cracking and write up my plan for the day... Heard a couple of you want a certificate for completing 😁😉🤣


Shiatsu workshop Sunday 5th Aug in harthill filling up nicely 6 places confirmed Interested in coming only £45 for a full day of shiatsu


☯️Win a FREE shiatsu session... Ok you guys asked and I listened so here's your chance to win a free shiatsu session with me. - ☯️I've decided to run this on both Instagram and fb so to start with there's 2 chances to win a session. - ☯️To win... Facebook users... -👍 Like and share this post.. - Comment done or 🖐tag a friend. - ☯️Instagram users -❤ double click this post. - 🖐 tag your friends. - ☯️And don't forget to follow me on both Facebook and Instagram. - ☯️For an added bonus for every 100 likes or shares I get I will pick another winner so potentially there could be loads of winners... so what are you waiting for get liking, get sharing, and get tagging, and good luck everyone. - ☯️Comp will run until Aug 1st 2018 at which point winners will be randomly drawn... no cash alternative and winners must use there session within 6mnths of winning.
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Shiatsu Basics - 3 way stretch. - ☯️So in this video as well as showing the 3 way stretch I decided instead of experimenting with the layout I thought I'd try a voice over!!! Let me know what you think personally thinks it's a little cringy. - ☯️Now the 3 way stretch is a fantastic stretch to stretch the glutes and the meridians. ... - ☯️I love to do lots of hip and glute work as many of us are very tight here. It's believed that the hips and glutes are energetic reservoirs and as such it's common for chi to become stuck and stagnant here. - ☯️So the 3 way stretch is a fantastic stretch to begin before moving into rotations to really get the hips moving. - ☯️This technique is one of many we will be looking at on my 1 day shiatsu intro workshop on Sunday 5th Aug.
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Just seen this on Google..... this is fantastic love reviews always good to get on both Google and Facebook 😁


Shiatsu intro day So my first ever workshop 1 day intro into shiatsu, here you will learn the basics of shiatsu. You will learn skills such as How to palm... How to use your thumb How to stretch How to move from your hara This will be a fun filled day of doing basic shiatsu on the floor on a futon. You will learn a simple routine for both prone and supine. You will learn a bit of theory and history of shiatsu but my goal is to make this mostly a practical hands on day. This will be suitable for people with no experience in massage or body work and people with a therapy background who wish to test out if shiatsu is right for them. The workshop will run in the village of harthill in the old school room. Priced at just £45 for the day To book follow my book now link and click shiatsu intro day.
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Within 5 minutes he figured out what was wrong with my back that X-rays and doctors couldn't. After my first session I feel a million times better! Extremely professional and knowledgeable. Would recommend to everyone!


When you have anxiety at levels that can stop you leaving the house, give you feelings of dread and utter disbelief in the strength of your own mind or body, the last thing you want to do is go and strip off in front of someone for a massage.. Imagine then my utter relief when I discovered that Shiatsu is practiced fully clothed and the welcoming, gentle and calm attitude Shane has to put even the most fretful soul at ease. Since going for regular massages, I've noticed my panic attacks are less frequent and easier to control, my sleeping pattern is better and I am able to concentrate and focus more easily. I have also noticed my back pain easing and the exercises and stretches he has given to do between sessions have been extremely helpful on bad back days! Shane is a very skilled practitioner who clearly knows his stuff! now if you could just pressure point a couple of stone off for me that'd be great xx


What a man !!! I've been to a very well known and recommend physiotherapist over 5 times with my lower back pain with very little or no results a friend of mine told me about Shane . Shane in 1 session eased the pain so much been back for my second and I can't believe the difference thanks Shane unbelievable results in such a short time lovely bloke very calming and very knowledgeable with what he does very reasonable prices Highly recommend.


Visited shane this week to use a gift voucher given to me by a friend and I'm hooked! Felt immediately at ease and the tension in my neck and shoulders has been better since. Felt energized too. #MagicHands �


Thanks Shane, I feel so much better all the tension has gone after today's shiatsu massage, will hopefully get back to normal now. Can't recommend Shane and his Shiatsu massage services enough.


Super star Shane, just had my third massage. A genuine nice guy, who is a wealth of knowledge and very professional. I hadn't heard of shiatsu until I met Shane, everyone needs some Shiatsu in their lives it's Amazing! thank you so much I will be booking in again soon x


Shane is quality and the service is spot on. Highly recommend!!


Shane is brilliant at what he does and VERY knowledgeable! With the amount I train it’s something I really couldn’t/shouldn’t do without and I always leave feeling 10x’s better and gives tips on how to improve a variety of problems I create on my body ha!

Very friendly and makes you feel comfortable



Shane is an amazing therapist, his skill at understanding the human body is second to none, in a treatment he will make you instantly feel relaxed and at ease and then the actually treatment will blow you away leaving you feel relaxed for days. Giving you a better sleep yet increased energy


Shane is a 5 star guy!! When I saw him I had recently been in a car accident, my neck and right shoulder was in so much pain, after one treatment I felt so much better, the relief was incredible. Thank you for getting me back on my feet in such a short time.


Polite, friendly, professional and knowledgable, Shane works wonders. Clean, warm and welcoming treatment room which makes for a wonderfully relaxing treatment. Cannot recommend enough.


My first shiatsu massage last night. Normally i have trouble relaxing but I have to say I felt the most relaxed I've ever felt from any type of treatment. My back pain has eased and my bedtime teeth grinding has really improved. Shane was a friendly guy. I can't wait for my next session


I’ve had every type of massage going & found this a little odd by comparison BUT OH MY! the effect is by far the best!!! �


I've have been going to see Shane for the last 6 weeks I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and been suffering from SPD to the point I couldn't walk. I've seen a chiropractor and oestpath prior to seeing Shane on a recommendation by a friend who fail to ease any of my pain, after the first treatment I was mobile enabling me to walk the dog which I hadn't managed to do for a month. I see Shane every week to keep me mobile during my last few weeks. Highly recommend Shane �


I've been going for a few months now monthly and it's helped me more than 2 years at chiropractors. I had cupping for first time last week and feel great.


I'm currently using my wife's Facebook page to say how thrilled and impressed I am at the treatment I am having with Shane. Its the first for a long time that I have been able to walk without pain. I can certainly recommend Shiatsu to anyone, I am sleeping better and feel much better within myself. Thank you Shane. John Gray


I went to see Shane on Thursday not really knowing what to expect. He made me feel very relaxed and welcome. He pinpointed my problem and after one session I have had a pain free run!!! Thanks Shane!! I would certainly highly recommend!!


I wanted to wait until I'd had a few sessions of Shiatsu before I did a review & had my 3rd tonight so here goes :)

I went in so knotted up with pain that I didn't know where the source was anymore, just a giant walking ball of agony! After the first session the pain became more localised & I noticed the amount of prescription painkillers I was taking reduced by half. Second session eased it even more & I actually felt no pain at all for a short time, which was heaven. Shane gave me some simple stretching exercises to do in between sessions & I did notice I got a bit out of habit recently & the sciatica started creeping back so I'll get back to doing them religiously.

Got my next massage booked in the new year. Can't fault him, he knows what he's doing. Yes, it hurts when he locates your problem area/s but no pain, no gain. I just clench my teeth & before I know it, he's moved on to a less painful area & it's a soothing, relaxing massage again!

