Amgueddfa Cymru

About Amgueddfa Cymru

Ni yw saith amgueddfa genedlaethol Cymru 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 We are the seven national museums of Wales

Amgueddfa Cymru Description

Amgueddfa Cymru



National Museum Cardiff love their collection of paintings by Monet so much, they have put a supersized version on the front of the building for the duration of the repair works to the roof!
Hopefully you will be tempted inside and into the art galleries to marvel at the real artwork… especially today, on what would have been Monet’s birthday. Bon anniversaire!


63 miles of scaffolding is needed to repair the roof at National Museum Cardiff. That’s enough length to take you as high as the start of space! 🚀🔭


Mae angen 63 milltir o sgaffaldau i drwsio to Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd. Digon i gyrraedd y gofod! 🚀🔭


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿Mae arddangosfa Celf Crys Cymru yn agor heddiw yn Sain Ffagan. Dewch i astudio rhai o grysau enwocaf Cymru a dysgu mwy am hanes y tîm cenedlaethol dros y degawdau
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿The Art of the Wales Shirt exhibition opens today at St Fagans. Marvel up-close at a selection of Cymru’s most iconic shirts and learn about the history of the national sides over the decades
11- 24 Tachwedd | November


📢 Bydd ein Hamgueddfeydd ar gau ar 25 a 26 Tachwedd ar gyfer diwrnodau datblygu staff. Ymddiheuriadau am unrhyw anghyfleustra
📢 Our Museums will be closed on 25 and 26 November for staff development days. Apologies for any inconvenience caused


Oeddech chi’n gwybod bod gan Amgueddfa Cymru tua 5 miliwn o wrthrychau ac atgofion yng nghasgliadau celf, hanes a gwyddoniaeth cenedalethol Cymru?
Dyma lun tymhorol i ddathlu #calangaeaf 'British Goblins 58: Lady Witch yn y Ffynnon'. Thomas Henry Thomas, 1880
#gwylamgueddfeydd #HannerTymorHanesyddol


Did you know we hold over 5 million objects and memories across our art, history and science collections?
Here's something spooky to celebrate #Halloween2019; 'British Goblins 58: Lady Witch yn y Ffynnon' by Thomas Henry Thomas, 1880.
#welshmuseumsfest #HistoricHalfTerm


Visit our Museums this half term to discover the story of Wales. Learn about Welsh industry, explore historic buildings and encounter some famous faces. Entry is free! #welshmuseumsfest


Beth am ymweld a'n hamgueddfeydd a darganfod hanes Cymru dros y gwyliau hanner tymor? Cyfle i ddysgu am ddiwydiant Cymru, adeiladau hanesyddol a dod wyneb yn wyneb ag ambell greadur cyfeillgar. Mae mynediad am ddim #gwylamgueddfeydd


We're releasing our annual review today. Here are the highlights 9/


Rydyn ni'n cyhoeddi ein hadolygiad blynyddol heddiw. Dyma uchafbwyntiau Amgueddfa Cymru ol/2018-19/

More about Amgueddfa Cymru

0300 111 2 333