Andrea Louise Mind, Body & Soul

About Andrea Louise Mind, Body & Soul

A safe haven to Express your feelings. and offer support and advice

Andrea Louise Mind, Body & Soul Description

I give people that new lease of life that they have been longing for. To transform you from the depths of negativity to the higher state of positivity.
Creating the best version of yourself. How amazing would that be?
After years of believing I was happy, fulfilled and in a good place. . . I came to realise that this was far from the truth. I was a very negative person, even though everyone on the outside, friends and family always thought that I was this outgoing, full of life, positive person.
Yes, I am outgoing and friendly, but positive. . . . not at all.
I am an ex police officer, and it wasn't until I took early redundancy that I came to realise how stressed and negative about life I really was. The force had pushed me to my limit and I was totally burnt out. I had once loved my job, but I had now found myself hating it, negative thoughts would creep in all day long. I became miserable and anxious. It was a job I no longer wanted.
Do you know how that feels?
No time with your family, your young daughter hates you going to work, and cries at the thought of you getting hurt, this was certainly the case for me.
I couldn't do it much longer. I longed for my own business, something that allowed me to work my own hours around my daughter. Apart from the overheads of owning a shop I didn't really know what else to do.
Until my husband came home with information from a colleague about Network Marketing. What is that all about, I remember thinking. However, it didn't take much to convince me that I needed to give this a try. So I did, and loved the concept of it all.
However, I still had one major block to sort out before I could move forward in my life and that was my mindset.
I still had very bleak negative thoughts, and this would simply not do. I wanted a healthy fun life, I wanted to be a positive person, just like I used to be many many years ago. I was always motivating others, and trying my hardest to uplift them in their time of need, but I could never do it for myself.
Things had to change. I had suffered with severe anxiety since the birth of my daughter and had trained my mind into overcoming this. So I could certainly do it again.
I began following lifestyle coaches online, and researching mindset. This was already starting to uplift me. This was great. . . . . . . The stress I suffered after I had left the police force was incredible, or should I say the stress leaving my body. I couldn't do that again. So, I tried hard to see the positives in everything.
How have I overcome these challenges: I now get up that little bit earlier every morning, to do my morning routine. Its such a great way to start the day. I think positive thoughts throughout the day and I now purposefully see the positive side to everything and so much more.
I now help people to dig deep and release themselves from stress, anxiety, depression. . . . . . . . . . . .
How is this possible I hear you ask?
Its already inside of you, you just need to learn how to use it. With easy steps to start you transforming your life, I will help you find your inner strength to change things.

Let me show you how!

Healthy Mind;Healthy Body; Healthy Soul

More about Andrea Louise Mind, Body & Soul

Andrea Louise Mind, Body & Soul is located at Merthyr Tydfil