Bonus: I've been sleeping a lot better since I started going to Shane. I've had insomnia for years so that's an absolute win. Definitely recommend trying him.


I have just had the best massage ever. Over the years, I have several sports massages but this type of massage leaves them trailing behind. Had a good chat about philosophers and martial arts. Booked in for my next session. Great service .


I have just had my first taste of Shiatsu and I feel amazing. My neck and shoulders feel so free and mobile. I felt very at ease with Shane, and he creates a very calm and relaxing environment. I have booked my husband in to have the same great shiatsu experience! Thank you!


I have been visiting Shane since having lower back pain. He has made such a massive difference in my ability to be able to sleep at night. I feel so comfortable with him, it's like seeing an old mate! I would recommend him to everyone.


I have been twice now I’m really impressed xx


I had one of Shane's AMAZING massages last week. He's a lovely guy, really friendly and chatty! Never had a massage before and by the time he'd done my consultation, he'd made me feel very at ease. The massage can be as intense as you like....I opted for fairly gentle. It was very relaxing and I've felt great ever since. I'm Definately going back and can highly recommend!!......just don't forget to pay him, he sometimes forgets to ask!!!


I had my first shiatsu massage last week and it was amazing. Felt really good after it. Booked my self in again for the end of the month. Well recommend.


I had my first cupping session last Monday and I loved it. I still have full movement in my shoulder and the aches and pains are so much better. I’ll definitely be having another session. Thanks Shane, you have amazing skills.


I first started seeing Shane after my partner gifted me a session for Christmas.

I had been suffering with chronic lower back and hip pain, poor posture, general aches and pains, and I was miserable. I'd resigned myself to thinking this was my life for the foreseeable future.

I felt like I needed 'wringing out' and boy is that what he did! There were bits of me that I hadn't realised had hurt until they didn't any more!

I see Shane every 3 weeks now (I'd do it every day if £ and time permitted it) and the sessions are genuinely part of my overall well-being �


I first came across Shane on Instagram, a friend had used him and highly recommended as not only do I get terrible lower back pain from holding uncomfortable positions with my job but forever getting pains in my right shoulder due to a crash. After 4/5 sessions I now have no pain in my shoulder or neck, and my lower back has considerably improved.

Shane is fantastic at what he does as well as 100% professional �


I can't praise Shane highly enough! He is exceptional at what he does and it works, it really does. My back feels a million times better than it was before! Thanks Shane :)


I came to Shane with many health problems, depression and anxiety. I had problems with my lungs, kidneys, shoulders and also had 3 hernia operations in the past and a lot of damage was done in my groin region, which caused problems from my knees up to my stomach, front and back.

I just wanted to die and wanted to give up. I had physical problems from 20 years old. I'm 36 now so you can imagine how hard it's been. I could not sit, lay down, go to the toilet properly and affected me sexually and my posture was a mess.

Since I've been going to Shane I can go toilet properly, I can sit a lot better and laying down is a refreshing feeling, which allows me to sleep properly and my sexual life is back to normal.

I have been going to Shane for around 3 months and will continue to do Shaitsu. It helps with nearly every problems there is.

Shane is very gifted in Shaitsu. To me Shane is a Councellor, healer. Friend and gives hope to people in need.

Thank you Shane for allowing me to move freely again and for giving me hope.


Had my first massage last week and I felt really good after the session! A few days later and I feel even better-Shane was really knowledgeable and explained everything. I'll definitely be booking in again!


Friendly and professional service. I have been really impressed by the results the massage has had on my neck and shoulders in just a couple of sessions. Thoroughly recommend Shane.


Fantastic therapist. After the first session I noticed a difference and felt more myself than I had for a while. I was more free to move and less restricted. I was a little tender when I first woke the next day but was expecting that and must say I missed the uplift Shiatsu gives you in your personal sense of well being. Can't wait for next week's session :-)


Came with neck,lower back pain and tight hamstrings highly recommend I can feel the difference in my movement and flexibility already �


Been for my first shiatsu massage this morning and I cannot recommend it enough! Ive had back pain for years and go to a chiropractor regularly and have been to a physio due to a car accident and muscular damage. After one session of shiatsu I can already feel the improvements and the relaxation in my body. Shane also gave me a diagnosis of my problems and what is causing my pain and how to help ease the pain . Have already booked in for my next session.


Back, Achilles and neck problems- can feel the difference. He does things the NHS can’t do. Highly recommended this.


As I was 4/5 months pregnant when I started visiting Shane.. I wasn't sure how much he could do for my aching hips!! But he is very knowledgeable & thorough about his practice and I started to feel much better after a few visits! I have carried on with shiatsu and subsequently recommended lots of friends & family.


Another happy customer. Even after being recommended by a friend I was quite nervous about going to see Shane. I’d had bad sciatica which had led to me having almost 4 months off work and, despite 2 different physios, while I was well enough to go back to work I was still in pain and constantly tired. I was concerned that the treatments might trigger another episode or that there was nothing that could be done and this was just ‘the way things were going to be’ from now on.

Shane was great at reassuring me - he has a very calming way about him. We had a very long chat in the first session about my recent issues and ones I’d had years before. I’ve had 3 treatments so far and none of them have left me with more than a good muscle ache the day after. Work has become a lot easier and I’m able to do more of the things I used to without fear of the next day. I’ve also reduced the amount of pain killers I take – often going several days on none at all.

It isn’t an instant fix – a lot of my issues stem from years of tightness and general lack of care. But I notice a difference after each session and I have less pain and more energy. One of the things that surprised me was a non-specific pain I had before the sessions – it was only once it had gone I realised it had even been there and how much of my tiredness stemmed from it.

I know it's his job but I can't thank Shane enough for the difference he has made even in a relatively short period of time. I'm looking forward to the new year, both in terms of having more sessions with Shane and life in general.


Amazing! Really didn't know what to expect, after a couple of sessions my injury felt better. I felt extremely relaxed after my sessions and slept really well. Shane is a friendly informative guy and I will be returning!


Absolutely fab!. Went because I was suffering with bad migraines. Been going for a few months and my migraines have all but gone. If and when I do get one its not lasting 4 days like before, few hours and it's gone.


Within 5 minutes he figured out what was wrong with my back that X-rays and doctors couldn't. After my first session I feel a million times better! Extremely professional and knowledgeable. Would recommend to everyone!


When you have anxiety at levels that can stop you leaving the house, give you feelings of dread and utter disbelief in the strength of your own mind or body, the last thing you want to do is go and strip off in front of someone for a massage.. Imagine then my utter relief when I discovered that Shiatsu is practiced fully clothed and the welcoming, gentle and calm attitude Shane has to put even the most fretful soul at ease. Since going for regular massages, I've noticed my panic attacks are less frequent and easier to control, my sleeping pattern is better and I am able to concentrate and focus more easily. I have also noticed my back pain easing and the exercises and stretches he has given to do between sessions have been extremely helpful on bad back days! Shane is a very skilled practitioner who clearly knows his stuff! now if you could just pressure point a couple of stone off for me that'd be great xx


What a man !!! I've been to a very well known and recommend physiotherapist over 5 times with my lower back pain with very little or no results a friend of mine told me about Shane . Shane in 1 session eased the pain so much been back for my second and I can't believe the difference thanks Shane unbelievable results in such a short time lovely bloke very calming and very knowledgeable with what he does very reasonable prices Highly recommend.


