
About Aquaroots

Our core principles are embodied by our activities: The Flat-Pack Farm project combines sustainable farming systems with mainstream education

Aquaroots Description

Our goal is to create an environmentally aware and sustainable future. We aim to do this through embedding key ecological principles and knowledge into children from an early age, and providing a dynamic and evolving, classroom based, educational platform that can grow with children throughout their years in school. In this way, we enable children to get up-close and personal with a living ecosystem, and to marvel at the wonders of nature - no matter what the weather is like outside, or where the school is located.

As a society, we are becoming increasingly aware of the need to reconnect with the natural world, and the processes that sustain our planet. In recent generations our environmental awareness has been eroded and our connection to the natural world is being lost, in favour for our increasingly urbanised and virtual existences. This is why we feel it is important to reignite a passion for, and interest in, the natural world amongst our younger generation; inspiring the leaders, farmers and scientist of tomorrow to put sustainability first.

It is well known that younger minds are more receptive to new ideas, which is why we have chosen to gear our first project towards the primary school age group. However, we are well aware that sustained and repeated reinforcement is the key to effective learning; our longer term strategy includes developing a suite of educational products and packages tailored for primary through to tertiary education environments.

More about Aquaroots

Aquaroots is located at Unit 6, Felin fawr Works, LL57 4YY Bethesda, Gwynedd