Alpine Coffee Shop

Monday: 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:30
Friday: 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:30
Sunday: 08:00 - 17:30

About Alpine Coffee Shop

Palm oil free Coffee Shop and Gallery in Betws y Coed

Alpine Coffee Shop Description

The Alpine Coffee Shop and Gallery is one of North Wales' most popular Cafes. Situated on Betws-y-Coed railway station at the heart of Snowdonia National Park. A wide variety of tastes and dietary requirements are catered for including vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free.



This weeks dog of the week is........Titan рҹҗ¶вҷҘпёҸрҹҗ¶
Titan had enjoyed a lovely walk around Betws-y-Coed before having a well earned break at the coffee shop рҹҳҠ


Have you tried Coffee Logs yet? рҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙ
If you havenвҖҷt, then why not pick up a pack today from us and try them out.
Coffee logs are fire logs made from recycled coffee grounds collected from cafes, coffee shops and businesses across the UK. Perfect for wood burners and multi fuel stoves.
... Coffee logs burn 20% hotter and longer than kiln dried wood рҹ‘ҚрҹҸҪрҹ‘ҚрҹҸҪ
We have packs for sale at the coffee shop, Hangin' Pizzeria or Jacha Potgieter - Platform Galeri perfect now the weather has turned cooler
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We now have dog jumpers available for our four legged customers to borrow while they are sat with their humans in our outdoor area. рҹҗ¶рҹҗҫрҹҗ¶
We've had cushions and blankets available for our human customers to use while they sit outside for a while now, but now we have teamed up with The Ultimate Dog Shop to bring you these doggie sweaters.
If you would like to buy one of the jumpers for your dog, please visit Ian at the Ultimate Dog Shop in the courtyard of the Information Centre... here in Betws-y-Coed.
Our very own Skollie was so happy to be the model for our photos рҹҳ„
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What a lovely note to receive вҷҘпёҸвҷҘпёҸвҷҘпёҸ
We had this lovely message from one of our young customers this morning, it makes all the hard work worth it when you get such lovely feedback.
Thank you Isobel рҹ’•


9 month old Ella is our Dog of the Week this cute is she? рҹҳҚ
DonвҖҷt forget we have dog loyalty cards for our regular four legged visitors рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶
Ask a member of staff next time youвҖҷre in the coffee shop рҹҳҠ


Good luck рҹҰҚрҹҚ·рҹҰҚрҹҚ·рҹҚ·


Our Dog of the Week this week (or in this case Dogs of the week) are Lily and Suzi рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶
Look at their sweet faces, and so well behaved! вҷҘпёҸ
DonвҖҷt forget, we have sausages for dogs available for 30p and the money goes to help the two ape charities we support: Ape Action Africa and ORANGUTAN APPEAL UK
... And if you and your dog are a regular visitors make sure you pick up a Dog loyalty card рҹ‘ҚрҹҸҪрҹҳҠ your dog will thank you рҹҳң
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Special visitors to the coffee shop вқӨпёҸрҹҰҚвқӨпёҸрҹҰҚ
As many of you know, here at the coffee shop we support ape conservation, and have two charities that we raise money for each year. One of the charities we support is Ape Action Africa
This weekend we were honoured to have Ape Action Africa's Director Rachel Hogan, Chief Executive/Trustee Caroline McLaney, long term supporters Victoria Luke and Simon and their daughter Florence come to visit.
... It was lovely to see them all and discuss some exciting plans for future fundraising projects.
Before heading home they stopped by the coffee shop for breakfast. рҹҳҒ
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Coffee and cake, is there anything better?
Salted caramel chocolate brownies and a lovely americano coffee.......what a way to start your morning рҹҳӢрҹҳӢрҹҳӢ


Our Dog of the Week this week is the absolutely gorgeous Blanca рҹҳҚрҹҳҚ what a cutie she is!
Blanca was enjoying sitting in the dry in our conservatory with her humans.
DonвҖҷt forget we are dog friendly here at the coffee shop and allow dogs in our indoor and outdoor seating areas рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶


What a beautiful morning вҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸвҳҖпёҸ
It might feel a bit fresh but itвҖҷs so good to see blue skies, why not come and find a sunny spot to sit and enjoy your breakfast this morning......we are waiting рҹҳҠ


ThursdayвҖҷs team are here to help рҹҺүрҹҺүрҹҺү
If youвҖҷre popping into the coffee shop today, these happy folk will look after you вҳ•пёҸвҳ•пёҸвҳ•пёҸвҳ•пёҸвҳ•пёҸвҳ•пёҸ
Look forward to welcoming customers old and new to the Alpine this afternoon!


Did you know we sell a variety of cast iron and glass teapots?
As well as our huge selection of loose leaf teas (we have 95 to choose from!) we also have some fabulous teapots, and for an added splash of colour we have some hand knitted tea cosies.
Pick your favourite one and treat yourself, or as it is getting nearer that time of year (we wonвҖҷt mention the C word just yet!) they would make a lovely present for a friend or family member. рҹҳҠ
... Why not pop in and see the whole selection.
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We have another Bear as this weeks Dog of the Week рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶рҹҗ¶
This photo doesnвҖҷt do justice to just how big Bear is, and at only 2 years old heвҖҷs still a baby! Check out the size of his paws рҹҗҫ
Bear was sheltering from the rain in our outdoor seating area while his humans enjoyed a warming pot of specialty tea. вҷҘпёҸ


A few leaving drinks for Sophie last night before she heads down under.
Cheers Sophie рҹҚ»рҹҚ»рҹҚ»рҹҚ» safe travels рҹӨҷрҹҸҪ


Safe travels Sophie вңҲпёҸвқӨпёҸвңҲпёҸ
It's our lovely Sophie's last day today before she heads off on a new adventure to New Zealand.
We are going to miss her but would like to take this opportunity to thank her for all her hard work during her time with us and want to wish her all the very best of luck for this exciting next step.
... Thank you Sophie рҹҷҸрҹҰҚрҹҷҸрҹҰҚрҹҷҸрҹҰҚрҹҷҸ
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We need your help!!!! рҹҷҸрҹҸҪ
As some of you may know, here at the Alpine Coffee Shop we support ape conservation and one of our chosen charities is Ape Action Africa рҹҰҚрҹҰҚрҹҰҚ
Please vote for Ape Action Africa (see status below for details) and give them a chance a winning $5000. The money will be gratefully received and will really make a huge difference to the work they do in caring for the great apes of Cameroon.
... If you can vote and share with your friends we would be so happy рҹҳҒ
Many thanks
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Thank you рҹҰҚрҹҚ·рҹҚ·рҹҚ·

More about Alpine Coffee Shop

Alpine Coffee Shop is located at Station Rd, LL24 0AE Bettws-y-coed
Monday: 08:30 - 17:30
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:30
Friday: 08:30 - 17:30
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:30
Sunday: 08:00 - 17:30