2416 Newtown Squadron - Royal Air Force Air Cadets

Monday: 19:00 - 21:30
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 19:00 - 21:30
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About 2416 Newtown Squadron - Royal Air Force Air Cadets

2416 Squadron is the local Air Cadet organisation (ATC) in Newtown Powys. We meet twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 19: 00 - 21: 30.

2416 Newtown Squadron - Royal Air Force Air Cadets Description

New recruits are always welcome just come in to speak to a staff member on a
Monday or Wednesday.

Any controversial /obscene comments or posts will be removed and we ask you to respect this page.



INVITATION. Please consider giving a small amount of your time to helping the Squadron's Civilian Committee. We really need new members to support our fundraising and other activities. Many people are unaware that only a tiny amount of what we do is paid for by 'public' funds—the rest we have to raise ourselves. Tonight we have a 'CivCom' meeting between 7–9pm and you'd be most welcome to come and see how a small amount of support, even a couple of hours a month, can go a very long way! There is no obligation to join—but every opportunity to help!


Inter Squadron Cross Country Team 2018


14 cadets attended the Annual Inter Squadron Cross County competition and gained 5 medals and 2 trophies and 2nd place in the Wing. They met up with old friends and made new friends from all over North and Mid Wales. Just another activity in the Royal Air Force Air Cadets calendar.


From community service to taking to the skies... Today was ‘a day in the life’ of a Newtown Air Cadet. Come and see everything else we do this Monday at 7.30pm!


This next Monday (29 Oct) we will be welcoming two new recruits to the squadron. If you'd like to join or want to find out more, please come along for 7.30pm to the Combined Cadet Centre in Park Lane, SY16 1EN. Ask a parent or guardian to come with you.


As we near Remembrance Sunday and in this 100th year of the RAF...


This next Monday (29 Oct) we will be welcoming two new recruits to the squadron. If you'd like to join or want to find out more, please come along for 7.30pm to the Combined Cadet Centre in Park Lane, SY16 1EN. Ask a parent or guardian to come with you.


Appeal for help and support for one of Newtown's growing Youth Organisations.
Dear families, friends, supporters, members of the Town Council, Rotary Club, Police, RAFA, RBL, ex-RAF/Armed Forces personnel, ex-cadets, and colleagues of 2416 Squadron!
Attached is information about the Civilian Committee — if you are interested, we would love to hear from you. Newtown 2416 squadron really does need you!! Our next meeting for existing and new members is Monday 8th Oct at 7pm. The meeting will last approximately two hours.


So very proud that 2 of our cadets have been selected to the Wing Teams for Rugby, Football and Netball. Sport plays an important part of the cadet experience with opportunities to compete in these sports as well as swimming, athletics and cross county, with events being held all year.


Thanks to the Reserve Forces Cadet Association #rfca #aircadets for their coverage of our latest good news story!
It’s testament to the valuable training that the RAF Air Cadets deliver to our young men and women.
http://www.wales-rfca.org/…/newtown-cad ets-receive-honours…/


Last night two Cadets from 2416 Squadron were each presented with an AOC Commandant's Commendation certificate for their outstanding and life-saving first aid actions in a recent incident. A third cadet is due a certficate for his separate action—involving two air ambulances—at which he also administered life-saving first aid.
Of their type, these awards are the highest recognition a cadet can achieve and are a shining example of how young people on this Squadron and in this ...local community deserve our fullest praise and recognition.
As OC I am humbled by their actions and trust they will continue to set such high standards for other cadets to emulate in the future.
Our thanks are due to the Mayor of Newtown, Sue Newham for presenting the Awards and to Sqn Ldr Gareth Llewellyn of RAF Air Command who represented our Chain of Command.
An outstanding achievement and extremely well done.
See More


This Wednesday 18th July is a Squadron Open Evening for new cadets and adult helpers to come and see what we get up to! Why not join us? If you aged 12 (and in Year 8) or in your 20s, 30s, 40s or 50s we'd love to see you!


Many thanks to Tesco customers who donated to our Bagpack today! We raised over £500 for our minibus fund!


So what's it like for cadets to fly with the Royal Air Force? As well as Air Experience powered flying, cadets can go gliding in powered or winch-launched gliders and on RAF Camps like this one at RAF Boulmer on the Northumberland coast. Such a pity that the RAF Search & Rescue (big yellow helicopters) are no more!


A massive "Thank You!" to Tesco customers so far for voting for us with the blue tokens in the Newtown store. And a further "Diolch Yn Fawr!" in anticipation of your support for our bag pack in the store tomorrow. Please do come and chat to us!!

More about 2416 Newtown Squadron - Royal Air Force Air Cadets

01686 622096
Monday: 19:00 - 21:30
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 19:00 - 21:30
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -