Whirlow Spirituality Centre At The Chapel Of The Holy Spirit

About Whirlow Spirituality Centre At The Chapel Of The Holy Spirit

Whirlow Spirituality Centre - A Sanctuary for the Spirit! www. whirlowspiritualitycentre.org

Whirlow Spirituality Centre At The Chapel Of The Holy Spirit Description

Whirlow Spirituality Centre is a place to be still, find rest and meet with God in a busy and often confusing world.

All are welcome here to explore the resources, events and space offered by the Christian tradition. Whirlow aims to honour your story, spiritual identity and journey.



The snowdrops looked particularly becoming this morning when Joy arrived for the ASA course.


A great evening with Lucy Phillips and Jonny Ingall celebrating Imperfect Love made perfect by God's unconditional love.


The chapel is looking lovely and the musicians' rehearsal sounds divine : ) Not too late to decide to come along......!! https://www.whirlowspiritualitycentre.org /…/valentines-even…


Celebrate EVERYONE on Valentine's evening at Whirlow - gorgeous music, refreshments, fun, self-care and of course a soupçon of quiet reflection : )


Days of Retreat are specifically designed and facilitated to offer maximum quiet and solitude in the special setting of Whirlow Spirituality Centre.
They are facilitated by a recognised spiritual accompanier and restricted to 10 participants.
We will keep the space and time as quiet and empty as possible, honouring your quiet.


Revered by countless Christians, yet ignored by others, Mary’s story offers inspiration for our own response to God’s call as well as a rich treasury of reflections for prayer and Christian living.
This quiet day on the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary will provide prompts and reflections from scripture and art, as well as space and time to be quiet, reflect and pray.
Led by Baptist minister and Whirlow director, Rev Dr Chris Ellis.


During four Wednesday in Lent and on four nights in Holy Week, the Chapel of the Holy Spirit will be available for anyone seeking quiet.
You are invited to pause for an hour, sitting with the momentous, moving stories of the season. On April 18th (Maundy Thursday) the hour will include communion.
The reflections are 7pm -8pm. There is no need to book. Donations are welcome.


During Lent (March 5 to April 20) Whirlow will host an exhibition of ten paintings by local artist Ric Stott (iaskforwonder.com). The works explore the idea of threshold space.
A launch on March 5th will feature poet Ian Adams (about.me/ianadams) who joins Ric to read arresting pieces that accompany the paintings. Both artists will invite participants to absorb and be transformed by the words and visuals.
And an evening of contemplation on March 31st with Ric will focus on t...he exhibition as a signpost to something deeper.
Visitors who would like to view the work at other, specific times can contact Whirlow to arrange.
See More


Worship of a contemplative nature is valued by many people of faith. And it is gaining popularity.
Whirlow Chaplain Joy Adams will lead this evening session for anyone seeking to gain confidence leading in this way - or to understand what it is and what its value might be.
If you are keen to lead in your own church or within another group, to encourage others to do so or simply to find out more, you would be most welcome.


Many are drawn to silent prayer, meditation, centering prayer, contemplation......
Lone practise can be enlightening and raise challenging questions such as:
Am I doing this right?
... Nothing is happening, why bother?
How can I stop my thoughts?
This group at Whirlow Spirituality Centre explores such questions and provides opportunity to practise and share our journeys. It is open to all levels of experience; all faiths and none.
No need to book - all welcome! Donations on the night are appreciated. Prayer starts after refreshments, at 8pm.
See More


An opportunity to share your story with others who have been bruised, perplexed or discouraged by their experience of the discernment process for ordination.
This informal gathering is specifically intended for people who have tried to travel or traveled on the path to formal ministry within a Christian denomination. And who are still wrestling with the consequences of this not working in the way they hoped.
We will encounter, listen to and enjoy breakfast with one another. Follow-up sessions may be organised if there is interest.


Joy, our chaplain, is holding a Quiet Place on the All Saints church away weekend in Buxton. All Saints Ecclesall partnners with Whirlow Grange Ltd, together they enable Whirlow Spirituality Centre at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit to function.


This weekend!! Places still available


Music (and more!) for everyone at Valentine's.... 😍 🎵 - https://mailchi.mp/…/music-and-more-for -everyone-at-valenti…


Valentine's Evening of Music and Poetry - 14 Feb https://www.whirlowspiritualitycentre.org /…/valentines-even…


NOTE TO ALL OUR LIBRARY USERS Further to yesterday's post about Precious working with us in the Library and in order to make the best use of his time we need ALL BOOKS returned by the FIRST WEEK IN FEBRUARY to input them onto an online database.
Is this possible??? I hope so, it will certainly help Precious get the job done in the time he has with us, and leave us with a wonderful system for everyone to use.


Meet Precious Udensi, our post-graduate intern who is with us for a few months to help organise our library.
Our records show 50% of books borrowed in 2017 have not been returned!!!! and about 25% of books from 2018.
PLEASE look on your shelves and return any overdue books so others can have the benefit of them. Thank you


Not long now until our first ever education retreat day! Please invite anyone you think would benefit - it's going to be fab : )


This diocesan event will take place at Whirlow in March!
There is a nice connection with our evening on Leading Contemplative Worship, February 26. (see whirlowspiritualitycentre.org/whats-on)

More about Whirlow Spirituality Centre At The Chapel Of The Holy Spirit

Whirlow Spirituality Centre At The Chapel Of The Holy Spirit is located at Whirlow Spirituality Centre, Whirlow Grange Close, S11 9SY Sheffield