
About Arrearsuk

Welcome to Arrears UK , one of the UK's leading arrears solution providers with over 15 years experience

Calls us today for peace of mind for you and your family

We work with you to help you pay off your arrears with a proposal that is both afford

Arrearsuk Description

At Arrears UK we work with you to make a proposal to your lender that is (a) acceptable, (b) affordable to you.

This enables you to have peace of mind and clear your arrears off your mortgage /loan at a pace you can afford whilst keeping your lender content.

We can visit you in your own home, or if you prefer, at our offices, and formulate a proposal with yourself to put before your lender.
If you have received court letters, we can arrange a pre-eviction visit. At this stage it is still not too late for you to keep your family home. Should you have to go to court to defend an eviction notice, we can attend the court by putting your case foward in a professional manner to the judge. This process has been very successful over the years.
Our charges:
£295 includes-
Home visit / inital meeting.
Discussion /snap shoot of level of debt / arrears to whom.
Dealing with correspondence and unopened mail with reference to your debt from lender /lenders.
Completion of income expenditure report.
Calculating disposable income and submitting reports.

Should you require us to carry out any further work on your behalf further charges may apply , the costs of this depends on the level of work. Price available on request.