Visited shane this week to use a gift voucher given to me by a friend and I'm hooked! Felt immediately at ease and the tension in my neck and shoulders has been better since. Felt energized too. #MagicHands �


Thanks Shane, I feel so much better all the tension has gone after today's shiatsu massage, will hopefully get back to normal now. Can't recommend Shane and his Shiatsu massage services enough.


Super star Shane, just had my third massage. A genuine nice guy, who is a wealth of knowledge and very professional. I hadn't heard of shiatsu until I met Shane, everyone needs some Shiatsu in their lives it's Amazing! thank you so much I will be booking in again soon x


Shane is quality and the service is spot on. Highly recommend!!


Shane is brilliant at what he does and VERY knowledgeable! With the amount I train it’s something I really couldn’t/shouldn’t do without and I always leave feeling 10x’s better and gives tips on how to improve a variety of problems I create on my body ha!

Very friendly and makes you feel comfortable



Shane is an amazing therapist, his skill at understanding the human body is second to none, in a treatment he will make you instantly feel relaxed and at ease and then the actually treatment will blow you away leaving you feel relaxed for days. Giving you a better sleep yet increased energy


Shane is a 5 star guy!! When I saw him I had recently been in a car accident, my neck and right shoulder was in so much pain, after one treatment I felt so much better, the relief was incredible. Thank you for getting me back on my feet in such a short time.


Polite, friendly, professional and knowledgable, Shane works wonders. Clean, warm and welcoming treatment room which makes for a wonderfully relaxing treatment. Cannot recommend enough.


My first shiatsu massage last night. Normally i have trouble relaxing but I have to say I felt the most relaxed I've ever felt from any type of treatment. My back pain has eased and my bedtime teeth grinding has really improved. Shane was a friendly guy. I can't wait for my next session


I’ve had every type of massage going & found this a little odd by comparison BUT OH MY! the effect is by far the best!!! �


I've have been going to see Shane for the last 6 weeks I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and been suffering from SPD to the point I couldn't walk. I've seen a chiropractor and oestpath prior to seeing Shane on a recommendation by a friend who fail to ease any of my pain, after the first treatment I was mobile enabling me to walk the dog which I hadn't managed to do for a month. I see Shane every week to keep me mobile during my last few weeks. Highly recommend Shane �


I've been going for a few months now monthly and it's helped me more than 2 years at chiropractors. I had cupping for first time last week and feel great.


I'm currently using my wife's Facebook page to say how thrilled and impressed I am at the treatment I am having with Shane. Its the first for a long time that I have been able to walk without pain. I can certainly recommend Shiatsu to anyone, I am sleeping better and feel much better within myself. Thank you Shane. John Gray


I went to see Shane on Thursday not really knowing what to expect. He made me feel very relaxed and welcome. He pinpointed my problem and after one session I have had a pain free run!!! Thanks Shane!! I would certainly highly recommend!!


I wanted to wait until I'd had a few sessions of Shiatsu before I did a review & had my 3rd tonight so here goes :)

I went in so knotted up with pain that I didn't know where the source was anymore, just a giant walking ball of agony! After the first session the pain became more localised & I noticed the amount of prescription painkillers I was taking reduced by half. Second session eased it even more & I actually felt no pain at all for a short time, which was heaven. Shane gave me some simple stretching exercises to do in between sessions & I did notice I got a bit out of habit recently & the sciatica started creeping back so I'll get back to doing them religiously.

Got my next massage booked in the new year. Can't fault him, he knows what he's doing. Yes, it hurts when he locates your problem area/s but no pain, no gain. I just clench my teeth & before I know it, he's moved on to a less painful area & it's a soothing, relaxing massage again!

Bonus: I've been sleeping a lot better since I started going to Shane. I've had insomnia for years so that's an absolute win. Definitely recommend trying him.


I have just had the best massage ever. Over the years, I have several sports massages but this type of massage leaves them trailing behind. Had a good chat about philosophers and martial arts. Booked in for my next session. Great service .


I have just had my first taste of Shiatsu and I feel amazing. My neck and shoulders feel so free and mobile. I felt very at ease with Shane, and he creates a very calm and relaxing environment. I have booked my husband in to have the same great shiatsu experience! Thank you!


I have been visiting Shane since having lower back pain. He has made such a massive difference in my ability to be able to sleep at night. I feel so comfortable with him, it's like seeing an old mate! I would recommend him to everyone.


I have been twice now I’m really impressed xx


I had one of Shane's AMAZING massages last week. He's a lovely guy, really friendly and chatty! Never had a massage before and by the time he'd done my consultation, he'd made me feel very at ease. The massage can be as intense as you like....I opted for fairly gentle. It was very relaxing and I've felt great ever since. I'm Definately going back and can highly recommend!!......just don't forget to pay him, he sometimes forgets to ask!!!


I had my first shiatsu massage last week and it was amazing. Felt really good after it. Booked my self in again for the end of the month. Well recommend.


I had my first cupping session last Monday and I loved it. I still have full movement in my shoulder and the aches and pains are so much better. I’ll definitely be having another session. Thanks Shane, you have amazing skills.


I first started seeing Shane after my partner gifted me a session for Christmas.

I had been suffering with chronic lower back and hip pain, poor posture, general aches and pains, and I was miserable. I'd resigned myself to thinking this was my life for the foreseeable future.

I felt like I needed 'wringing out' and boy is that what he did! There were bits of me that I hadn't realised had hurt until they didn't any more!

I see Shane every 3 weeks now (I'd do it every day if £ and time permitted it) and the sessions are genuinely part of my overall well-being �


I first came across Shane on Instagram, a friend had used him and highly recommended as not only do I get terrible lower back pain from holding uncomfortable positions with my job but forever getting pains in my right shoulder due to a crash. After 4/5 sessions I now have no pain in my shoulder or neck, and my lower back has considerably improved.

Shane is fantastic at what he does as well as 100% professional �


I can't praise Shane highly enough! He is exceptional at what he does and it works, it really does. My back feels a million times better than it was before! Thanks Shane :)


I came to Shane with many health problems, depression and anxiety. I had problems with my lungs, kidneys, shoulders and also had 3 hernia operations in the past and a lot of damage was done in my groin region, which caused problems from my knees up to my stomach, front and back.

I just wanted to die and wanted to give up. I had physical problems from 20 years old. I'm 36 now so you can imagine how hard it's been. I could not sit, lay down, go to the toilet properly and affected me sexually and my posture was a mess.

Since I've been going to Shane I can go toilet properly, I can sit a lot better and laying down is a refreshing feeling, which allows me to sleep properly and my sexual life is back to normal.

I have been going to Shane for around 3 months and will continue to do Shaitsu. It helps with nearly every problems there is.

Shane is very gifted in Shaitsu. To me Shane is a Councellor, healer. Friend and gives hope to people in need.

Thank you Shane for allowing me to move freely again and for giving me hope.


