
About Aee

AEE & Immediate Action-serious adventure with a difference delivered by former members of the British Special Forces.


Aee Description

AEE is an exciting organisation dedicated to providing a new wave of ultra tough physical challenges and events that are set to take the UK and European race scene by storm. With a unique philosophy and unrivalled levels of creativity and experience, we aim to go beyond the perceived levels of the norm and provide events that are truly authentic, life changing and guaranteed to bring about an overwhelming sense of pride, accomplishment and raised levels of self awareness and self belief to all who participate.

The foundations of AEE are built around a remarkable set of individuals who have got together to form an incredible team. We are not a fixed organisation of ex Special Forces soldiers, above all else we are all world travellers with a passion for sports, nature and the outdoor life. A mix of yoga gurus, mountaineers, Belgian classic 'hard men' cyclists, expedition leaders, alpine cycle guides, writers, chefs, artists and backpackers extraordinaire all contribute to form who we are and what we represent.



After action report to follow.


This weekend we will stage a simulation of a genuine SAS & SBS Selection Test Week march in event format. Watch this space for video broadcasts and images of the action. Meet the hopeful candidates and share their pain, uncertainty and excitement as they face up to the mountains and the elements. How many and who will reach the FRV?
Our best and gold standard events. No comparison. One of the world's great pilgrimages staged in SAS Selection heartland in the mountains of
Watch this space...
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One we've been looking forward to announcing. This December AEE will stage a Christmas Edition Fan Dance Training Day, led by our DS team. This will be a physical conditioning and route familiarisation exercise with a few surprise but enjoyable evolutions chucked in. The exercise will finish at the Storey Arms Outdoor Centre-which is our Fan Dance Mountain Base Camp-where a complimentary Christmas Dinner and drinks will be served with festive cheer.
Our last edition was a success and certainly proved effective in eradicating some of the fears held by those attempting their first Fan Dance in the January.
For 2018 there will also be an additional long range endurance exercise; a DS guided night walk, taking on demanding route segments of other legendary SAS Selection test marches, as well as valuable Fan Dance route familiarisation.
Some of our loyal sponsors have chucked in some great prizes which will be raffled off to everyone who takes part.
It has been quiet at our end, but a hell of a lot of activity going on behind the scenes.
See you on the hills
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All the best to those attempting the Paras 10 at Catterick tomorrow. Paras 10 is the first and original military challenge and always has been the one that set the standard for all others to follow. All our Para Reg DS did their P Coy up at Catterick so many proud and fond memories in the Land of Nod. Fantastic that this event is still going and that the funds raised go to the Support Our Paras & ABF Soldier's Charities. Here's your inspiration from another time and another Some great footage here of the old P Company Fan Dance which should be in the heart's desire of any Paras 10 finisher
Utrinque Paratus p8&t=1780s
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Ribblehead Viaduct Map Reading & Navigation Trg Day Weather was coming in horizontally, just as we like it Thanks for your suppport


A handful of places left on the TWM -training day- The Q Course. Among the best courses of its kind. The Doc bringing presents this time and will be introducing a new element to his lectures. 169361/


A pleasure to push this out for ex Royal Hampshire & SAS, Big Phil Campion; founder and inspiration behind the Remembrance Rumble boxing matches. So far the previous two shows have achieved over 1 million views and raised over £90,000 for proven and credible military charities. Hope to see some familiar faces there in support AEE e-rumble-3-tickets…


Ribblehead Viaduct a Green On for this Sunday Standby for JI Still places


A selection of images taken from our last Q Course. Ltd places remain for 22nd September, an unrivalled learning experience and the chance to qualify for the Test March Series. cesEvents/photos/?tab=album&album_id =1281003565337715


