Beaumaris Rnli Lifeboat

About Beaumaris Rnli Lifeboat

Beaumaris lifeboat launches to incidents in the Menai Strait between Anglesey and the North Wales mainland, from Puffin Island to Caernarfon Bar

Beaumaris Rnli Lifeboat Description

The station was established in 1891 and closed in 1895 when Penmon was provided with a more powerful lifeboat. The station was re-opened in 1914.

Silver Medal awarded to David Griffiths for the rescue by rope of 40 to 50 men, women and children from the emigrant ship Newry that was wrecked off the Lleyn Peninsula on 16 April 1830. The master ordered the mainmast cut down to form a bridge between the ship and shore, using this three hundred and seventy five people were saved 40 to 50 of them by Mr Griffiths with the help of three labourers who received a monetary award.

Silver Medals and Silver Boats awarded to William Lewis Walker and Ralph Williamson for the rescue by boat of 22 people from the Steam Packet Rothsay Castle that was wrecked in horrendous weather on the night of 18 August. Over 120 people were lost.

The smack Two Brothers of Aberystwyth was, during a north easterly gale, stranded in Red Wharf Bay on the Anglesey coast. The crew of three men, after much difficulty and risk, were rescued by a shore boat manned by John Price and eight others. It was nearly four hours before the boat could reach the wreck, although the distance from the shore was not more than one mile. John Price was awarded a Silver Medal.

Lifeboat and slipway constructed at a cost of over £4, 500.

King George V inspected the new lifeboat whilst it was at Cowes and took a trip in her.

A Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution was sent to the coxswain and crew for standing by the Greek tanker Essar I throughout the night of 27 /28 October in extremely severe weather conditions.

Inshore lifeboat station established in May with the placing on service of a D class lifeboat. The cost of the lifeboat was met by the BBC Blue Peter Appeal.

D class lifeboat withdrawn and replaced with an Atlantic 21 lifeboat. The cost of the lifeboat was met by the BBC Blue Peter Appeal.

The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum accorded to Helmsman John Charles Askew in recognition of his service on 23 October when the crew of two was rescued from the yacht Tantivy.

The Thanks of the Institution inscribed on Vellum accorded to Helmsman David Jones in recognition of his service in the Atlantic 21 lifeboat on 23 July 1977, when the yacht Rosskop was saved.

Bronze Medal was awarded to Coxswain David Gallichan in recognition of the courage, judgement and seamanship displayed by him when the lifeboat Greater London II (Civil Service No 30) rescued the crew of two of the fishing vessel Wygyr that was in difficulties at the northern end of the Menai Straits in a strong south-south-easterly gale rising to storm force and a blizzard on 13 December 1981. The launch was found and taken in tow but after the line parted the two men were taken on board the lifeboat. A second attempt to tow the craft failed and she blew ashore and broke up. The two men were landed safely at Menai Bridge.

Atlantic 21 lifeboat-house extended to provide improved crew facilities.

Further extension to Atlantic 21 lifeboat house was constructed to allow the housing of the lifeboat and launching tractor, coupled in-line, and also an integral souvenir sales outlet.

The all weather lifeboat was withdrawn on 7 July and the station re-graded to all-year-round ILB station.

A Framed Letter of Thanks signed by the Chairman of the Institution was awarded to crew member Martin Broughton for the service to the yacht Moon Storm which had gone aground in south-south-westerly winds which were Force 10 /11, with recorded gusts of Force 12 with moderate seas, a six foot swell and poor visibility in the early hours of the morning of the 24 October.

New boathouse completed May 2000. The new station B class lifeboat B768 was placed on service on 4 September 2000. This lifeboat was provided by the viewers of the BBC children's programme Blue Peter and was funded from the proceeds of The Pieces of Eight Appeal, November 1993.

The Trustees voted to award the station a Vellum in 2010 to commemorate 100 years aggregated service.

The new Atlantic 85 class lifeboat B838 Annette Mary Liddington was placed on service in January. B768 has been withdrawn. This lifeboat was provided by the generous bequest of Mr John Grover in memory of his mother and other donations to the Beaumaris Lifeboat Station Local Appeal.

More about Beaumaris Rnli Lifeboat

Beaumaris Rnli Lifeboat is located at The Green, LL58 8BS Beaumaris
01248 810260