Had my first massage last week and I felt really good after the session! A few days later and I feel even better-Shane was really knowledgeable and explained everything. I'll definitely be booking in again!


Friendly and professional service. I have been really impressed by the results the massage has had on my neck and shoulders in just a couple of sessions. Thoroughly recommend Shane.


Fantastic therapist. After the first session I noticed a difference and felt more myself than I had for a while. I was more free to move and less restricted. I was a little tender when I first woke the next day but was expecting that and must say I missed the uplift Shiatsu gives you in your personal sense of well being. Can't wait for next week's session :-)


Came with neck,lower back pain and tight hamstrings highly recommend I can feel the difference in my movement and flexibility already �


Been for my first shiatsu massage this morning and I cannot recommend it enough! Ive had back pain for years and go to a chiropractor regularly and have been to a physio due to a car accident and muscular damage. After one session of shiatsu I can already feel the improvements and the relaxation in my body. Shane also gave me a diagnosis of my problems and what is causing my pain and how to help ease the pain . Have already booked in for my next session.


Back, Achilles and neck problems- can feel the difference. He does things the NHS can’t do. Highly recommended this.


As I was 4/5 months pregnant when I started visiting Shane.. I wasn't sure how much he could do for my aching hips!! But he is very knowledgeable & thorough about his practice and I started to feel much better after a few visits! I have carried on with shiatsu and subsequently recommended lots of friends & family.


Another happy customer. Even after being recommended by a friend I was quite nervous about going to see Shane. I’d had bad sciatica which had led to me having almost 4 months off work and, despite 2 different physios, while I was well enough to go back to work I was still in pain and constantly tired. I was concerned that the treatments might trigger another episode or that there was nothing that could be done and this was just ‘the way things were going to be’ from now on.

Shane was great at reassuring me - he has a very calming way about him. We had a very long chat in the first session about my recent issues and ones I’d had years before. I’ve had 3 treatments so far and none of them have left me with more than a good muscle ache the day after. Work has become a lot easier and I’m able to do more of the things I used to without fear of the next day. I’ve also reduced the amount of pain killers I take – often going several days on none at all.

It isn’t an instant fix – a lot of my issues stem from years of tightness and general lack of care. But I notice a difference after each session and I have less pain and more energy. One of the things that surprised me was a non-specific pain I had before the sessions – it was only once it had gone I realised it had even been there and how much of my tiredness stemmed from it.

I know it's his job but I can't thank Shane enough for the difference he has made even in a relatively short period of time. I'm looking forward to the new year, both in terms of having more sessions with Shane and life in general.


Amazing! Really didn't know what to expect, after a couple of sessions my injury felt better. I felt extremely relaxed after my sessions and slept really well. Shane is a friendly informative guy and I will be returning!


Absolutely fab!. Went because I was suffering with bad migraines. Been going for a few months and my migraines have all but gone. If and when I do get one its not lasting 4 days like before, few hours and it's gone.


Within 5 minutes he figured out what was wrong with my back that X-rays and doctors couldn't. After my first session I feel a million times better! Extremely professional and knowledgeable. Would recommend to everyone!


When you have anxiety at levels that can stop you leaving the house, give you feelings of dread and utter disbelief in the strength of your own mind or body, the last thing you want to do is go and strip off in front of someone for a massage.. Imagine then my utter relief when I discovered that Shiatsu is practiced fully clothed and the welcoming, gentle and calm attitude Shane has to put even the most fretful soul at ease. Since going for regular massages, I've noticed my panic attacks are less frequent and easier to control, my sleeping pattern is better and I am able to concentrate and focus more easily. I have also noticed my back pain easing and the exercises and stretches he has given to do between sessions have been extremely helpful on bad back days! Shane is a very skilled practitioner who clearly knows his stuff! now if you could just pressure point a couple of stone off for me that'd be great xx


What a man !!! I've been to a very well known and recommend physiotherapist over 5 times with my lower back pain with very little or no results a friend of mine told me about Shane . Shane in 1 session eased the pain so much been back for my second and I can't believe the difference thanks Shane unbelievable results in such a short time lovely bloke very calming and very knowledgeable with what he does very reasonable prices Highly recommend.


Visited shane this week to use a gift voucher given to me by a friend and I'm hooked! Felt immediately at ease and the tension in my neck and shoulders has been better since. Felt energized too. #MagicHands �


Thanks Shane, I feel so much better all the tension has gone after today's shiatsu massage, will hopefully get back to normal now. Can't recommend Shane and his Shiatsu massage services enough.


Super star Shane, just had my third massage. A genuine nice guy, who is a wealth of knowledge and very professional. I hadn't heard of shiatsu until I met Shane, everyone needs some Shiatsu in their lives it's Amazing! thank you so much I will be booking in again soon x


Shane is quality and the service is spot on. Highly recommend!!


Shane is brilliant at what he does and VERY knowledgeable! With the amount I train it’s something I really couldn’t/shouldn’t do without and I always leave feeling 10x’s better and gives tips on how to improve a variety of problems I create on my body ha!

Very friendly and makes you feel comfortable



Shane is an amazing therapist, his skill at understanding the human body is second to none, in a treatment he will make you instantly feel relaxed and at ease and then the actually treatment will blow you away leaving you feel relaxed for days. Giving you a better sleep yet increased energy


Shane is a 5 star guy!! When I saw him I had recently been in a car accident, my neck and right shoulder was in so much pain, after one treatment I felt so much better, the relief was incredible. Thank you for getting me back on my feet in such a short time.


Polite, friendly, professional and knowledgable, Shane works wonders. Clean, warm and welcoming treatment room which makes for a wonderfully relaxing treatment. Cannot recommend enough.


My first shiatsu massage last night. Normally i have trouble relaxing but I have to say I felt the most relaxed I've ever felt from any type of treatment. My back pain has eased and my bedtime teeth grinding has really improved. Shane was a friendly guy. I can't wait for my next session


I’ve had every type of massage going & found this a little odd by comparison BUT OH MY! the effect is by far the best!!! �


I've have been going to see Shane for the last 6 weeks I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and been suffering from SPD to the point I couldn't walk. I've seen a chiropractor and oestpath prior to seeing Shane on a recommendation by a friend who fail to ease any of my pain, after the first treatment I was mobile enabling me to walk the dog which I hadn't managed to do for a month. I see Shane every week to keep me mobile during my last few weeks. Highly recommend Shane �


I've been going for a few months now monthly and it's helped me more than 2 years at chiropractors. I had cupping for first time last week and feel great.


I'm currently using my wife's Facebook page to say how thrilled and impressed I am at the treatment I am having with Shane. Its the first for a long time that I have been able to walk without pain. I can certainly recommend Shiatsu to anyone, I am sleeping better and feel much better within myself. Thank you Shane. John Gray


I went to see Shane on Thursday not really knowing what to expect. He made me feel very relaxed and welcome. He pinpointed my problem and after one session I have had a pain free run!!! Thanks Shane!! I would certainly highly recommend!!


I wanted to wait until I'd had a few sessions of Shiatsu before I did a review & had my 3rd tonight so here goes :)

I went in so knotted up with pain that I didn't know where the source was anymore, just a giant walking ball of agony! After the first session the pain became more localised & I noticed the amount of prescription painkillers I was taking reduced by half. Second session eased it even more & I actually felt no pain at all for a short time, which was heaven. Shane gave me some simple stretching exercises to do in between sessions & I did notice I got a bit out of habit recently & the sciatica started creeping back so I'll get back to doing them religiously.

