Arb Griffiths Tree Surgery & Arboricultural Contractor.

About Arb Griffiths Tree Surgery & Arboricultural Contractor.

Experienced tree surgeon working in Midwales and Shropshire borders protecting and developing our heritage aswell as well as taming it.



A poor union moving in the wind the smaller of the two will be removed and the other monitored while it heals.


A little insight into the canopy of a mature beech tree inspection, the effects of crossing/rubbing branch’s and co-dominant unions making them prone to failure and a gateway to fungal and pathogen infection.


We don’t advertise landscaping but for our repeat clients we always go The extra mile this was a driveway clearance widening for extra parking.


Some jobs from The past week general site clearance a 100ft plus poplar removal some sycamore pruning and removing a large cherry over hanging a house in stepaside you might of seen us removing trees for the new Morgans of Newtown entrance this week but not a single photo was taken due it being so blooming hot! 😅


Processing logs on the Saturday shift. This job was a clean up job after a local contractor to the Rhayader area had been employed by the client to fell the tree and process it into logs. After paying over £1700 and the promise that they would return they left the client with lengths of unmanageable wood and didn’t complete the job after months of excuses the so called “tree surgeon” said he had folded his company I have never seen cuts so bad as the ones left on this timber ...they did damage the bridge and destroyed the river bank flooding half the garden and stacked logs over a stream but somehow know one wasn’t hurt, except the clients trust. I won’t name the company publicly but this is the second time we’ve picked up a job putting right there mess there not from the travelling community but are on there way to being on rogue traders if anyone would like to know just send us a message. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Two emergency storm call outs yesterday one uprooted willow that had shunted a gas tank. And one uprooted mountain ash blocking a road way this amount of rain and wind is not a good combination 😅 🌧


Hey everyone get yourselves over to Cwm Weeg Gardens next weekend June 23rd a specially illustrated, colourful and engaging trail will take you around the Gardens, Centered around a 15th Century farm house the garden has many surprises including fountains and statuary, grottos, moss garden with artificial rock face and tree sculptures. All these features, together with lawns and extensive herbaceous borders translate older garden vocabulary into an innovative 21st Century concept all in the heart of dolfor.


Pruning a ash tree with dieback, large lateral limbs hanging over 3 gardens catching the problem early will save problems in the long run.


We have been very busy as of late but I must bring everyone’s attention to ash dieback now the leaves are on there way out we are seeing an influx in ash trees suffering from the disease even with trees that have budded/leafed well last year the rapid rate of decline is very dangerous we have removed large limbs from ash trees with dieback that wouldn’t normally present any threat but have dried out so suddenly there of imminent failure And a race against time, we are trying... to raise awareness at Arb griffiths that large ash trees can be pruned to try and avoid the disease before they become to dead to climb before cherry pickers and cranes cost the client indefinite added costs so please if you notice your trees or your neighbours like the photos get in touch for a no obligation site visit.
What is ash dieback?
Ash dieback affects ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior) and is caused by the fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (previously known by the names Chalara fraxinea and Hymenoschyphus pseudoalbidus). It blocks the water transport systems in trees causing leaf loss, lesions in the wood and on the bark and ultimately the dieback of the crown of the tree. Photo 1 is how a ash should be budding this time of year photo 2 is a tree with ash dieback.
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This is a teaser video for a big oak tree we removed last week it has been in decline for a number of years we reduced it sometime ago but we believe contractors installing cables damaged the root system under the road so it was decided to be removed with whole tpo application arranged by ourselves. Stay tuned for the GoPro helmet footage


Summer is around the corner we have been busy putting up a tawny owl box 🦉 and pruning a hornbeam for a avid bird watcher thanks to Devon Wildlife Trust for the box and the invasive straps to fit it to the tree. It’s great to give something back to nature and looking after our heritage with proper pruning.


Summer is around the corner if you’d like to start fresh with your garden to enjoy it to it’s full potential get in touch the difference a day can make is phenomenal! Also thank you to all the hospital patients and staff for your courtesy and patience for our traffic management. Newtown Hospital 🌲🌲 🌞


As time served trained professionals we can stack logs into piles from the up the tree 100% accuracy 👌😅🌲

More about Arb Griffiths Tree Surgery & Arboricultural Contractor.