A fastball in support of the Q Course and general learning/training
One of our most senior and experienced DS have announced a hasty 'northerners' beginners to basic map reading & navigation training day this Sunday at Ribblehead Viaduct. Small group size accepted £50 flat rate to FD veterans and the uninitiated alike.... for JI
Learn new skills and ideal physical conditioning for the Winter Fan Dance. Suitable for all fitness levels
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Instruction provided by AEE former SAS staff
Exercise is for beginners of all fitness levels. Pace is dictated by navigational speed not physical effort.
Timing: 08:00 - 16:30 approx
... RV location: To be cleared via private email
Kit: Day pack , boots , waterproof jacket , warm jacket, compass, map case, mapsheet # to be confirmed-DS can supply map sheets, hat , 2 water bottles , flask or brew kit and cooker , packed lunch or rations, personal med/first ai kit.
Met: Wait Out
Further Details:
The day will start with refreshing the basic's before going onto more advanced techniques around a tour of the Yorkshire Dales. techniques alongside a proven formula will equip all attendees with the knowledge required to successfully complete test week marches or to operate independently and with confidence in the outdoors. The DS running the exercise will supplement instruction with field craft advice. If you're training for the Winter Fan Dance, Selection Series or Test Week marches then use this day by carrying your full kit and gain valuable training experience. Remember if you really want it you have to 'train every day.'
Look forward to meeting you all and having a great day.
The DS
Fee:£50 for Fan Dancers £55 non Fan Dancers
To register email Subject line: NAV TRG NORTH
*Name *Age *Cell# *AEE Fan Dance time and edition/fitness level *Navigational ability *Military experience if any *Notes/Observations
Further Joining Instructions and payment guidance to be issued upon registration
Any questions should be directed to
The Northern DS/ Station Master is one of our most experienced instructors with notable tours of duty on SAS Selection Training Wing-responsible for training candidates. The area lends itself to developing navigation skills and techniques in physically demanding terrain.
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Another beautiful day in the South Downs carrying out navigation and hill fitness training. The day started with a rapid progression through the basic fundamentals of navigating principles from pacing , bearings, aiming off and attack points. Assimilating these skills quickly the group moved into pairs exercises enabling the sharing of knowledge and perspective. Working in this way the group navigated their way onto the route selection exercise where they enjoyed several ste...ep descents and ascents proving how vitally important good route selection is! A quick brew and lunch in the trees followed by a discussion on future challenges , training tips and kit. The afternoon reinforced aspects of confirmation bias and intuitive navigation. By the end of the day the group moved smoothly through a series of rv’s whilst continually practicing the BDTFB mantra . A really enjoyable day with an enthusiastic and positive group in perfect conditions . Look forward to reinforcing these skills on the hills under the testing conditions of a test week march. Knowledge dispels fear. Nick Further dates to be announced
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TWM & Q COURSE RV Procedure & Protocol email info pack dispatched. The 22 Sept Q Course still has places but the Sunday 23rd Sept Map Reading & Navigation Training Day in the Brecon Beacons is now fully booked. If there is further interest an additional DS will be tasked for a second group.


The P Coy Dance-Paul Hutchings Memorial edition will take place on Remembrance Sunday-11th November This event will support a memorial for our dear friend Hutch to be placed the Brecon Beacon mountains, a place he loved and called home, on the slopes of which he forged is career as a Paratrooper on Exercise Steel Bayonet-and the legendary P Coy Fan Dance. Registration will open on Monday 3rd Sept dance/


Map reading & navigation training document dispatched to all attending the 22nd Sept Q Course
Joining Instructions dispatched for 1st Sept South Downs map reading & navigation trg day
Check your inboxes and est comms if you haven't received any content


Two more places left. Essential skills for any lover of outdoor pursuits. DS has spare map sheets and compass 7286935/?ti=cl


Get the beers in if you happen to cross paths. Utrinque Paratus…/homeless- former-paratrooper-c…


The man in the picture is the DS for this training day. Former SAS patrol lead scout, master navigation instructor, brilliant dits and life advice. A true philosopher and go to man for all beginners. Places left to share the pleasure of his company. Ideal starting places before venturing to the high beacons 7286935/


The original winter Fan Dance Delivered in inimitable style by AEE-the past masters.
Start your New Year with a profound statement of intent.. Exercise High Walk-AKA The Fan Dance-the world's oldest Special Forces Selection test... Inspired to Dare
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Wow what an absolutely fantastic event and one of which I shall be proud of for a very long time! I took part in the Summer Load Bearing event on Saturday and was extremely tough but would like to thank the DS and MST teams for their support and for organising such a great event.