Got my next massage booked in the new year. Can't fault him, he knows what he's doing. Yes, it hurts when he locates your problem area/s but no pain, no gain. I just clench my teeth & before I know it, he's moved on to a less painful area & it's a soothing, relaxing massage again!

Bonus: I've been sleeping a lot better since I started going to Shane. I've had insomnia for years so that's an absolute win. Definitely recommend trying him.


I have just had the best massage ever. Over the years, I have several sports massages but this type of massage leaves them trailing behind. Had a good chat about philosophers and martial arts. Booked in for my next session. Great service .


I have just had my first taste of Shiatsu and I feel amazing. My neck and shoulders feel so free and mobile. I felt very at ease with Shane, and he creates a very calm and relaxing environment. I have booked my husband in to have the same great shiatsu experience! Thank you!


I have been visiting Shane since having lower back pain. He has made such a massive difference in my ability to be able to sleep at night. I feel so comfortable with him, it's like seeing an old mate! I would recommend him to everyone.


I have been twice now I’m really impressed xx


I had one of Shane's AMAZING massages last week. He's a lovely guy, really friendly and chatty! Never had a massage before and by the time he'd done my consultation, he'd made me feel very at ease. The massage can be as intense as you like....I opted for fairly gentle. It was very relaxing and I've felt great ever since. I'm Definately going back and can highly recommend!!......just don't forget to pay him, he sometimes forgets to ask!!!


I had my first shiatsu massage last week and it was amazing. Felt really good after it. Booked my self in again for the end of the month. Well recommend.


I had my first cupping session last Monday and I loved it. I still have full movement in my shoulder and the aches and pains are so much better. I’ll definitely be having another session. Thanks Shane, you have amazing skills.


I first started seeing Shane after my partner gifted me a session for Christmas.

I had been suffering with chronic lower back and hip pain, poor posture, general aches and pains, and I was miserable. I'd resigned myself to thinking this was my life for the foreseeable future.

I felt like I needed 'wringing out' and boy is that what he did! There were bits of me that I hadn't realised had hurt until they didn't any more!

I see Shane every 3 weeks now (I'd do it every day if £ and time permitted it) and the sessions are genuinely part of my overall well-being �


I first came across Shane on Instagram, a friend had used him and highly recommended as not only do I get terrible lower back pain from holding uncomfortable positions with my job but forever getting pains in my right shoulder due to a crash. After 4/5 sessions I now have no pain in my shoulder or neck, and my lower back has considerably improved.

Shane is fantastic at what he does as well as 100% professional �


I can't praise Shane highly enough! He is exceptional at what he does and it works, it really does. My back feels a million times better than it was before! Thanks Shane :)


I came to Shane with many health problems, depression and anxiety. I had problems with my lungs, kidneys, shoulders and also had 3 hernia operations in the past and a lot of damage was done in my groin region, which caused problems from my knees up to my stomach, front and back.

I just wanted to die and wanted to give up. I had physical problems from 20 years old. I'm 36 now so you can imagine how hard it's been. I could not sit, lay down, go to the toilet properly and affected me sexually and my posture was a mess.

Since I've been going to Shane I can go toilet properly, I can sit a lot better and laying down is a refreshing feeling, which allows me to sleep properly and my sexual life is back to normal.

I have been going to Shane for around 3 months and will continue to do Shaitsu. It helps with nearly every problems there is.

Shane is very gifted in Shaitsu. To me Shane is a Councellor, healer. Friend and gives hope to people in need.

Thank you Shane for allowing me to move freely again and for giving me hope.


Had my first massage last week and I felt really good after the session! A few days later and I feel even better-Shane was really knowledgeable and explained everything. I'll definitely be booking in again!


Friendly and professional service. I have been really impressed by the results the massage has had on my neck and shoulders in just a couple of sessions. Thoroughly recommend Shane.


Fantastic therapist. After the first session I noticed a difference and felt more myself than I had for a while. I was more free to move and less restricted. I was a little tender when I first woke the next day but was expecting that and must say I missed the uplift Shiatsu gives you in your personal sense of well being. Can't wait for next week's session :-)


Came with neck,lower back pain and tight hamstrings highly recommend I can feel the difference in my movement and flexibility already �


Been for my first shiatsu massage this morning and I cannot recommend it enough! Ive had back pain for years and go to a chiropractor regularly and have been to a physio due to a car accident and muscular damage. After one session of shiatsu I can already feel the improvements and the relaxation in my body. Shane also gave me a diagnosis of my problems and what is causing my pain and how to help ease the pain . Have already booked in for my next session.


Back, Achilles and neck problems- can feel the difference. He does things the NHS can’t do. Highly recommended this.


As I was 4/5 months pregnant when I started visiting Shane.. I wasn't sure how much he could do for my aching hips!! But he is very knowledgeable & thorough about his practice and I started to feel much better after a few visits! I have carried on with shiatsu and subsequently recommended lots of friends & family.


Another happy customer. Even after being recommended by a friend I was quite nervous about going to see Shane. I’d had bad sciatica which had led to me having almost 4 months off work and, despite 2 different physios, while I was well enough to go back to work I was still in pain and constantly tired. I was concerned that the treatments might trigger another episode or that there was nothing that could be done and this was just ‘the way things were going to be’ from now on.

Shane was great at reassuring me - he has a very calming way about him. We had a very long chat in the first session about my recent issues and ones I’d had years before. I’ve had 3 treatments so far and none of them have left me with more than a good muscle ache the day after. Work has become a lot easier and I’m able to do more of the things I used to without fear of the next day. I’ve also reduced the amount of pain killers I take – often going several days on none at all.

It isn’t an instant fix – a lot of my issues stem from years of tightness and general lack of care. But I notice a difference after each session and I have less pain and more energy. One of the things that surprised me was a non-specific pain I had before the sessions – it was only once it had gone I realised it had even been there and how much of my tiredness stemmed from it.

I know it's his job but I can't thank Shane enough for the difference he has made even in a relatively short period of time. I'm looking forward to the new year, both in terms of having more sessions with Shane and life in general.


Amazing! Really didn't know what to expect, after a couple of sessions my injury felt better. I felt extremely relaxed after my sessions and slept really well. Shane is a friendly informative guy and I will be returning!


Absolutely fab!. Went because I was suffering with bad migraines. Been going for a few months and my migraines have all but gone. If and when I do get one its not lasting 4 days like before, few hours and it's gone.


Within 5 minutes he figured out what was wrong with my back that X-rays and doctors couldn't. After my first session I feel a million times better! Extremely professional and knowledgeable. Would recommend to everyone!


