104 Regiment Royal Artillery

About 104 Regiment Royal Artillery

104 Regiment Royal Artillery are recruiting Reservists for paid, spare-time roles in Abertillery, Bristol, Cardiff, Newport, Plymouth & Worcester.



Are you up to much this weekend? As an Army Reservist, you could have the option to swap your weekend for a live firing artillery exercise.
Get paid whilst you receive the training, support and experiences you need to operate the Guns!


It’s #InternationalWomensDay today, but as always, we are proud of the women that serve with us and make us a better, stronger and more diverse Army.




Congratulations to our Master Chef on receiving his Warrant!


Ex Dragon Spindrift is under way in North West Scotland. We've 18x soldiers from the Regiment up here for a week of mountaineering.


Blessed with great weather, our study day has been quite the success with not only a series of talks and presentations, but also some notable moments and promotions!
Firstly congratulations to all those receiving promotions and also congratulations to now Captain M Yates RA as he handed over to WO1 (RSM) Burnett.


Our St. David’s Day study day is now well underway and it is a beautiful day in Wales for it.
The day will see all ranks of the Regiment come together for promotions, presentations on what is next for our Regiment, forthcoming events and ending in a St. David’s Day function later on.
Dewi Sant!


After a hugely success Exercise, 104 Regiment RA have arrived back in the UK leaving Austria with a great reputation.
Unfortunately, due to bad luck on the slopes, injuries prevented 104 Regiment RA being able to have a full team, but were still very close to catching 103 Regiment RA with just WO2 Nick Rodgers and Lance Bombardier Emillie Forrest-Jones taking part.
A massive congratulations go to 103 Regiment RA, who Lieutenant Will Walker won all 3 events, to take home the R...eserve trophy.
Lance Bombardier Forrest-Jones came 3rd in the PGS race which is a fantastic achievement, whilst also getting 5th place in both Boardercross and slopestyle, her points ensures she came best placed female.
WO2 Rodgers came 5th place on all 3 events in the intermediate category, which was an improvement on finishing 7th in seeding and performed well amongst some very seasoned boarders.
The whole Exercise was an outstanding effort, which couldn’t have happened without the continued support from all our sponsors; our local RFCA’s, RACPD, ASL, GVA, SWRAOA, Army in Wales and the Officers’ / Sergeants’ Mess.
The platform is firmly set for future success and 104 Regiment will look forward to competing again in 2020.
See More


Following today’s Royal Gun Salute, we will be saying goodbye and best wishes to WO1 (RSM) Yates for his last Gun Salute as he moves on to 26 Regiment RA to take over as Battery Captain for 176 (Abu Klea) Battery RA on commission.
We wish you all the best and look forward to welcoming the new RSM during the handover on 25 February.

More about 104 Regiment Royal Artillery
