Bagpiper North Wales

About Bagpiper North Wales

Professional Bagpiper



Just received some great comments from a Burns Night I did at RAF Valley, Anglesey.
Warrant Officer and Sergeant's Mess, RAF Valley, Angelsey. Burns Night 2020.
... "Richard, many thanks for the superb playing at our Burns function on Friday night. The guests all enjoyed being piped in on arrival and the piping of the haggis was excellent and enjoyed by all.
Can I confirm next year's date as 22 Jan 2021 and the event will be held in the Officer's Mess. We would like to to confrm the booking with you for this date and we look forward to seeing you again then.
Once again many many thanks for your great services."
Marie Lomas, Entertainments Officer
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Playing for patrons at a wine tasting event.


Billy Baxter’s address to the haggis!


Had an excellent evening at the St George’s Hotel tonight. I met up with my friend Billy Baxter from the Blind Veterans Association who did the most amazing address to the haggis. We were both wearing the same tartan!!


Had a fantastic evening last night piping in the guests and later the haggis at RAF Valley’s Burns Night. Thank you to everyone for looking after me and making so welcome!


Brilliant evening at the St George’s Hotel piping in the haggis.


Just received this feedback from a family who asked me to play at funeral for Mary near Corwen. Mary’s father was Scottish and served with the Liverpool Scottish in the First World War.
"Diolch Richard am chwarae yn yr angladd fy gwraig Mary. Fe wnaethoch chi chwarae Calon Lan a Suo Gan yn hyfryd a chyda'r fath deimlad. Diolch i chi o waelod ein calonnau am wneud achlysur trist mor gofiadwy". Robert a'i deulu
... "Thank you Richard for playing at the funeral of my wife Mary. You played Calon Lan and Suo Gan beautifully and with such feeling. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making a sad occassion so memorable". Robert and family
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A few carols!
Happy Christmas and best wishes to you all for a great 2020!


Played at a funeral for a family in Bala today. It was a lovely service followed by an interment in Rhosgywalia. I learnt that the deceased’s father served with the Liverpool Scottish in the First World War and then after that in Ireland.
She was very strongly attached to her Scottish roots but also loved Welsh hymns and folk songs.


Playing with the Wirral Pipe Band at Clatterbridge Hospital Cancer Trust for the patients at their Christmas Lights Party!


Pictures from a wonderful evening with the 1st Pen Y Cae Scout group.


The Wirral Pipe Band leading the Greasby Christmas Lights festival.


Had a wonderful evening celebrating a St Andrew’s evening celebrations with the 1st Pen Y Cae Scouts. More pictures to follow.


When you receive feedback like this you just know that you're going to have a GREAT day!
Annie and Paul Conde, Wedding at Selattyn Church, Septemeber 2019
“What can I say apart from you are an absolute star and consummate gentleman!
... Thank you so very much for your wonderful contribution to the success of our special day. From our first conversation on the telephone I knew you were the perfect choice for us. You are not only an accomplished performer you had a real and human interest in getting the day right for all of us. Such thought and attention to detail is rare - the ability to look at all sides, potential problems and offer suggestions in a manner that we welcomed is even more elusive. You have it all and we hope very much that you realise your value.
Your appearance, stance and demeanour were perfect - so many of our guests commented on those aspects that had you not even raised the pipe I suspect you would have still spread joy - however your playing was beautiful and so right for the occasion. We must commend you on your ability to quite simply keep going during the playing in of the guests to the reception - there were so many to greet and the lay person has little idea regarding the physical demands on the Piper.
After the event we were spoken to by a good number of guests who simply wanted to tell us how much the Piper had delighted them. One guest said 'it was my favourite part of the day' - he had found it most uplifting as did many others.
We will be receiving our photographs soon and will make sure that we send you a couple of nice ones that you can use for your website.
We were so lucky to find you Richard.”
Annie and Paul Conde, September 2019
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Pictures were taken from the film set at Gwydir Castle which was one of the locations for filming the soon to be released series of The Reformation. This is to be shown on the EWNT channel in the near future.
Pictures show Mary Queen of Scots being piped over the border!


Selattyn Church


Playing at the wedding of Mr and Mrs Conde.

More about Bagpiper North Wales

Bagpiper North Wales is located at CH76PA Mold, Flintshire