Alzheimer'S Disease Genetics Research

About Alzheimer'S Disease Genetics Research

Cardiff University research group focused on identifying genes that influence the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer'S Disease Genetics Research Description

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia and is believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors as well as being affected by lifestyle and age.

The number of people being diagnosed is on the rise and trends suggest that by 2025, there will be 1 million people living with dementia in the UK. Included in this growing number are approximately 25, 000 individuals with young onset dementia, whose symptoms developed before the age of 65.

The Alzheimer's Research Team at Cardiff University have been exploring the genetics associated with Alzheimer's disease since 2004. Over 3000 people with and without memory problems have contributed to the research, which has mainly focused on the common late onset form of Alzheimer's. This has enabled the monumental discovery of over 20 previously unknown genes that contribute to risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Now, the research is steering towards a focus on young onset Alzheimer's disease. It is hoped that this will not only help to consolidate the current findings, but also to further our understanding of the genetics and bring about new, significant discoveries. By learning more about the causes underlying Alzheimer's disease, we will be able to better inform future methods of diagnosis and advance development of much-needed treatments.

If you or someone you know has a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and would like to help with this research, then please do not hesitate to get in touch with the research team. Taking part would involve a research assistant visiting you and somebody who knows you well, to conduct a short interview, memory test and obtain a blood sample.

E-mail us at adresearch@cardiff. ac. uk or call us on 029 2068 8042 to find out more.

This research is managed by Cardiff University's Medical Research Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

More about Alzheimer'S Disease Genetics Research

Alzheimer'S Disease Genetics Research is located at Hadyn Ellis Building, CF24 4HQ Cardiff