When you have anxiety at levels that can stop you leaving the house, give you feelings of dread and utter disbelief in the strength of your own mind or body, the last thing you want to do is go and strip off in front of someone for a massage.. Imagine then my utter relief when I discovered that Shiatsu is practiced fully clothed and the welcoming, gentle and calm attitude Shane has to put even the most fretful soul at ease. Since going for regular massages, I've noticed my panic attacks are less frequent and easier to control, my sleeping pattern is better and I am able to concentrate and focus more easily. I have also noticed my back pain easing and the exercises and stretches he has given to do between sessions have been extremely helpful on bad back days! Shane is a very skilled practitioner who clearly knows his stuff! now if you could just pressure point a couple of stone off for me that'd be great xx


What a man !!! I've been to a very well known and recommend physiotherapist over 5 times with my lower back pain with very little or no results a friend of mine told me about Shane . Shane in 1 session eased the pain so much been back for my second and I can't believe the difference thanks Shane unbelievable results in such a short time lovely bloke very calming and very knowledgeable with what he does very reasonable prices Highly recommend.


Visited shane this week to use a gift voucher given to me by a friend and I'm hooked! Felt immediately at ease and the tension in my neck and shoulders has been better since. Felt energized too. #MagicHands �


Thanks Shane, I feel so much better all the tension has gone after today's shiatsu massage, will hopefully get back to normal now. Can't recommend Shane and his Shiatsu massage services enough.


Super star Shane, just had my third massage. A genuine nice guy, who is a wealth of knowledge and very professional. I hadn't heard of shiatsu until I met Shane, everyone needs some Shiatsu in their lives it's Amazing! thank you so much I will be booking in again soon x


Shane is quality and the service is spot on. Highly recommend!!


Shane is brilliant at what he does and VERY knowledgeable! With the amount I train it’s something I really couldn’t/shouldn’t do without and I always leave feeling 10x’s better and gives tips on how to improve a variety of problems I create on my body ha!

Very friendly and makes you feel comfortable



Shane is an amazing therapist, his skill at understanding the human body is second to none, in a treatment he will make you instantly feel relaxed and at ease and then the actually treatment will blow you away leaving you feel relaxed for days. Giving you a better sleep yet increased energy


Shane is a 5 star guy!! When I saw him I had recently been in a car accident, my neck and right shoulder was in so much pain, after one treatment I felt so much better, the relief was incredible. Thank you for getting me back on my feet in such a short time.


Polite, friendly, professional and knowledgable, Shane works wonders. Clean, warm and welcoming treatment room which makes for a wonderfully relaxing treatment. Cannot recommend enough.


My first shiatsu massage last night. Normally i have trouble relaxing but I have to say I felt the most relaxed I've ever felt from any type of treatment. My back pain has eased and my bedtime teeth grinding has really improved. Shane was a friendly guy. I can't wait for my next session


I’ve had every type of massage going & found this a little odd by comparison BUT OH MY! the effect is by far the best!!! �


I've have been going to see Shane for the last 6 weeks I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and been suffering from SPD to the point I couldn't walk. I've seen a chiropractor and oestpath prior to seeing Shane on a recommendation by a friend who fail to ease any of my pain, after the first treatment I was mobile enabling me to walk the dog which I hadn't managed to do for a month. I see Shane every week to keep me mobile during my last few weeks. Highly recommend Shane �


I've been going for a few months now monthly and it's helped me more than 2 years at chiropractors. I had cupping for first time last week and feel great.


I'm currently using my wife's Facebook page to say how thrilled and impressed I am at the treatment I am having with Shane. Its the first for a long time that I have been able to walk without pain. I can certainly recommend Shiatsu to anyone, I am sleeping better and feel much better within myself. Thank you Shane. John Gray


I went to see Shane on Thursday not really knowing what to expect. He made me feel very relaxed and welcome. He pinpointed my problem and after one session I have had a pain free run!!! Thanks Shane!! I would certainly highly recommend!!


I wanted to wait until I'd had a few sessions of Shiatsu before I did a review & had my 3rd tonight so here goes :)

I went in so knotted up with pain that I didn't know where the source was anymore, just a giant walking ball of agony! After the first session the pain became more localised & I noticed the amount of prescription painkillers I was taking reduced by half. Second session eased it even more & I actually felt no pain at all for a short time, which was heaven. Shane gave me some simple stretching exercises to do in between sessions & I did notice I got a bit out of habit recently & the sciatica started creeping back so I'll get back to doing them religiously.

Got my next massage booked in the new year. Can't fault him, he knows what he's doing. Yes, it hurts when he locates your problem area/s but no pain, no gain. I just clench my teeth & before I know it, he's moved on to a less painful area & it's a soothing, relaxing massage again!

Bonus: I've been sleeping a lot better since I started going to Shane. I've had insomnia for years so that's an absolute win. Definitely recommend trying him.


I have just had the best massage ever. Over the years, I have several sports massages but this type of massage leaves them trailing behind. Had a good chat about philosophers and martial arts. Booked in for my next session. Great service .


I have just had my first taste of Shiatsu and I feel amazing. My neck and shoulders feel so free and mobile. I felt very at ease with Shane, and he creates a very calm and relaxing environment. I have booked my husband in to have the same great shiatsu experience! Thank you!


I have been visiting Shane since having lower back pain. He has made such a massive difference in my ability to be able to sleep at night. I feel so comfortable with him, it's like seeing an old mate! I would recommend him to everyone.


I have been twice now I’m really impressed xx


I had one of Shane's AMAZING massages last week. He's a lovely guy, really friendly and chatty! Never had a massage before and by the time he'd done my consultation, he'd made me feel very at ease. The massage can be as intense as you like....I opted for fairly gentle. It was very relaxing and I've felt great ever since. I'm Definately going back and can highly recommend!!......just don't forget to pay him, he sometimes forgets to ask!!!


I had my first shiatsu massage last week and it was amazing. Felt really good after it. Booked my self in again for the end of the month. Well recommend.


I had my first cupping session last Monday and I loved it. I still have full movement in my shoulder and the aches and pains are so much better. I’ll definitely be having another session. Thanks Shane, you have amazing skills.


I first started seeing Shane after my partner gifted me a session for Christmas.

I had been suffering with chronic lower back and hip pain, poor posture, general aches and pains, and I was miserable. I'd resigned myself to thinking this was my life for the foreseeable future.

I felt like I needed 'wringing out' and boy is that what he did! There were bits of me that I hadn't realised had hurt until they didn't any more!

I see Shane every 3 weeks now (I'd do it every day if £ and time permitted it) and the sessions are genuinely part of my overall well-being �


I first came across Shane on Instagram, a friend had used him and highly recommended as not only do I get terrible lower back pain from holding uncomfortable positions with my job but forever getting pains in my right shoulder due to a crash. After 4/5 sessions I now have no pain in my shoulder or neck, and my lower back has considerably improved.

Shane is fantastic at what he does as well as 100% professional �


I can't praise Shane highly enough! He is exceptional at what he does and it works, it really does. My back feels a million times better than it was before! Thanks Shane :)


I came to Shane with many health problems, depression and anxiety. I had problems with my lungs, kidneys, shoulders and also had 3 hernia operations in the past and a lot of damage was done in my groin region, which caused problems from my knees up to my stomach, front and back.

I just wanted to die and wanted to give up. I had physical problems from 20 years old. I'm 36 now so you can imagine how hard it's been. I could not sit, lay down, go to the toilet properly and affected me sexually and my posture was a mess.

Since I've been going to Shane I can go toilet properly, I can sit a lot better and laying down is a refreshing feeling, which allows me to sleep properly and my sexual life is back to normal.

