Bangor Lgbt+ Society

About Bangor Lgbt+ Society

Page for Bangor University's LGBT + Society

Bangor Lgbt+ Society Description

Aims and Objectives

a. Shall provide a contact point for students on matters regarding sexuality and /or gender issues .

b. Shall promote LGBTQ + participation in BUSU and also in the wider community.

c. Shall be responsible for representing LGBTQ + issues and campaigns within

d. Shall provide a safe environment for its members with a strong emphasis on safe
space and zero tolerance to discrimination and harrasement.

e. Shall provide opportunities for LGBTQ + members to socialise.

f. Shall liaise with the Sexuality Equality Senator on all relevant matters within
BUSU and hold regular discussions with the Senator on any pertinent issues.

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We run social events, a weekly coffee afternoon (LGBTea) and regular film screenings. Look out for posters, drop us an email, or come along to one of our meetings.

We also provide a number of support services, including access to LGBT + Soc Reps. LGBT + Soc Reps are guides who are specifically trained to help with gender and sexuality related issues, but are also on hand to help with settling in, finding friends, or a casual chat if you need one. We can offer complete anonymity, either on a one-on-one basis or during one of our drop in sessions.

LGBT + Soc also runs a number of campaigns each year, including AIDs awareness /LGBTQ sexual health, Donation Not Discrimination, trans* rights and LGBT domestic abuse. If there's an issue that you think is important, do not hesitate to get in touch with us and ask us to run a campaign on this issue.

CONTACT (Committee):
CHAIR: Aaron Burley
Email: eeu65b@bangor. ac. uk
VICE CHAIR: Josh Bebbington
Email: elu4e1@bangor. ac. uk
TREASURER: Mickey Scott
Email: eeu902@bangor. ac. uk
SECRETARY: Alex Polanski
PR OFFICER: Carrie Port
Email: sou9b2@bangor. ac. u

Women's rep: Ellie Mulholland
Email: cou899@bangor. ac. uk
Bi + rep: Ceri Williams
Email: elu9fb@bangor. ac. uk
Trans rep: Jake Meredydd
Email: eeu81b@bangor. ac. uk
Queer and Questioning rep: Adryn Hughes
Email: cou689@bangor. ac. uk
Welsh rep: Kelly
Email: sou1b5@bangor. ac. uk
Open rep: Joshua Bebbington
Email: elu4e1@bangor. ac. uk
Faith rep: Alex Polanski
Disabilities rep: Mickey Scott
Email: eeu902@bangor. ac. uk