Acpgb - Associacao Da Cultura Portuguesa Na Gra-Bretanha

About Acpgb - Associacao Da Cultura Portuguesa Na Gra-Bretanha

The association has evolved from the conviction that exposure to Portuguese Culture can offer multiple benefits to both the British people & the Portuguese

Acpgb - Associacao Da Cultura Portuguesa Na Gra-Bretanha Description

This association has evolved from the conviction that exposure to Portuguese culture can offer multiple benefits to both the British people and the Portuguese people who have now established new lives in Britain, where the second generation that are born in Britain are to some degree at risk of losing their connection to their colourful cultural origins.
The association aims to educate, encourage and promote the exposure of all facets of Portuguese culture in Great Britain in any way it is able to.
This page is an open space; where all can express their desires and expectations from the association and share their cultural interests and knowledge.
Please feel free to offer your support and services
Commercial advertising is also welcome



Bom trabalho. Bons momentos. Good work. Good time.


Hoje fomos visitados por um grupo de alunos de JM RET - training solitions for schools and businesses. Mostraram interesse e aprenderam um pouco da nossa cultura.
Today we had the visit of a group of students of JM RET - training solutions for schools and businesses. They have shown a lot of interest and learned a bit of our culture.


Desejamos a todos os membros da ACPGB em especial e a todos em geral um excelente 2020! We wish specially all ACPGB membres and to all in general a great 2020!


Passagem de ano!!! Jantar de fim de ano £20. Festa com entrada livre. DJ Tiago F.
... New Year's Eve !!! Dinner (last of the year) £20. Party with free entry. DJ Tiago F.
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Desejamos a todos os nossos membros em especial e a todos em geral um Bom Natal. Que as bencaos de Deus vos atinjam e realizem os vossos desejos.
We wish specially to all our members and to all in general a very Merry Christmas. May the blessings of God reach you and turn your dreams into true.

More about Acpgb - Associacao Da Cultura Portuguesa Na Gra-Bretanha

Acpgb - Associacao Da Cultura Portuguesa Na Gra-Bretanha is located at 11 Regent Street ( Un Deg Un ), LL11 1SG Wrexham