I have been going to Shane for around 3 months and will continue to do Shaitsu. It helps with nearly every problems there is.

Shane is very gifted in Shaitsu. To me Shane is a Councellor, healer. Friend and gives hope to people in need.

Thank you Shane for allowing me to move freely again and for giving me hope.


Had my first massage last week and I felt really good after the session! A few days later and I feel even better-Shane was really knowledgeable and explained everything. I'll definitely be booking in again!


Friendly and professional service. I have been really impressed by the results the massage has had on my neck and shoulders in just a couple of sessions. Thoroughly recommend Shane.


Fantastic therapist. After the first session I noticed a difference and felt more myself than I had for a while. I was more free to move and less restricted. I was a little tender when I first woke the next day but was expecting that and must say I missed the uplift Shiatsu gives you in your personal sense of well being. Can't wait for next week's session :-)


Came with neck,lower back pain and tight hamstrings highly recommend I can feel the difference in my movement and flexibility already �


Been for my first shiatsu massage this morning and I cannot recommend it enough! Ive had back pain for years and go to a chiropractor regularly and have been to a physio due to a car accident and muscular damage. After one session of shiatsu I can already feel the improvements and the relaxation in my body. Shane also gave me a diagnosis of my problems and what is causing my pain and how to help ease the pain . Have already booked in for my next session.


Back, Achilles and neck problems- can feel the difference. He does things the NHS can’t do. Highly recommended this.


As I was 4/5 months pregnant when I started visiting Shane.. I wasn't sure how much he could do for my aching hips!! But he is very knowledgeable & thorough about his practice and I started to feel much better after a few visits! I have carried on with shiatsu and subsequently recommended lots of friends & family.


Another happy customer. Even after being recommended by a friend I was quite nervous about going to see Shane. I’d had bad sciatica which had led to me having almost 4 months off work and, despite 2 different physios, while I was well enough to go back to work I was still in pain and constantly tired. I was concerned that the treatments might trigger another episode or that there was nothing that could be done and this was just ‘the way things were going to be’ from now on.

Shane was great at reassuring me - he has a very calming way about him. We had a very long chat in the first session about my recent issues and ones I’d had years before. I’ve had 3 treatments so far and none of them have left me with more than a good muscle ache the day after. Work has become a lot easier and I’m able to do more of the things I used to without fear of the next day. I’ve also reduced the amount of pain killers I take – often going several days on none at all.

It isn’t an instant fix – a lot of my issues stem from years of tightness and general lack of care. But I notice a difference after each session and I have less pain and more energy. One of the things that surprised me was a non-specific pain I had before the sessions – it was only once it had gone I realised it had even been there and how much of my tiredness stemmed from it.

I know it's his job but I can't thank Shane enough for the difference he has made even in a relatively short period of time. I'm looking forward to the new year, both in terms of having more sessions with Shane and life in general.


Amazing! Really didn't know what to expect, after a couple of sessions my injury felt better. I felt extremely relaxed after my sessions and slept really well. Shane is a friendly informative guy and I will be returning!


Absolutely fab!. Went because I was suffering with bad migraines. Been going for a few months and my migraines have all but gone. If and when I do get one its not lasting 4 days like before, few hours and it's gone.


Within 5 minutes he figured out what was wrong with my back that X-rays and doctors couldn't. After my first session I feel a million times better! Extremely professional and knowledgeable. Would recommend to everyone!


When you have anxiety at levels that can stop you leaving the house, give you feelings of dread and utter disbelief in the strength of your own mind or body, the last thing you want to do is go and strip off in front of someone for a massage.. Imagine then my utter relief when I discovered that Shiatsu is practiced fully clothed and the welcoming, gentle and calm attitude Shane has to put even the most fretful soul at ease. Since going for regular massages, I've noticed my panic attacks are less frequent and easier to control, my sleeping pattern is better and I am able to concentrate and focus more easily. I have also noticed my back pain easing and the exercises and stretches he has given to do between sessions have been extremely helpful on bad back days! Shane is a very skilled practitioner who clearly knows his stuff! now if you could just pressure point a couple of stone off for me that'd be great xx


What a man !!! I've been to a very well known and recommend physiotherapist over 5 times with my lower back pain with very little or no results a friend of mine told me about Shane . Shane in 1 session eased the pain so much been back for my second and I can't believe the difference thanks Shane unbelievable results in such a short time lovely bloke very calming and very knowledgeable with what he does very reasonable prices Highly recommend.


Visited shane this week to use a gift voucher given to me by a friend and I'm hooked! Felt immediately at ease and the tension in my neck and shoulders has been better since. Felt energized too. #MagicHands �


Thanks Shane, I feel so much better all the tension has gone after today's shiatsu massage, will hopefully get back to normal now. Can't recommend Shane and his Shiatsu massage services enough.


Super star Shane, just had my third massage. A genuine nice guy, who is a wealth of knowledge and very professional. I hadn't heard of shiatsu until I met Shane, everyone needs some Shiatsu in their lives it's Amazing! thank you so much I will be booking in again soon x


Shane is quality and the service is spot on. Highly recommend!!


Shane is brilliant at what he does and VERY knowledgeable! With the amount I train it’s something I really couldn’t/shouldn’t do without and I always leave feeling 10x’s better and gives tips on how to improve a variety of problems I create on my body ha!

Very friendly and makes you feel comfortable



Shane is an amazing therapist, his skill at understanding the human body is second to none, in a treatment he will make you instantly feel relaxed and at ease and then the actually treatment will blow you away leaving you feel relaxed for days. Giving you a better sleep yet increased energy


Shane is a 5 star guy!! When I saw him I had recently been in a car accident, my neck and right shoulder was in so much pain, after one treatment I felt so much better, the relief was incredible. Thank you for getting me back on my feet in such a short time.


Polite, friendly, professional and knowledgable, Shane works wonders. Clean, warm and welcoming treatment room which makes for a wonderfully relaxing treatment. Cannot recommend enough.


My first shiatsu massage last night. Normally i have trouble relaxing but I have to say I felt the most relaxed I've ever felt from any type of treatment. My back pain has eased and my bedtime teeth grinding has really improved. Shane was a friendly guy. I can't wait for my next session


I’ve had every type of massage going & found this a little odd by comparison BUT OH MY! the effect is by far the best!!! �


I've have been going to see Shane for the last 6 weeks I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and been suffering from SPD to the point I couldn't walk. I've seen a chiropractor and oestpath prior to seeing Shane on a recommendation by a friend who fail to ease any of my pain, after the first treatment I was mobile enabling me to walk the dog which I hadn't managed to do for a month. I see Shane every week to keep me mobile during my last few weeks. Highly recommend Shane �


I've been going for a few months now monthly and it's helped me more than 2 years at chiropractors. I had cupping for first time last week and feel great.


I'm currently using my wife's Facebook page to say how thrilled and impressed I am at the treatment I am having with Shane. Its the first for a long time that I have been able to walk without pain. I can certainly recommend Shiatsu to anyone, I am sleeping better and feel much better within myself. Thank you Shane. John Gray


I went to see Shane on Thursday not really knowing what to expect. He made me feel very relaxed and welcome. He pinpointed my problem and after one session I have had a pain free run!!! Thanks Shane!! I would certainly highly recommend!!