If you are wanting to put your body and your mind to the test then this is the event for you! Highly recommend doing this, very well organised. I am definately returning next year to attempt the Double Tap.

Thankyou again for a fantastic Day!


Thanks for such a great life event it's something that will I will remember for ever it's such an achievement to actually finish I completed the course with my cousin and I'm so proud for us both not only did we even sign up and start we walked over the finish line such a gruelling event who ever takes part should be really proud of themselves even if they do not finish what an event it's a life event something that will stay with you so to all thank you I'm eliated that we started and finished were officially SF lol it was brilliant

Spencer Yulle

Steve Yulle


Sunday July 8th 2018, In blistering heat, so different from January, in sub zero temperatures, the terrain changes the distance remain the same and the Team at AEE are on point every year, My fifth year chasing a PB, Ken informed me I was getting a year older each attempt, but I'll die trying, this event sets my calendar each year and you guys at AEE run the best event ever... for those in the know I'm 68 years young, so speak with some experience.


Second time doing the Fan Dance. First time in horrendous weather in Summer 2016 and again yesterday in searing temperatures. Each time had a different set of challenges weather-wise so they were two completely different experiences..and I loved them both.


My first ever time at doing this event and I actually loved it! Took on High Moon and The Fan Dance on the Sunday, I will be back next year for more!!!


Me and my son did the Fan Dance Sunday July 8th

Very impressed with the team

right from off

Informative e.mails

Regarding training ,Bergen packing , nutrition and hydration

Very supportive giving a positive approach to helping us achieve our goal

Looking forward to improving our time in our next event


Just got home after doing the summer fan dance. Feet are in bits and tired out.

These guys are the business.



Just completed load bearing 2018 summer edition. Amazing experience, quality staff & comms throughout. Great camaraderie on the hills, everyone looking out for each other in the hot conditions. Cannot recommend this enough - a true test of physical & mental fortitude. Will be back next year for sure. Thanks guys, a truly humbling event.


I’ve just completed the Fan Dance Winter 2018 Challenge with these guys and I’m so glad to have chose this professional outfit.

Right from the start, they have been fantastic.

Very helpful and reassuring bunch of professionals, who have obviously put a lot of time and effort in.

Can’t recommend it enough folks.�

Ps sorry for not signing in on the day of the race! �� Bollocking taken on the chin. �


It is an honour to be apart of the Fan dance series, completing in the Clean Fatigues Summer race was very demanding and very hot but brilliant. Being an ex squaddie and dedicated Fell walker in my home County of Cumbria, the Brecon Beacons is a fantastic place and the organisation running the AEE are second to none, every part of registration, briefing prior to start, way markers and finish plus supporting staff during the course were brilliant. As the man said "When your going through hell, keep going".


Incredibly well run.

The guys running it are genuine and bring a mix of military humour, organisation and camaraderie to an event open to anyone.

Top notch.


If you want a true test of physical and mental fortitude go no further. If you dig any deeper you will be drinking tea in China. Route marked and staffed with experts whom are in radio contact with the Base. Ive just completed the Woodhouse Edition and am knackered. Will be back for more, if I’m not sectioned. �����


Hi it was my first time this year ! I have trained over the beacons before but nothing compares you for it , (BRUTAL) the staff were great , a big shout to Stuart for helping me in the morning !! I am back next year to get a better time .


Great Stuff .... Dead Jealous of my wife’s patch last year I wanted one

�� ... so we have a matching pair on the mantle piece this year .

Thanks �� ... and to Mrs T �


Can’t fault them, emails received regarding kit and what was expected of you was clear and easily understood, registration was simple, the event itself was as you’d come to expect, at all the check points the staff made sure you were ok.

