Thrive Clinic & Studio



This pleases the geek in me greatly!


This is a great piece of self care for any of us that spend too much time concentrating on screens and such.
Let me know how you get on.


Morning! This is today’s morning warm up for my mentoring page, but I thought it may be useful for us here too...what with most of us having arms and all.


This was a gift from a client earlier this week and I freaking love it!
Why a Wham bar?
Well, it represents the sensation of a fascial stretch. The feeling you get when my hands start to soften in and the tissue releases is very much similar to the strrrrrreeetch you get when trying to snap a warm Wham bar.
... My mentor uses the imagery of ‘pulling taffy’, but since we don’t have taffy in the UK (or do we??) it’s hard to imagine. However, almost everyone knows what it feels like to wrestle their teeth through a Wham bar on a hot day!!
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Ooooh show your summer feet a bit of love. Here are three (or is it four) simple tips ... and to add a fifth, don’t forget to get your shoes off and spend some time with your feet on the earth...marvellous for grounding


However you do it...move!


I love teaching Myofascial release self care! Having fun with today’s group.
More dates coming up soon


** just 1 slot left for the morning Upper Body workshop and 2 slots left for the Lower body afternoon workshop**
Hello! This weekend, Saturday the 5th of May, I am teaching two workshops and it would be brilliant if you could join me.
The morning session will focus on your upper body glitches. We’ll be talking about neck pain, jaw tightness, shoulder issues and how all of these tie into your fascia and muscles. Using foam rollers, therapy balls and simple things like tennis b...alls, you will learn super easy ways to release the niggles and maintain your wellness.
In the afternoon, our focus will be on the Lower body. We’ll explore stretches and techniques that will help you combat knee pain, tight legs, grumpy feet and other glitches that stop you from being your active best.
In these two workshops you will learn fascinating things about your body and come away with super easy, super actionable techniques and tools that will keep you feeling awesome.
Interested? Get in contact for further details now
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This makes a lot of sense.


And if you haven’t had the pleasure of watching Strolling Under the Skin here is a clip.
The commentary is by Ronelle Wood, author of Touching Light, an excellent book about Myofascial release that I highly recommend.
In the subtitles she is explaining how the fascia responds to restriction and also how it responds to the gentle pressure we use in JFB style Myofascia work.
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So yesterday, I posted about Interstitium, the new organ discovered by scientists.
As I was falling off to sleep, I had a sudden thought “but surely, this is the same extracellular matrix that Gimberteau was talking about in Strolling Under the Skin” a film that I have referenced many times before.
My plan for this evening was to write a blog post about Interstitium and do some research about what it was I remembered seeing in Strolling..., but in my procrastination (as you I found myself on Facebook.
Lo and behold! The brilliant Carol M Davis had already beaten me to it!
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This is so cool, for most of the history of human biology, everything we learnt about the anatomy of the body was via cadaver studies - ie cutting up dried up dead people.
It’s taken modern technological advancements for us to be able to explore the human body in it’s full, glorious, hydrated form. The difference?
Well, how’s about a new organ for a start!
... As a Myofascial therapist this makes me so excited, fascia after all is affected by dehydration, it makes the layers of tissue stick down and create glitches rather than smooth movement. There is also a growing body of evidence that the liquid nature of our cells provides an important messaging system.
Interstitium: New organ discovered in human body after it was previously missed by scientists - The Independent agQL6wR6cUQw…/researchers -accidentally-disco…/
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Wonderful calming space and Carrie is a very wise and intuitive therapist, highly recommended!


Wonderful calming space and Carrie is a very wise and intuitive therapist, highly recommended!

More about Thrive Clinic & Studio

Thrive Clinic & Studio is located at Cowlishaw Works, 339 Sharrow Vale Road, S11 Sheffield