Monday: 12:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 15:00
Friday: 12:00 - 15:00
Saturday: 18:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 18:00 - 21:00

About 1884

Restaurant in Bangor, Gwynedd serving good food and fine wine on the banks of the Menai Straits.





Eleni byddem yn ymdrechu i godi arian tuag at elusen Macmillan drwy werthu teisennau yn ein siop goffi ar Dydd Gwener 28ain Medi.Os gallech bobi, mae croeso i chi ddod a theisen i’w gwerthu!
Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld yma.
This year we will be fundraising for Macmillan with the annual Coffee Morning on Friday 28th September.If you can bake a cake, please do bring one with you to sell!
... We look forward to welcoming you.
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We have now launched our 2018 Christmas menu! Take a look, and don't forget to book early to avoid disappointment! Book by calling our Events Team on 01248 365912 or email events@themanagementcentre.co.uk https://tinyurl.com/ycdqv95j
Rydym nawr wedi lansio ein Bwydlen Nadolig am 2018! Cymerwch olwg a chofiwch archebu bwrdd yn fuan i beidio cael siom! Archebwch trwy ffonio ein Tîm Digwyddiadau ar 01248 365912 neu e-bostiwch events@themanagementcentre.co.uk... https://tinyurl.com/ycdqv95j
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Mae ein Prif Gogydd yn eich croesawu i roi cynnig ar ein bwydlen newydd! I gadw bwrdd, ffoniwch y dderbynfa ar 01248 365 900.
Our Head Chef welcomes you to try our new seasonal menu! To book a table, call the reception on 01248 365 900


Dyma olwg o'n bwydlen Gwanwyn newydd sy'n lansio'r WYTHNOS HON! Os hoffech chi archebu bwrdd yn ein Bwyty 1884 ffoniwch 01248 365900
Here’s a look of our new Spring menu launching THIS WEEK! If you would like to book a table in our Restaurant 1884 please call 01248 365900.


Dewch i mewn o'r glaw a chynhesu gyda phowlen o'n 'Pryd y Dydd'!
Come in from the rain and warm yourself up with a lovely bowl of our homemade 'Dish of the Day'!


Archebwch eich parti Nadolig yn ein lleoliad unigryw! Cliciwch i weld ein bwydlen yn cychwyn o £16 y.p.
Book your Christmas party in our unique venue! Click here to see our Festive menu from £16 p.p.


Fyswch chi byth yn gwybod fod hwn yn hufen ia iach! Galwch i mewn i drio twb cyn iddo werthu allan...
You would never be able to tell that this ice cream is healthy! Call in to try some before it sells out...
#heatwave #healthyicecream #guiltfree
... http://www.oppoicecream.co.uk/
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Mae hi'n ddigon poeth yn barod am latte oer bore ma! Galwch i mewn i'r siop goffi i gael gafael ar un eich hun!
It's already hot enough for an iced latte this morning! Call in to our coffee shop for yours!


Rydym wedi lansio ein bwydlenni newydd yr wythnos yma, ac maent yn cael ymateb positif iawn! Dewch acw i drio'r cinio neu swper i gael profi eich hunain...
We have launched our new menus this week and the feedback so far has been positive! Why don't you join us for lunch or dinner to try it for yourself?


Chwilio am rywle i gynnal, eich cinio busnes nesaf?
Gall ein tîm arlwyo mewnol ddarparu bwyd i’ch digwyddiadau nesaf:
• Cyfarfod Brecwast ... • Cyfarfod ‘Brunch’ • Cinio Busnes • Swper Corfforaethol • Digwyddiad Rhwydweithio • Cynhadledd
Mae gennym ystod eang o fwffes ar gael yn cychwyn o £6.50 y person, neu gallwch greu bwydlen eich hun. Cysylltwch gyda digwyddiadau@themanagementcentre.co. uk neu ffoniwch 01248 365912 am ragor o wybodaeth. I gael gweld ein pecyn Pecyn Cynadleddau a Digwyddiadau, cliciwch ar y linc isod.
https://www.bangor.ac.uk/…/PecynCynadle ddauaDigwyddiadau_00…
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Looking for somewhere to hold your next business lunch?
Our in-house catering team can cater your next:
• Breakfast Meeting... • Business Brunch • Business Lunch • Corporate Dinner • Networking Event • Conference
We have a selection of buffet options to choose from starting at £6.50 per delegate, or build your own menu. Contact events@themanagementcentre.co.uk or call 01248 365912 for further information. To see our conference pack, please click on the link below.
https://www.bangor.ac.uk/…/…/document s/2016Englishupdate.pdf
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Adolygiad gwerth chweil ar ein tudalen Trip Advisor!
An excellent review on our Trip Advisor page!
https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/ShowUserRev iews-g186430-d3163…#

More about 1884

1884 is located at The Management Centre, LL57 2DG Bangor, Gwynedd
Monday: 12:00 - 15:00
Tuesday: 12:00 - 15:00
Wednesday: 12:00 - 15:00
Thursday: 12:00 - 15:00
Friday: 12:00 - 15:00
Saturday: 18:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 18:00 - 21:00