Barnardo'S Cymru

About Barnardo'S Cymru

Barnardo’s Cymru has been working in Wales for over a century. Our aim is to reach out to the most disadvantaged children, young people, families and communities in Wales to help ensure that every child has the best possible start in life.



If you’ve ever wanted to change a child’s life for the better then why not give us a call during Fostering Week and seeing if it could be for you. We are looking for foster parents across Wales and offer full support and training. Find out more at…/f ostering-and-adoption or call 029 2049 3387.


Os ydych chi wedi bod yn awyddus i newid bywyd plentyn er gwell, beth am ein ffonio ni yn ystod Wythnos Maethu i weld a allai hynny fod yn addas i chi. Rydyn ni’n chwilio am rieni maeth ledled Cymru ac yn cynnig cymorth a hyfforddiant llawn. Rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael yn…/f ostering-and-adoption neu drwy ffonio 029 2049 3387.


Mae‚Äôn braf cael croesawu Helen Connolly, Comisiynydd Plant a Phobl Ifanc cyntaf De Awstralia, i‚Äôn gwasanaethau ni heddiw. Rydyn ni‚Äôn falch iawn ei bod wedi gofyn i gael dysgu mwy am ein gwaith, yn enwedig ein cymorth i blant sydd √Ę rhieni yn y carchar, a‚Äôr rheini y mae cam-drin rhywiol yn effeithio arnynt.


We are pleased to be with @CardiffUniversity at the ACE Aware Nation conference in Aberystwyth today presenting findings from our Gwella project. It’s an evidence based response for working with children and young people who have experienced trauma in their earliest years. It provides an effective, multi-agency practice model to develop resilience and allow the vulnerable to reach their potential #acehubresearchconf


Rydym yn falch i fod gyda @CardiffUniversity yng Nghynhadledd Cenedl sy‚Äôn Ymwybodol o ‚ÄėACE‚Äô (Profiadau Niweidiol yn ystod Plentyndod ) yn Aberystwyth heddiw yn cyflwyno casgliadau o‚Äôn prosiect Gwella Mae‚Äôn ymateb sy‚Äôn seiliedig ar dystiolaeth i weithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sydd wedi dioddef profiadau niweidiol yn eu blynyddoedd cynnar. Mae‚Äôn darparu model ymarfer effeithiol, amlasiantaethol i ddatblygu gwytnwch sy‚Äôn gadael i‚Äôr bregus i gyrraedd eu potensial


A huge thank you to our charity partners IKEA for spending two days transforming rooms at our Better Futures service in Pyle. We are sure the colourful makeover will be hit with the children we support, we certainly love it! Thanks to everyone for their hard work.


Diolch yn fawr iawn i'n partneriaid elusennol IKEA am dreulio dau ddiwrnod yn trawsnewid ystafelloedd yn ein gwasanaeth Dyfodol Gwell yn y P√ģl. Rydym yn siŇĶr y bydd yn boblogaidd ymysg y plant rydym yn eu cefnogi, rydyn ni'n sicr wrth ein bodd! Diolch o galon i bawb am eu gwaith caled.


Casey-Jane spent years being bullied in school but after support from Barnardo’s Cymru she had the courage to stand for the Welsh Youth Parliament to give other young people a voice. Today she’s backing our new hard-hitting TV advertising campaign. Read her story to find out why at


Treuliodd Casey-Jane flynyddoedd yn cael ei bwlio yn yr ysgol ond ar √īl cael cefnogaeth gan Barnardo's Cymru, roedd hi‚Äôn ddigon dewr i sefyll yn etholiad Senedd Ieuenctid Cymru er mwyn rhoi llais i bobl ifanc. Heddiw, mae hi‚Äôn cefnogi ein hymgyrch rymus ar ffurf hysbyseb teledu. Darllenwch ei stori i ganfod pam yn


What a day with the fab young people from our BAYS+ @Info-Nation service in #Swansea! Rhossili Down walk to the highest point on Gower, taking in the views and meandering through ancient landscapes before descending onto one of the most iconic beaches in Wales. We'll sleep well tonight ūüíö


We are delighted to announce that we have just trained our 5,000th police officer to recognise the long-lasting impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) such as neglect, abuse and parental substance misuse. Working with our Early Action Together colleagues including Public Health Wales we will be training every police officer in Wales in a bid to break the cycle of affected children growing up at greater risk of poor mental and physical health and getting caught up in crime.


Rydym wrth ein bodd yn cyhoeddi ein bod wedi hyfforddi 5000 o swyddogion heddlu i fedru adnabod effeithiau tymor hir Profiadau Niweidiol yn ystod Plentyndod (ACEs), megis diffyg gofal, camdriniaeth a chamddefnyddio sylweddau gan rieni.
Drwy weithio gyda‚Äôn cydweithwyr Camau Cynnar gyda‚Äôn Gilydd, gan gynnwys @PublicHealthWales, byddwn yn hyfforddi pob swyddog heddlu yng Nghymru mewn ymgais i dorri‚Äôr cylch o blant wedi eu heffeithio yn tyfu i fod mewn mwy o berygl o ddioddef iechyd corfforol a meddyliol gwael ac o fod yn ymwneud √Ę throseddi.


We have our last few places left to fill for the great Cardiff Half Marathon! Secure your place with #TeamBarnardos today! Registration closes on Sunday 1st September. We can’t wait to have you on board!
Dim ond ychydig o lefydd ar √īl ar gyfer Hanner Marathon Caerdydd! Sicrhewch eich lle gyda #TeamBarnardos heddiw! Mae‚Äôr cofrestru‚Äôn dod i ben ddydd Sul 1af Medi. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at eich croesawu ūüíö


Are you going to Pride Cymru events this weekend? Say hallo to our colleagues at National Adoption Service stall. They will give you a warm welcome and talk to you about all things #adoption and #fostering


We’re down to our last few guaranteed entry places in this year’s Cardiff Half Marathon so don’t miss out, sign up today to join #TeamBarnardos
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Dim ond un neu ddau o lefydd sicr sydd gennym ni ar √īl yn Hanner Marathon Caerdydd eleni. Peidiwch √Ę cholli‚Äôr cyfle! Cofrestrwch heddiw i ymuno √Ę #T√ģmBarnardos


We are looking for special volunteers to work with vulnerable families in Denbighshire, helping them develop parenting, budgeting and cooking skills. If you’d like to work one to one with families find out more at or if you’d like to help run group sessions see or ring Chris Shaw on 01745 355366. Thanks to the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action WCVA for its support.


Rydym yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr arbennig i weithio gyda theuluoedd bregus yn Sir Ddinbych, i‚Äôw helpu i ddatblygu sgiliau rhianta, cyllidebu a choginio. Os hoffech weithio un i un gyda theuluoedd gallwch gael rhagor o wybodaeth ar neu os hoffech helpu i gynnal sesiynau grŇĶp ewch i neu ffoniwch Chris Shaw ar 01745 355366. Diolch i Gyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru am ei gefnogaeth.

More about Barnardo'S Cymru

Barnardo'S Cymru is located at Trident Court, East Moors Road, CF24 5TD Cardiff
029 2049 3387