Not much more to say, regardless of how well an event is run it is down to the individual to ensure they follow all instructions, bring the correct mandatory gear, and come prepared... the staff can only instruct you so far the rest is up to you and from what I can gather a few people try to wing it and skip a few of those instructions, making the job difficult for the staff.

Also best pork and crackling sandwich I’ve ever had, but I was starving after the race so I’d have eaten a scabby horse ��


Awesome event run by some awesome guys and completed with some awesome guys.. It’s a must do if you want to challenge yourself to the max..


An apsolutely awesome event!!

By far the most demanding event I have completed to date, I took on the black edition (clean) there was no prating about! These guys take every aspect into consideration, you are left to run your own race! But look closely and you will see that the behind scenes work has been completed to pin point position.. From marking the route to getting night vision in place..

A simply amazing experience, and I love the ending! No fuss, a simple "well done! There's your patch now get some grub"!! That's just how I like it.

Will definitely be back for more.

Thank you


After completing summer 2018 my first fan dance I can’t congratulate the staff enough for what has to be the most challenging event I know. They were way above my expectations


5 years ago, myself and my friend said we would not do The Fandance as it sounded horrific!

Low and behold, 5 years later we completed the Load Bearing and it was awesome. A really tough event, mentally and physically challenging ( the Jacobs ladder ascent was dark!! ) but a real sense of achievement.

I will be back next January! Thank you to the AEE Team for a wicked day.


Wow what an absolutely fantastic event and one of which I shall be proud of for a very long time! I took part in the Summer Load Bearing event on Saturday and was extremely tough but would like to thank the DS and MST teams for their support and for organising such a great event.

If you are wanting to put your body and your mind to the test then this is the event for you! Highly recommend doing this, very well organised. I am definately returning next year to attempt the Double Tap.

Thankyou again for a fantastic Day!


Thanks for such a great life event it's something that will I will remember for ever it's such an achievement to actually finish I completed the course with my cousin and I'm so proud for us both not only did we even sign up and start we walked over the finish line such a gruelling event who ever takes part should be really proud of themselves even if they do not finish what an event it's a life event something that will stay with you so to all thank you I'm eliated that we started and finished were officially SF lol it was brilliant

Spencer Yulle

Steve Yulle


Sunday July 8th 2018, In blistering heat, so different from January, in sub zero temperatures, the terrain changes the distance remain the same and the Team at AEE are on point every year, My fifth year chasing a PB, Ken informed me I was getting a year older each attempt, but I'll die trying, this event sets my calendar each year and you guys at AEE run the best event ever... for those in the know I'm 68 years young, so speak with some experience.


Second time doing the Fan Dance. First time in horrendous weather in Summer 2016 and again yesterday in searing temperatures. Each time had a different set of challenges weather-wise so they were two completely different experiences..and I loved them both.


My first ever time at doing this event and I actually loved it! Took on High Moon and The Fan Dance on the Sunday, I will be back next year for more!!!


Me and my son did the Fan Dance Sunday July 8th

Very impressed with the team

right from off

Informative e.mails

Regarding training ,Bergen packing , nutrition and hydration

Very supportive giving a positive approach to helping us achieve our goal

Looking forward to improving our time in our next event


Just got home after doing the summer fan dance. Feet are in bits and tired out.

These guys are the business.



Just completed load bearing 2018 summer edition. Amazing experience, quality staff & comms throughout. Great camaraderie on the hills, everyone looking out for each other in the hot conditions. Cannot recommend this enough - a true test of physical & mental fortitude. Will be back next year for sure. Thanks guys, a truly humbling event.


I’ve just completed the Fan Dance Winter 2018 Challenge with these guys and I’m so glad to have chose this professional outfit.

Right from the start, they have been fantastic.

Very helpful and reassuring bunch of professionals, who have obviously put a lot of time and effort in.

