True Colours Behavioural Services



Helping people with learning disability / autism to access medical services and hopefully change reduce their reduced life expectancy


We’re looking forward to Raising Autism group tonight. We will be exploring the stress model of crisis, and how this can be used to help promote positive behaviour. Hope you can join us :-)


Looking forward to attending ZigZags evening support group. :-)


As Summer approaches there is lots more opportunities for children to play outside. Does your child need support to learn the necessary skills to join in. We can help teach children how to play the games their peers are playing. As well as teaching social skills.


True Colours uses ABA to promote individuals quality of life and functional skills. ABA is based on behavioural theory, in which people are seen to act for a reason, rather than behaviour being completely random with no effect on others and events around them


Everyday we get to work with amazing kids, empowered by inspirational parents who keep going and going. Through every challenge Autism brings, and every challenge being a SEN parent brings. Sometimes tired from the challenges, taking a moment before continuing to do everything they can to help their child.


We hope everyone has been enjoying this warmer weather, or found appropriate ways to stay cool if it was too hot for you. Children removing their clothes inappropriately can increase during warmer weather. Its important to teach alternative ways of keeping cool / tolerating clothes, so as adolescents / adults they can still access the community when the weather is nice


This month's Raising Autism will be starting a series of talks exploring positive behaviour support and how parents can apply this to their own children. We will be starting with exploring the stress model of crisis, which looks at how behaviour changes as a child finds something difficult, and how we can adjust our expectations to achieve improvements in behaviour


This months Raising Autism event will be on the 17th May, 7:30-9:30 at Woodhouse Community Centre, Leeds. We will be exploring what leads to children becoming agitated and how we can promote positive behaviour using the stress model of crisis.


The poor quality of health services for people with learning disability is something that has been talked about for years. It’s heartbreaking to see how many people are still dying due to failings.


Starting in June, True Colours will be running a communication group for preschool children with autism. Each child will attend with a parent (or other adult family member) and work alongside professionals (BCBAs) to further develop your child’s communication skills. There will also be a one day training course for parents on communication skills. To book a place please message true colours or email

More about True Colours Behavioural Services

+44 7714 783012