I wanted to wait until I'd had a few sessions of Shiatsu before I did a review & had my 3rd tonight so here goes :)

I went in so knotted up with pain that I didn't know where the source was anymore, just a giant walking ball of agony! After the first session the pain became more localised & I noticed the amount of prescription painkillers I was taking reduced by half. Second session eased it even more & I actually felt no pain at all for a short time, which was heaven. Shane gave me some simple stretching exercises to do in between sessions & I did notice I got a bit out of habit recently & the sciatica started creeping back so I'll get back to doing them religiously.

Got my next massage booked in the new year. Can't fault him, he knows what he's doing. Yes, it hurts when he locates your problem area/s but no pain, no gain. I just clench my teeth & before I know it, he's moved on to a less painful area & it's a soothing, relaxing massage again!

Bonus: I've been sleeping a lot better since I started going to Shane. I've had insomnia for years so that's an absolute win. Definitely recommend trying him.


I have just had the best massage ever. Over the years, I have several sports massages but this type of massage leaves them trailing behind. Had a good chat about philosophers and martial arts. Booked in for my next session. Great service .


I have just had my first taste of Shiatsu and I feel amazing. My neck and shoulders feel so free and mobile. I felt very at ease with Shane, and he creates a very calm and relaxing environment. I have booked my husband in to have the same great shiatsu experience! Thank you!


I have been visiting Shane since having lower back pain. He has made such a massive difference in my ability to be able to sleep at night. I feel so comfortable with him, it's like seeing an old mate! I would recommend him to everyone.


I have been twice now I’m really impressed xx


I had one of Shane's AMAZING massages last week. He's a lovely guy, really friendly and chatty! Never had a massage before and by the time he'd done my consultation, he'd made me feel very at ease. The massage can be as intense as you like....I opted for fairly gentle. It was very relaxing and I've felt great ever since. I'm Definately going back and can highly recommend!!......just don't forget to pay him, he sometimes forgets to ask!!!


I had my first shiatsu massage last week and it was amazing. Felt really good after it. Booked my self in again for the end of the month. Well recommend.


I had my first cupping session last Monday and I loved it. I still have full movement in my shoulder and the aches and pains are so much better. I’ll definitely be having another session. Thanks Shane, you have amazing skills.


I first started seeing Shane after my partner gifted me a session for Christmas.

I had been suffering with chronic lower back and hip pain, poor posture, general aches and pains, and I was miserable. I'd resigned myself to thinking this was my life for the foreseeable future.

I felt like I needed 'wringing out' and boy is that what he did! There were bits of me that I hadn't realised had hurt until they didn't any more!

I see Shane every 3 weeks now (I'd do it every day if £ and time permitted it) and the sessions are genuinely part of my overall well-being �


I first came across Shane on Instagram, a friend had used him and highly recommended as not only do I get terrible lower back pain from holding uncomfortable positions with my job but forever getting pains in my right shoulder due to a crash. After 4/5 sessions I now have no pain in my shoulder or neck, and my lower back has considerably improved.

Shane is fantastic at what he does as well as 100% professional �


I can't praise Shane highly enough! He is exceptional at what he does and it works, it really does. My back feels a million times better than it was before! Thanks Shane :)


I came to Shane with many health problems, depression and anxiety. I had problems with my lungs, kidneys, shoulders and also had 3 hernia operations in the past and a lot of damage was done in my groin region, which caused problems from my knees up to my stomach, front and back.

I just wanted to die and wanted to give up. I had physical problems from 20 years old. I'm 36 now so you can imagine how hard it's been. I could not sit, lay down, go to the toilet properly and affected me sexually and my posture was a mess.

Since I've been going to Shane I can go toilet properly, I can sit a lot better and laying down is a refreshing feeling, which allows me to sleep properly and my sexual life is back to normal.

I have been going to Shane for around 3 months and will continue to do Shaitsu. It helps with nearly every problems there is.

Shane is very gifted in Shaitsu. To me Shane is a Councellor, healer. Friend and gives hope to people in need.

Thank you Shane for allowing me to move freely again and for giving me hope.


Had my first massage last week and I felt really good after the session! A few days later and I feel even better-Shane was really knowledgeable and explained everything. I'll definitely be booking in again!


Friendly and professional service. I have been really impressed by the results the massage has had on my neck and shoulders in just a couple of sessions. Thoroughly recommend Shane.


Fantastic therapist. After the first session I noticed a difference and felt more myself than I had for a while. I was more free to move and less restricted. I was a little tender when I first woke the next day but was expecting that and must say I missed the uplift Shiatsu gives you in your personal sense of well being. Can't wait for next week's session :-)


Came with neck,lower back pain and tight hamstrings highly recommend I can feel the difference in my movement and flexibility already �


Been for my first shiatsu massage this morning and I cannot recommend it enough! Ive had back pain for years and go to a chiropractor regularly and have been to a physio due to a car accident and muscular damage. After one session of shiatsu I can already feel the improvements and the relaxation in my body. Shane also gave me a diagnosis of my problems and what is causing my pain and how to help ease the pain . Have already booked in for my next session.


Back, Achilles and neck problems- can feel the difference. He does things the NHS can’t do. Highly recommended this.


As I was 4/5 months pregnant when I started visiting Shane.. I wasn't sure how much he could do for my aching hips!! But he is very knowledgeable & thorough about his practice and I started to feel much better after a few visits! I have carried on with shiatsu and subsequently recommended lots of friends & family.


Another happy customer. Even after being recommended by a friend I was quite nervous about going to see Shane. I’d had bad sciatica which had led to me having almost 4 months off work and, despite 2 different physios, while I was well enough to go back to work I was still in pain and constantly tired. I was concerned that the treatments might trigger another episode or that there was nothing that could be done and this was just ‘the way things were going to be’ from now on.

Shane was great at reassuring me - he has a very calming way about him. We had a very long chat in the first session about my recent issues and ones I’d had years before. I’ve had 3 treatments so far and none of them have left me with more than a good muscle ache the day after. Work has become a lot easier and I’m able to do more of the things I used to without fear of the next day. I’ve also reduced the amount of pain killers I take – often going several days on none at all.

It isn’t an instant fix – a lot of my issues stem from years of tightness and general lack of care. But I notice a difference after each session and I have less pain and more energy. One of the things that surprised me was a non-specific pain I had before the sessions – it was only once it had gone I realised it had even been there and how much of my tiredness stemmed from it.

I know it's his job but I can't thank Shane enough for the difference he has made even in a relatively short period of time. I'm looking forward to the new year, both in terms of having more sessions with Shane and life in general.


Amazing! Really didn't know what to expect, after a couple of sessions my injury felt better. I felt extremely relaxed after my sessions and slept really well. Shane is a friendly informative guy and I will be returning!


Absolutely fab!. Went because I was suffering with bad migraines. Been going for a few months and my migraines have all but gone. If and when I do get one its not lasting 4 days like before, few hours and it's gone.

More about Shiatsu Shane

Shiatsu Shane is located at 17 Barleycroft Lane, S25 2LE Dinnington, South Yorkshire
Monday: 09:00 - 14:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 14:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 14:30
Friday: 09:00 - 14:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -