Bags By Olive

About Bags By Olive

We are a small family run business based in Cardiff, Wales

Bags By Olive Description

It all started with a bag of buttons. . . .
which were left to me by my nan when she passed away, normal people are left family heirlooms; silver or even money, but I was left a bag of buttons that she had cut off old clothes. That was my nan for you, she had a great sense of humour.
So one day I sat down with these buttons and started to think "what can I do with buttons apart from sewing", which I'm totally hopelesss at and then after a few hours of making shapes with them, I made a picture. So we started making button art, which we still do occasionally, but they tend to be more custom made orders which we love as they are more personal to you. Finally along came "Welshisms" or "we're welsh and we say the funniest things". One day while making a picture we overheard my husband on the phone saying "I'll be there now in a minute" and thought that doesn't make sense, oh, but it does to us because we're Welsh. So why a sheep you may ask? Well my nan was a vuluptious woman who loved her food, so we wanted a character that looked a little like her, and we gave her the name "Olive", which is what my grandad always called her (another story, for another time I'm afraid). My daughter then pointed out the Olive was a female sheep, a "ewe" which when said together, Olive Ewe, it sounds like I love you.
As you can see we have stumbled our way to this just by chance and I believe a little guidance from somewhere. All because of a bag of buttons, and you may be thinking "what has happened to that bag of buttons", well they haven't become picture? She loved to be able to feel them so we have placed them in a vase on our table for whoever wants to touch them just as she would have wanted.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Love always Team Olive X

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