Square Circle Arts

About Square Circle Arts

Drama and storytelling to the education and voluntary sectors

Square Circle Arts Description

Square Circle Arts (SCA) is a Sheffield-based, not-for-profit participatory arts company which offers bespoke services using multi-disciplinary arts approaches - particularly drama and storytelling. We have over fifteen years' experience of using these art forms as educational and community engagement tools with people of all ages in a wide range of settings. Here at Square Circle Arts we believe that the social, cognitive, physical and emotional benefits of the arts can be far-reaching and profound.

Mains: tream schools
Special schools
Early years
Further Education
Pupils referral units
Inclusion Support Services

Voluntary secto: r
Youth and community groups
Children, young people and adults with learning difficulties, from moderate and severe to profound and multiple, to those with speech and language difficulties and Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Children, young people and adults with mental health problems or emotional and behavioural difficulties
Youth and adult offenders
Young people and adults with a history of substance and alcohol misuse
Young people in care
Refugees and asylum seekers, BME and EAL
Any other at-risk group who live with negative thought patterns or discrimination



See email below from a very telented theatre facilitator I know, and please pass on to anyone you know who might be interested...
Over the past year, I have been working with Sophie Hunter on a new venture called Growtheatre (www.growtheatre.org.uk)
... Growtheatre is a theatre company with a difference: we develop theatre inspired by our environment and landscape, bringing about a greater sense of community and belonging.
Our work has two strands:
• Creating bespoke education projects in school settings (FS to KS4) and
• Running weekly youth theatres for children aged 9+ (Years 5, 6, 7).
Having worked in schools during the last academic year and run a very successful Theatre In The Woods course this summer we are now ready to launch our Youth Theatre - this September.
Starts: Thursday 19 September - 6.00 to 8.00
Location: Woodland Discovery Centre, Ecclesall Woods, Abbey Lane
The Youth Theatre, and other projects, provide a space for children and young people to develop the skills they are going to need to thrive in an ever-changing world. Our focus is to create theatre inspired by local, outdoor spaces (be it an urban landscape, ancient woodland, city park or rural countryside).
Taking an outdoor space as a starting point, we explore the context in which it has developed as well as the new stories it has to share. People shape places and this interaction is a rich starting point to create exciting theatre. This means that young people who make theatre with us create work based on the past, the present, the future or the never before imagined! By doing this, we hope that young people grow to understand the integral part we all play on our environment.
If you know of any 9 - 12 year olds who might be interested in trying out our Youth Theatre, please pass on the attached flyer (also below). And, if you would like me to drop off some paper flyers, I would be very happy to do so - just let me know!
All the best,
Rachel Newman
www.growtheatre.org.uk / 077 45 46 53 91
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https://www.facebook.com/events/149074138 610395/


Brilliant. http://www.upworthy.com/next-time-someone -tells-you-that-im…


Hi all. Bag Books, the charity which I work for, delivering multi-sensory stories to learning disabled children and adults, has been shortlisted to benefit from a £2,000 donation from Direct Debit. All you have to do is vote for us at the following link - https://www.directdebit.co.uk/…/100Good Caus…/Pages/Vote.aspx.
... It only takes a few seconds. Please post on your Facebook pages if appropriate and feel free to forward to friends and family to ask them to vote for us too.
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http://www.guardian.co.uk/…/michael-gov e-rigour-knowledge-c…


http://www.ted.com/…/ken_robinson_says_ schools_kill_creativ…


http://theoxfordculturereview.com/…/cha llenge-vaizey-an-in…/ The best one-page defence of #artsfunding and the need for art in education I've read so far


Flabbergasting news! http://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/…/exc lusive-stark-facts-a…


Our vision To empower and give a voice to individuals, to build and strengthen communities.
Our mission To use the transformative power of the performing arts to engage, challenge and give children and adults the confidence to be actors in their own spiritual, social, cultural and educational development.


You may or may not be aware that a report is going before Sheffield City Council Cabinet next Wednesday that proposes a radical change to how Early years services are run in Sheffield. It will affect every children's centre (including maintained and community nurseries who up to now are the childcare providers for the children's centres). The report is proposing for the council to no-longer provide any childcare other than to children eligible for the current 3 & 4yr old Free...
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Michael Gove suggests the arts applaud his efforts…
Yesterday in parliament Michael Gove suggested that the arts community applaud the work he has done, but - as you and more than 26,000 other petition signatories know - this is not the case with the English Baccalaureate.
The Department for Education is currently running a consultation on their EBacc proposals where members of the public, teachers and organizations can voice their opinion.
... We realise it is short notice, but it would be invaluable if you are able to contribute to this.
You can use the resources on the Bacc For the Future website. Don’t worry if what you send is very short, but please do try to personalise it as much as possible.
In your response please call on the Government to include creative subjects as a sixth pillar within the EBacc.
If the creative subjects are not included in the EBacc, a broad and balanced education for our children will be put at risk. Pathways from school to the creative industries will be undermined. Considering the creative sector is one of the few success stories in our current economy, we simply cannot afford to put our creative industries at risk. The creative sector contributes at least £16 billion a year and 2 million jobs to the UK economy.
The consultation closes on Monday 10 December 2012, so you will need to respond by then if you can.
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http://annabsexton.wordpress.com/…/crea te-a-noise-say-no-…/…


The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) threatens the very future of creative subjects - like Music, Art, Design & Technology, Drama and Dance.
By missing them off its list of core areas children must study, the Government is undermining their place at the heart of learning. Without them, our children will be denied the balanced education they need to grow and thrive. Without them, the skills that drive our creative economy will be lost. To sign the petition go to http://www.baccforthefuture.com/index.htm l…


http://news.bbc.co.uk/to…/…/today/new sid_9769000/9769751.stm


Lis'n tell: Live, inclusive storytelling for children with speech and language difficulties and autism. Louise is offering training in the use of storytelling as a tool for communication. You don't have to be an SLT. Info on her website
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/…/g_G_x…/s16 00/March+13+flyer+2.jpg


Please check out our new updated website www.squarecirclearts.co.uk and let us know what you think...


Now offering drama and storytelling workshops in schools (mainstream and special) community groups and voluntary orgs. Please see website for more details: www.squarecirclearts.co.uk


Social skills ~ communication ~ self-expression ~ confidence ~ self-esteem ~ motor-skills ~ topic understanding ~ problem-solving ~ decision-making ~ team-work ~ leadership skills

More about Square Circle Arts

07930 251793