Bangor Marrow

About Bangor Marrow

A society at the University of Bangor.
We're a group of students who work alongside the Anthony Nolan charity to help save the lives of those with blood cancer.

Aims: raise awareness, recruit people to the register, and to raise funds towards their work.



We had a great day today at RAF Valley for their friends and family day. Thank you so much for having us and a huge thank you to everyone who signed up! We’re proud to have a good connection with the armed forces 💙🖤


We did something amazing for both the environment and Anthony Nolan! We cleaned up Rhosneigr beach to raise money for Anthony Nolan, thank you to everyone who helped out, if you'd still like to donate then you can do at ngor-marrow1… 💙💚🖤


Whoooo!! Such good news üíôüíôüíô


Great news! Thank you to everyone who has signed up üíô


Congrats to UCL for taking part in the rough runner!


Could you be Marley’s match? Come to one of our recruitment events to sign up 💙


Is that our very own Tom McHugh? Amazing to think that over 1000 people have gone on to donate thanks to our hard work getting people to sign up! üíô


Well done to everyone who participated and cheered! üíôüíö


All our hard work really does pay off. All the best to Oscar, we all wish him a speedy recovery üíô


Want to get some work done AND BECOME A LIFESAVER? We’re in the Deiniol library today! Come say hi! 💙


We’ll be cleaning Rhosneigr beach on the 18th of May to raise money for Anthony Nolan and to improve our shoreline 💙 ngor-marrow1


We had an amazing time at Undeb Bangor societies and volunteering awards last night with Tom McHugh, Daisy Sherratt and Pauline Rivart receiving gold awards. Thomas Weller and Adam Marshall received silver awards, and Toby Naughton received best newcomer! We were also shortlisted for society of the year. We’ve come so far this year and we can’t wait to start planning some more amazing events next year. Thank you to all our volunteers for being so brilliant and dedicated, we ...couldn’t have done it without you. 💙
Cawsom ni amser anhygoel yn y wobrau cymdeithasau a gwirfoddoli. Cafodd Tom, Daisy, a Pauline gwobrau aur, cafodd Tom, ac Adam gwobrau arian a chafodd Toby gwobr am newydd ddyfodiad gorau! Roeddwn ni hefyd ar yr restr fer am gymdeithas y flwyddyn. Rydym wedi tymu cymaint dros y flwyddyn hon ac ni allwn ni aros am y flwyddyn nesaf. Diolch yn fawr i ein gwirfoddolwyr, nid allem ni ddim wneud hon hebwch chi. üíô
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Come to one of our amazing events to see if you can be a match for Lilya or one of the other people out there in desperate need of a stem cell transplant! üíô


We would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed to Nikita's memorial last Wednesday. We could not have imagined a better way of celebrating Nikita's life and thanking her for her amazing contribution to Marrow.
Thank you to the Student's Union for helping us organise the memorial, the Athletic Union and Bangor RAG for helping us fund Nikita's memorial bench, and Anthony Nolan for their support.


Happy transplant birthday Claire! üíô‚ Ķ


We had a great time at Varsity yesterday. Thank you to Aber Marrow for having us, we really enjoyed the collab. Also thank you to everyone who helped out and everyone who signed up, you’re absolute lifesavers! 💙


Congratulations to our new committee for the year 19/20!! President: Tom McHugh Vice President: Daisy Sherratt Secretary: Myles Thompson Training Coordinator: Emma Pitman... Donor Recruitment Coordinator: Santiago Cerro-Salazar Publicity officer: Brianna Bruton Fundraising (general coordinator): Dominyka Jonikaite Fundraising (projects coordinator): Toby Naughton
Looking forward to an amazing year!!
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More about Bangor Marrow

Bangor Marrow is located at Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd