Alison Yoga, Ayurveda & Chavutti Thirumal

About Alison Yoga, Ayurveda & Chavutti Thirumal

Alison offers - Ayurveda massage, Chavutti Thirumal (massage by foot pressure), Vinyasa Flow Yoga & Kundlini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan.

Alison Yoga, Ayurveda & Chavutti Thirumal Description

Whether you are having a massage or taking a yoga class, PathsToWellbeing aims to offer a different approach to the current massage & yoga available today. With a firm belief in working with awareness, giving a caring, holistic approach, my focus is for the client to feel at ease & comfortable within themselves.
Chavutti Thirumal - massage by foot pressure - walk away feeling like you've been to a yoga class. Stretched and open, grounded, invigorated, by using the feet to deliver long, sweeping, therapeutic movements from the fingers to the toes. This ancient art of healing will help you to relax and release your creative energy and psychological blockages.
Ayurvedic head & body massge - AYUR=Life VEDA=Knowledge. This ancient holistic healing system from India, will aid you in helping to treat the discomfort of DIS-ease. Increasing the vital energy flow from head to foot (Prana-Life energy), aids in circulation, by using deep & reassuring strokes, cupping & kneading & tapping, will aid in providing a boost to the immune system.
Vinyasa Flow yoga - Uses the breath to guide you through postures, helping you to synchronise breath & movement. The movement follows the breath, to create a harmonious flow. Allowing you the freedom to connect using awareness throughout your practice.
Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. A great teacher who bought these ancient teachings to the West, to help us into the Aquarian Age with a strong healthy nervous system, mental clarity and a back up of spiritual strength to face this coming world. Kundalini yoga is an experience to experience. .



This Thursday morning Kundalini Yoga class 7-8am WILL be running <3 Clear Space Studios Hereford πŸ™This Thursday morning Kundalini Yoga class 7-8am WILL be running <3 Clear Space Studios Hereford πŸ™


There is NO KY on Weds 29th. See you all the following week <3


Staunton on Wye Yoga is on tomorrow Tuesday 28th...Staunton on Wye Yoga is on tomorrow Tuesday 28th...


The day The woman will not be exploited on this planet, there shall be peace on this Earth.. #yogibhajan #quotes #everyday #peace #respect #kundaliniyoga #πŸ’–πŸ™


The Fibre of your being and its role in Ayurveda Angela Hope-Murray MSc Ayur, BSc, MA. These days the emphasis in nutrition has been placed on protein and whether we are getting enough. The truth is that individuals are more likely to suffer from an excess of it than the converse. Everything related to food in the shops is starting to have protein in it, even Mars bars. Fibre rich breakfast Human breast milk is one of the lowest protein milks in the mammalian world being les...
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Wake Up & Rise Up...the perfect way to start the day the #kundalini #yogapractice way... Join us at this beautiful space every #thursday 7 - 8am #hereford #herefordshire #kundalinirising #kundaliniawakening #whatsonherefordshire #whatsonhereford #worcester #clearspacestudios #herefordshirehub


The Science of Kundalini Yoga for Trauma and Addictions By Julie Staples/Guru Parkash Kaur
As practitioners of Kundalini Yoga, we know how this practice can change our lives and help us find our way through difficult situations. It is not surprising that Kundalini Yoga is helpful for overcoming symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addictions.
...Continue Reading


A great upbeat mantra, with Yogi Bhajan's voice speaking 'Why we do Mantra meditation', in Kundalini Yoga Wednesday 6.45pm at Belmont Community Centre Hereford & Thursday 7am Clear Space Studio, Hereford <3


Tomorrow is a new day. Sat Nam <3


Sat Nam <3
Seven Names <3Translated


Never to old!!...


#kundalini #yoga Every Wednesday at 6.45pm.. Belmont Community Centre, #hereford . Every Thursday 7-8am at #clearspacestudios #hereford #herefordshire . Come to experience the experience.... #πŸ™πŸΌ


Last chance to watch over the weekend....<3


Explore, Play & Rest at The Clover Mill..


"I continually work to quieten my mind, to stay mindful. I continue to work to soften my heart, to stay 'heartfelt'....Ram Das <3




<3..I feel this will just make your heart sing <3

More about Alison Yoga, Ayurveda & Chavutti Thirumal

Alison Yoga, Ayurveda & Chavutti Thirumal is located at Monmouth