Alex Meredith

About Alex Meredith

Alex Meredith is a member of the Welsh Liberal Democrats



Let's make 2018 our year




Obama has only done one interview since leaving office, and it was broadcast this morning on Radio 4.
There is, of course, the class, coolness, charm and charisma of someone who will surely rank amongst the finest politicians in history, but it is mostly worth sampling for the optimism and wisdom.
He describes his long term commitment to education and climate change, his positive experiences of learning from and empowering young people and reflects on leaders passing a ba...ton and the importance of family life. All deeply insightful.
His most resonant message however was on the importance of turning online communities into activism.
And Harry does a pretty good job too. "Queen or The Queen" is a classic.
Well worth a listen:< br> See More


Woke up to defeat for a Trump candidate in Alabama and came home to a defeat for the Brexit government.
13th December 2017 has been a good day!


Great news for families in Cardiff - a result of fantastic efforts by Kirsty Williams, Joe Boyle and the Cardiff Lib Dem team. Da iawn.


I used to respect David Davis for his stance on civil liberties. It took courage and integrity to force a by-election on Labour's plans for extended detention without trial.
But Davis has torched his integrity on the pyre of Brexit. And like every leading Brexiteer he has been forced into speedy clarifications, contortions of language and shifts of position that are more commonly known as lies.
He is not the first and he is not alone, but today's 180 degree shift on whe...ther he has performed assessments of Brexit married rank incompetence with abject mendacity - making him look a fool as well as a liar.
He should resign. er_id=1114679
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What would you do with £12m?
More specifically, what would you do if you were the Welsh Government and you had £12m to spend on flood defences?
Looking at the reports of flooding in West and North Wales last month, there are clearly lots of places that are in need of significant investment. These are communities often neglected by Welsh Government that would benefit from some spending on resilience and mitigation from the horrors of flooding.
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Where to now for the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon?
A project that has achieved the extraordinary feat of bringing politicians, businesses, environmentalists and civil society together in support (and investment) looks set to be dashed against the rocks of Tory ideology.
There was no specific support for tidal power in last week's budget and the freezing of additional green levies (beyond £557m budget already announced) on electricity until 2025 means that the £1.2bn project must ...
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Welsh identity can be a complex and often thorny topic. Micheal Sheen just delivered a tour de force on the subject. Deeply thought-provoking and highly recommended.


There is a new joke that should be circulating around Westminster:
How do you make Donald Trump look statesmanlike?
Give him a role in the British Cabinet!
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Good to take part in #bbcthehour this evening. There were some stark facts and heartbreaking but inspiring stories of the often insecure world of work in Wales.
But there were few surprises. Wales has been struggling to deliver jobs and wages on a par with the rest of the UK for decades.
We need nothing less than a revolution in attitudes and aspirations to become a pro-enterprise, high-skills, high-wage, growing economy - to change our course and make us fit for the challe...nges of the future.
That transition needs energy and dynamic leadership and there was a frank admission from Labour tonight that they have failed to provide it.
By revolutionising the curriculum and reforming student finance Kirsty Williams has started the radical reforms required to change the narrative in Wales.
Lib Dems will keep working with businesses, universities, schools, colleges and communities to deliver the pro-enterprise environment we need in Wales to go from Low-Wage Wales to Can-do Cymru.
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I'll be taking part in this debate on BBC1 Wales on Monday at 10:40- please tune in and get involved on social media.


Bregret is rising.
Politics in the UK is increasingly fluid meaning the public could very quickly turn against Brexit as frustration grows with Tory bungling.
Another referendum looks increasingly possible and the campaign to remain is building momentum.
... Don't give up.…/remain-vot ers-increasingl…/amp/
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More about Alex Meredith

Alex Meredith is located at Cardiff

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