
About Barbelles

This is a public page for all women who want to become powerful, and strong as part of a supportive community.

Barbelles Description

So what does it mean to be part of BBB? -

* This entire course is designed around the empowerment of women via the tool the is the barbell. We want to give you the best introduction to the world of strength possible, and in doing so, give you the best technical instruction in the essential four movements of any good strength program - the squat, deadlift, bench press and over head press.

* The course will run at 7pm Monday - Friday, with Wednesday night and the weekends off as a well earned rest period. You will be coached through four sessions per week, each once coached by Sabrina and /or myself to make sure that you are all being pushed and supported through your training.
* You will be following a 6 week program that is written by Sabrina and I to take you from beginners in the world of strength training and make you competent and empowered as women.

* Throughout this training process we will also be giving you nutritional advice in order to help you get the most out of your training and your body.
The whole of the course (four sessions per week over six weeks, full nutritional support, and a vest upon graduation) costs £160, which can be transferred via our Paypal account.

We have had some fantastic results from our Squat Sorority graduates from the previous course, and we want to make sure that you have the same fantastic experience!

If you would still like to take up the challenge and become a BarBelle, please get in touch to arrange a start date in line with our next start date.



Because strength is a right, not a privilege. Get out there and seize your strength!


*** WE'RE BACK!!! ***
So after a brief hiatus, BarBelles is back and better than ever! In an effort to improve our services we have gone through a number of operational changes, but the message is still the same -
"We build strong beauties, and stronger booties with hard training, proper nutrition, and education of the female masses."
... We now offer two main strength pathways for you ladies to get stronger:
- Powerlifting: Deadlifts are hot... fact!
- Olympic Weightlifting: Poise, power, chalk...? I'm sold!
Both 1-2-1 and online coaching options are available to get you stronger, more mobile, and healthier than you have ever been!
Comment below or contact the page for more information!
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*** MYTH BUSTING! - Toning ***
Do you want to be toned? Of course you do! But do you know what "tone" actually means?
Tone is the tension of your skin in relation to the muscle beneath it. The less fat you have, the more toned you are.
... However!
If you have a low level of muscle mass, then you have nothing to stretch the skin over, and will still appear to be soft.
Building muscle is the #1 way increase bodily tone. It's just that simple.
Being strong and having a higher level of muscle is going in boost metabolism of fat, produce more growth hormone responsible for keeping your skin, hair, and nails healthier, all the while helping you look sexier day by day.
Seems like a pretty sweet deal no?
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*** BE THE CHANGE! ***
We are living in a social renaissance where women are, for the first time, actively being encouraged to be as strong as they want
The social stigma regarding women and strength training is thankfully fading into extinction. But the only way we are going to kick whats left of this outdated gender restriction to the curb is with each and every one of you!
... You are the ones that are going to be setting the example. Show strength in and out of the gym, and you can be part of a social change that will effect not just all of you, but your daughters, and all the other women who are going to grow up in strength!
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Today we saw BarBelle Vikki Eades qualify for the British Powerlifting Championships.
Your BarBelles family, your coaches, and your friends could not be more proud of you!
But besides Vikkis personal victory, what was amazing was seeing all the amazingly strong and corageous women who stepped on to the platform to give it their all.
... The ladies strength community is growing day by day, and we are proud to be a part of that movement.
Want to be strong? Be a BarBelle!
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Good luck to BarBelle Vikki Eades in her pursuit of glory on the platform today at the Welsh Champs!
She has put in so much hard work in the lead up to this moment, and her BarBelles family are so proud of her.
*she'll kill me for using this picture haha


