Aventine Miniatures

About Aventine Miniatures

Aventine Miniatures produce 28mm white metal miniatures for the Struggle for Italy. All the figures have been sculpted by Adam Smith formally of A& A.



Well I have finished the Thureophoroi, photos below show that even if you check them over you always miss something, I will need to go back and touch a few bits here that there, bases now have two runs of static grass applied and then dry brushed with cream. They are in the store now https://aventineminiatures.co.uk/catal… /index.php/…/53_65_79


I have been at this for more years than I like to admit and only recently have I managed to settle on a basing method I like and can do over and over again. Simple steps and cheap as chips.


Garry's Guard Phalanx, he used the embossed shields from Relic Miniatues embossed (Gorgon head) shields https://www.relicminiatures.com/


Advancing Thureophoroi Completed and in the store. https://aventineminiatures.co.uk/advancin g-thureophoroi/


Master mould for advancing thureophoroi completed and Adam is away with the product to prepare the battery figures. If all goes as planned they will be in the store tomorrow.


I was asked for some of the samnite cavalry chanfrons and I cannot remember who asked, please get back in touch. Age is a terrible thing.


3 elements/units for my LADLG force


Steve Drover contacted us and asked if we would be interested in supporting the TTS World Championships at Chalgrove this year, we of course were delighted to do so. Simon Miller, a good friend, wrote the rules a number of years ago and since their publication they have gone from strength to strength. We believe that this years Championship was the largest 28mm gaming competition(full format games) with 41 entries, if not it is still a very good turnout. [ 96 more words ] https://aventineminiatures.co.uk/to-the-s trongest-world-ch…/


That was quick work Robert


The first couple of units for the LADLG force. more will follow.


Nice Ray :)


We have finished the Thracian Unit. They have been equipped in the style of the troops used in so many Hellenistic period armies. The THR03 pack has 2 figures with the Rhomphaia and the lower arm separate and the THR01 officer has a sword and arm also separate, the rest of the rhomphaia are cast on the figures. The figures armed with a spear have a shield with the rhomphaia on the rear. https://aventineminiatures.co.uk/thracian -merc-unit/


Take a look at this lot http://lonelygamers.blogspot.com/…/an-a fternoon-of-impetvs.…


Moulding the masters for the Thracians this morning, hopefully production moulds on Friday.

More about Aventine Miniatures
