Battleground Larp

4.5 star rating

About Battleground Larp

Battlegrounds LARP-The Arcane Wars is an intense PvP Game with strong Co-operative play where players RP soldiers in a medieval-fantasy story.



So! After a year and a bit of trying to lift this LARP off the ground and hitting the dirt face first infinite times I have now decided to terminate this group. I believe the idea is sound and the story is incredibly touching but it looks like indeed, not enough people in the UK are either interested in this kind of LARP or simply too rigid and set in their ways to give it a try. Either way, I am still around, on this page, so if, one day, your fingers tingle to try out the likes of Winterfell or Helm's deep... from the point of view of the soldier on the ground... let me know 🙂. I must give great thanks to Jak MrPotato Crawford for all his help in developing the story and helping me with the Rule book. I am really sorry it never came to be in the form of a LARP BUT, I have taken it to heart and have started making a comic version of it, bits of which I will post on this page every so often... so keep in touch if you are interested.
And with the words of Bran Stark I will finish... I have to go now....
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These images are how I see this game playing out


We are still open for more players who wish to join the only LARP that simulates PvP battle as its main feature!We are still open for more players who wish to join the only LARP that simulates PvP battle as its main feature!


Battlegrounds LARP is all about being part of a team! Join us to learn more


Battleground LARP - The Arcane Wars
2 Factions 12 Races 10 Orders
... Join our group to find out more!
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Battleground LARP - The Arcane Wars is now looking for players who want to take part in our events. We are planning to have our first event in May. Please stay tuned for more information






Battleground LARP - The Arcane Wars is an Intense PvP game with strong emphasis on team work and community and we are looking for more soldiers to join the fight! Set in the Medieval-fantasy world of Solmaar - a world so infused in magic to the point it was used for everything, even the most mundane operations. But now, the Arcane has changed and fearing it will cause a calamity the king of the United Kingdoms of Arnasia decreed that use of magic should be stopped, but not all agreed with him! Thus, Arnasia declined into an all out Civil War tearing countries, towns even families apart as each person decided for himself which side he will take. Join us and choose your side, becoming an integral part of a team, a faction, a story and leave your mark on the world.


Battleground LARP now has a Pantheon too. It consists of Elemental beings that attained god like abilities. These are the creators of the different races in Arnasia and when you make your character you need to decide which god you follow and this in turn will determine which order you will join to serve that god.
Join our group to learn more about this battle oriented LARP that also has lots of story and character building opportunities.

More about Battleground Larp

Battleground Larp is located at Cardiff