Aberystwyth University Ehangu Cyfranogiad - Widening Participation

About Aberystwyth University Ehangu Cyfranogiad - Widening Participation

Mae gan Brifysgol Aberystwyth draddodiad o ymrwymiad i ehangu mynediad - Aberystwyth University has a long standing commitment to widening access.

Aberystwyth University Ehangu Cyfranogiad - Widening Participation Description

(English below) Hoffwch ein tudalen i dderbyn y newyddion diweddara , ar gyrsiau, digwyddiadau, gweithdai a chefnogi sydd gennym i'w gynnig.


Like our page to get the latest news on courses, events, workshops and support which we have to offer.



Prifysgol Haf 2018 Summer University .. one week left, bring on the celebrations (once the work is finished), awards, grad ball, graduation with friends, family & supporters :-)


Prifysgol Haf 2018 Summer Uni - half way ... how does the time fly... lessons, sport, activities, cinema, dance and more ..


Jodie Clarke, one of our Summer University grads, has graduated today with a degree in Film and Television Studies, with a very exciting internship lined up already! Llongyfarchiadau!! #AberGrad https://twitter.com/AberUniCWPSI/status/1 019586139852824576


Evie, one of our brilliant Student Leaders, took a break from Summer Uni yesterday for her graduation. Congratulations Evie! Proud to have you working with us! 🎊😁 #AberGrad #GraddioAber #LoveAber https://twitter.com/AberUniCWPSI/status/1 019553059595345920


Office animals .... please.....


The CWPSI van should be there ... with those old favourites - The Smelling Game, badge making and character-themed key rings ... come and join our three Aber students in the Parc..


Looks like it's going to be a good day for it! 😎🌞


Go, see, Friday :-D


Yay! Jarrod Thomas from Aberystwyth Summer University 2017 ... star!


WE are proud to have nominated Penparcau Community Forum for this award ... changing the world step by step; great recent litter pick with loads of local volunteers and Aberystwyth University students .. with Debra Croft


Great FREE event! Should be packed.


Prifysgol Haf Aberystwyth Summer University 2018 - the closing date was 4th May - 2019 applications open December 2018. Contact us at wpsi@aber.ac.uk if you want more information


Come and join us this summer!
We're still accepting Summer University applications until Friday May 4th! (English below) --... Dewch i ymuno â ni'r haf yma!
Rydym yn dal yn derbyn ceisiadau am y Brifysgol Haf tan ddydd Gwener Mai 4ydd! Mae'n agored i fyfyrwyr blwyddyn 12 a'r Coleg Blwyddyn 1af (yn astudio ar Lefel 3).
Mae’r rhaglen yn rhad ac am ddim (gan gynnwys costau hyfforddiant, llety, bwyd, rhaglen gorfforol a chymdeithasol, trafnidiaeth - mae yna hefyd lwfans astudio). Hefyd, bydd unrhyw ddisgybl sy’n derbyn taliadau LCA yn gymwys i barhau derbyn eu taliadau yn ystod cyfnod y cwrs. Os ydych yn ansicr o'ch gyrfa ddyfodol, ddim yn siŵr a allech astudio ar lefel prifysgol, ddim yn siŵr a fyddech eisiau dymuno, neu'n ansicr a fyddwch yn cael y graddau, gallai'r rhaglen hon fod i chi!
Darganfyddwch fwy, a geisiwch ar ein gwefan! https://www.aber.ac.uk/…/wideni…/scho olscolleges/summer-uni/
Mae fideo gwybodaeth Prifysgol Haf ar gael nawr ar ein gwefan! Ewch i https://www.aber.ac.uk/…/widen…/schoo lscolleges/summer-uni/… am ragor o wybodaeth.
-- Come and join us this summer!
We're still accepting Summer University applications until Friday May 4th! Open to Year 12 & 1st Year College students (studying at Level 3).
All aspects of the programme are free (tuition, accommodation, food, sports & social programme, transport – plus there is a study allowance), and students in receipt of EMA payments are eligible to continue receiving them over the duration of the course. If you're unsure of your future career path, not sure if you could study at University level or not sure if you'd want to, unsure if you'll get the grades, this programme could be for you!
Find out more, and apply on our website! https://www.aber.ac.uk/…/wideni…/scho olscolleges/summer-uni/
Aberystwyth Summer University information video is now available on our website! Visit https://www.aber.ac.uk/…/widen…/schoo lscolleges/summer-uni/… for more information.
See more


There's still time to apply for Prifysgol Haf Aberystwyth Summer University! Dyddiad cau: 4ydd Mai! Closing date: 4th May! http://www.aber.ac.uk/wpsi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeOSJZNg_ Wc


Applications are open until May 4th for students resident in Wales - find out more information on our website: http://www.aber.ac.uk/wpsi https://youtu.be/qeOSJZNg_Wc

More about Aberystwyth University Ehangu Cyfranogiad - Widening Participation

Aberystwyth University Ehangu Cyfranogiad - Widening Participation is located at Cwrt Mawr Hwb, Penglais, SY23 3AN Aberystwyth
01970 621890