Can’t recommend it enough folks.�

Ps sorry for not signing in on the day of the race! �� Bollocking taken on the chin. �


It is an honour to be apart of the Fan dance series, completing in the Clean Fatigues Summer race was very demanding and very hot but brilliant. Being an ex squaddie and dedicated Fell walker in my home County of Cumbria, the Brecon Beacons is a fantastic place and the organisation running the AEE are second to none, every part of registration, briefing prior to start, way markers and finish plus supporting staff during the course were brilliant. As the man said "When your going through hell, keep going".


Incredibly well run.

The guys running it are genuine and bring a mix of military humour, organisation and camaraderie to an event open to anyone.

Top notch.


If you want a true test of physical and mental fortitude go no further. If you dig any deeper you will be drinking tea in China. Route marked and staffed with experts whom are in radio contact with the Base. Ive just completed the Woodhouse Edition and am knackered. Will be back for more, if I’m not sectioned. �����


Hi it was my first time this year ! I have trained over the beacons before but nothing compares you for it , (BRUTAL) the staff were great , a big shout to Stuart for helping me in the morning !! I am back next year to get a better time .


Great Stuff .... Dead Jealous of my wife’s patch last year I wanted one

�� ... so we have a matching pair on the mantle piece this year .

Thanks �� ... and to Mrs T �


Can’t fault them, emails received regarding kit and what was expected of you was clear and easily understood, registration was simple, the event itself was as you’d come to expect, at all the check points the staff made sure you were ok.

Not much more to say, regardless of how well an event is run it is down to the individual to ensure they follow all instructions, bring the correct mandatory gear, and come prepared... the staff can only instruct you so far the rest is up to you and from what I can gather a few people try to wing it and skip a few of those instructions, making the job difficult for the staff.

Also best pork and crackling sandwich I’ve ever had, but I was starving after the race so I’d have eaten a scabby horse ��


Awesome event run by some awesome guys and completed with some awesome guys.. It’s a must do if you want to challenge yourself to the max..


An apsolutely awesome event!!

By far the most demanding event I have completed to date, I took on the black edition (clean) there was no prating about! These guys take every aspect into consideration, you are left to run your own race! But look closely and you will see that the behind scenes work has been completed to pin point position.. From marking the route to getting night vision in place..

A simply amazing experience, and I love the ending! No fuss, a simple "well done! There's your patch now get some grub"!! That's just how I like it.

Will definitely be back for more.

Thank you


After completing summer 2018 my first fan dance I can’t congratulate the staff enough for what has to be the most challenging event I know. They were way above my expectations


5 years ago, myself and my friend said we would not do The Fandance as it sounded horrific!

Low and behold, 5 years later we completed the Load Bearing and it was awesome. A really tough event, mentally and physically challenging ( the Jacobs ladder ascent was dark!! ) but a real sense of achievement.

I will be back next January! Thank you to the AEE Team for a wicked day.


Wow what an absolutely fantastic event and one of which I shall be proud of for a very long time! I took part in the Summer Load Bearing event on Saturday and was extremely tough but would like to thank the DS and MST teams for their support and for organising such a great event.

If you are wanting to put your body and your mind to the test then this is the event for you! Highly recommend doing this, very well organised. I am definately returning next year to attempt the Double Tap.

Thankyou again for a fantastic Day!


Thanks for such a great life event it's something that will I will remember for ever it's such an achievement to actually finish I completed the course with my cousin and I'm so proud for us both not only did we even sign up and start we walked over the finish line such a gruelling event who ever takes part should be really proud of themselves even if they do not finish what an event it's a life event something that will stay with you so to all thank you I'm eliated that we started and finished were officially SF lol it was brilliant

Spencer Yulle

Steve Yulle


Sunday July 8th 2018, In blistering heat, so different from January, in sub zero temperatures, the terrain changes the distance remain the same and the Team at AEE are on point every year, My fifth year chasing a PB, Ken informed me I was getting a year older each attempt, but I'll die trying, this event sets my calendar each year and you guys at AEE run the best event ever... for those in the know I'm 68 years young, so speak with some experience.


Second time doing the Fan Dance. First time in horrendous weather in Summer 2016 and again yesterday in searing temperatures. Each time had a different set of challenges weather-wise so they were two completely different experiences..and I loved them both.