*** DO IT FOR YOU! ***
Look, I get it - we all want to be sexy.
We all want to get those "daaaaaaayyyymmm" looks when we walk down the street. But if you getting into the gym, and taking your fitness seriously for someone else, then it's destined to failure.
... Don't get me wrong, we all started this in one way or another because we wanted to feel more attractive, but that can't be your only motivation for training.
Wanting to be sexy is a good reason to start, but the motivation has to evolve past caring about what other people think.
There has to be an emotional connection to the process of self improvement that goes deeper than seeking approval from someone else.
Be strong for you. Be fit for you. Be the best that you can be for you!
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So why is it so important to have a strong back?
Because it looks sexy of course...
... Seriously though, having a strong back is important for everyone, but for women in particular.
Over 50% of all women in this country will suffer from some kind of spinal issue in their life time. The ugly truth of it though is that these issues are all avoidable by developing a strong back, and focusing on good posture.
At BarBelles we know that good positions are universal, and good posture in the deadlift or squat equals good posture in life.
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Huge congratulations to BarBelles Head Coach Sabrina Moore who competed last friday in the IPF World Powerlifting Championship!
Sabs took 9th in her weight class, ranking her in the upper echilons of the strongest women in the world!
We are all so proud of you Coach!


Good luck to Barbelles Head Coach Sabrina Moore who is competing in the IPF World Powerlifting Championships in Texas!
As one of the strongest women in the country both mentally and physically, I know she will do herself, her country, and her Barbelles family proud!


*** Why deadlift? ***
I could give you a lot of reasons why you should deadlift.
- It gives you a great bum
... - Makes you really strong
- Performed properly it can prevent backpain in later life
- It looks cool
But all that pales in comparison to the fact that it's the perfect metaphor for life.
Life puts a heavy obstacle in your way and you have two choices, conquer it or walk away from it.
The choice is yours. Go deadlift!
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*** THE FIVE P's ***
Prior preparation prevents piss poor performance.
Having a nutrition plan is more than just knowing your macros. It's about making sure that you are organised when selecting your foods.
... Are you preparing your meals with foods that are beneficial for you and your goals?
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3. Not everyone will think your strength is beautiful -
But that's because their narrow perceptions of what it means to be beautiful is based on air brushed instagram posts and magazine covers. You don't need anyones approval to feel beautiful!
... We live in an age were beauty is no longer in the eye of the beholder. Its a packaged concept. A tick list of have and have nots. We are told how to dress, how to style, how to talk, how to be, in order to be 'beautiful'.
Well I say fuck that!
The only person that can make you feel beautiful is you!
The only person who can make you feel anything other than beautiful is you!
The only one that can define your beauty is you!
Growing stronger is like a flower coming into bloom. It is only in the process of growing and opening up all the different aspects of who and what you are that you share every last beautiful part of yourself.
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2. Not everyone will get it -
Since when did other peoples opinions matter anyway? Be true to who you are!
... People are afraid of things they don't understand, and your pursuit of being the most badass bosslady you can be is something that a great deal of people, and quite possibly some of your friends, just will not understand.
Remember that you started this journey for you. Not for anyone else. You started this just for you.
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This week we are going to be throwing down some hard hitting home truths about being strong.
1. Getting strong will make it harder to find jeans that fit properly -
... Let me make this clear right from the get go. Clothing sizes vary from brand to brand, but the overall trend is that a size 10 is a size 10 because it fits the average proportions of the average size 10 person.
You are not an average person. You are not training to be an average person. You are training to be an exceptional person!
Stop being so emotionally attached to the size of your jeans, and start thinking about the amazing things your can do with your body.
It's worth the trade off!
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*** But I thought... ***
If there is one thing that stops women from starting down the path of getting strong, its that they don't want to get bulky, and they think that only light weights and mega high reps will get them that instagram ready body.
Truth is that this couldn't be further from what actually works. Check out this article by Nia Shanks where she attempts to finally put some of the female fitness myths to bed.
... male-strength-tra…/
This is an article written by women for women. So take her work for it, she is very good!
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Strength inspires all of us. Remember that the work you put in today to making yourself strong set the example for all the other people around you.


*** AND ANOTHER!!! ***
There is literally nothing that makes me happier than the fact that every time I look at my newsfeed, more and more fantastic articles are popping up about how beneficial it is for women to pick up a barbell!
We are living in a renaissance period were we are finally throwing off the labels of men's and women's exercises, and finally moving forward to a future in which we are all just as strong as each other!

More about Barbelles

Barbelles is located at Unit 2b, CF3 2EQ Cardiff