My first ever time at doing this event and I actually loved it! Took on High Moon and The Fan Dance on the Sunday, I will be back next year for more!!!


Me and my son did the Fan Dance Sunday July 8th

Very impressed with the team

right from off

Informative e.mails

Regarding training ,Bergen packing , nutrition and hydration

Very supportive giving a positive approach to helping us achieve our goal

Looking forward to improving our time in our next event


Just got home after doing the summer fan dance. Feet are in bits and tired out.

These guys are the business.



Just completed load bearing 2018 summer edition. Amazing experience, quality staff & comms throughout. Great camaraderie on the hills, everyone looking out for each other in the hot conditions. Cannot recommend this enough - a true test of physical & mental fortitude. Will be back next year for sure. Thanks guys, a truly humbling event.


I’ve just completed the Fan Dance Winter 2018 Challenge with these guys and I’m so glad to have chose this professional outfit.

Right from the start, they have been fantastic.

Very helpful and reassuring bunch of professionals, who have obviously put a lot of time and effort in.

Can’t recommend it enough folks.�

Ps sorry for not signing in on the day of the race! �� Bollocking taken on the chin. �


It is an honour to be apart of the Fan dance series, completing in the Clean Fatigues Summer race was very demanding and very hot but brilliant. Being an ex squaddie and dedicated Fell walker in my home County of Cumbria, the Brecon Beacons is a fantastic place and the organisation running the AEE are second to none, every part of registration, briefing prior to start, way markers and finish plus supporting staff during the course were brilliant. As the man said "When your going through hell, keep going".


Incredibly well run.

The guys running it are genuine and bring a mix of military humour, organisation and camaraderie to an event open to anyone.

Top notch.


If you want a true test of physical and mental fortitude go no further. If you dig any deeper you will be drinking tea in China. Route marked and staffed with experts whom are in radio contact with the Base. Ive just completed the Woodhouse Edition and am knackered. Will be back for more, if I’m not sectioned. �����


Hi it was my first time this year ! I have trained over the beacons before but nothing compares you for it , (BRUTAL) the staff were great , a big shout to Stuart for helping me in the morning !! I am back next year to get a better time .


Great Stuff .... Dead Jealous of my wife’s patch last year I wanted one

�� ... so we have a matching pair on the mantle piece this year .

Thanks �� ... and to Mrs T �


Can’t fault them, emails received regarding kit and what was expected of you was clear and easily understood, registration was simple, the event itself was as you’d come to expect, at all the check points the staff made sure you were ok.

Not much more to say, regardless of how well an event is run it is down to the individual to ensure they follow all instructions, bring the correct mandatory gear, and come prepared... the staff can only instruct you so far the rest is up to you and from what I can gather a few people try to wing it and skip a few of those instructions, making the job difficult for the staff.

Also best pork and crackling sandwich I’ve ever had, but I was starving after the race so I’d have eaten a scabby horse ��


Awesome event run by some awesome guys and completed with some awesome guys.. It’s a must do if you want to challenge yourself to the max..


An apsolutely awesome event!!

By far the most demanding event I have completed to date, I took on the black edition (clean) there was no prating about! These guys take every aspect into consideration, you are left to run your own race! But look closely and you will see that the behind scenes work has been completed to pin point position.. From marking the route to getting night vision in place..

A simply amazing experience, and I love the ending! No fuss, a simple "well done! There's your patch now get some grub"!! That's just how I like it.

Will definitely be back for more.

Thank you


After completing summer 2018 my first fan dance I can’t congratulate the staff enough for what has to be the most challenging event I know. They were way above my expectations


5 years ago, myself and my friend said we would not do The Fandance as it sounded horrific!

Low and behold, 5 years later we completed the Load Bearing and it was awesome. A really tough event, mentally and physically challenging ( the Jacobs ladder ascent was dark!! ) but a real sense of achievement.

I will be back next January! Thank you to the AEE Team for a wicked day.

More about Aee

Aee is located at Rhayader