Beicio Modur De-Orllewin Cymru / South West Wales Motorcycling

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Beicio Modur De-Orllewin Cymru / South West Wales Motorcycling

Hyfforddiant beicio modur am ddim.
Motorcycle training for free.
Dragon Rider Cymru / Biker Down Cymru

Beicio Modur De-Orllewin Cymru / South West Wales Motorcycling Description

Diolch i gyllid Llywodraeth Cymru, a Thîmau Diogelwch Ffyrdd Cyngor Sir Caerfyrddin a Sir Benfro, gallwch gael hyfforddiant beicio modur am ddim.
Trwy’r dudalen facebook hon gallwch gael y wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am ddigwyddiadau a chyrsiau sydd ar gael gennym.
Mae’r cyrsiau sydd ar gael yn cynnwys: - Dragon Rider Cymru – cwrs sgiliau uwch i feicwyr modur gan hyfforddwyr achrededig ôl-brawf profiadol, wedi’i addasu’n bwrpasol at anghenion y beiciwr modur unigol; Biker Down Cymru – cwrs sy’n dysgu’r sgiliau achub bywyd a fydd yn hanfodol i’r cyntaf i gyrraedd ar ôl i feic modur fod mewn gwrthdrawiad;
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth ac i archebu lle ar unrhyw gyrsiau sydd ar gael ewch i’r wefan, anfonwch e-bost neu ffoniwch ni.

Thanks to Welsh Government funding, and Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire Council’s Road Safety Teams you can get motorcycle training for free.
Through this facebook page you will be able to keep up-to-date with engagement events and courses that we have available.
Courses available include: - Dragon Rider Cymru – a course of enhanced rider skills delivered by experienced accredited post-test instructors, tailored to meet the needs of the individual rider; Biker Down Cymru – a course to offer essential lifesaving skills for anyone first on the scene of a motorcycle collision;
For Further information and to book on to any of the courses available please visit the website, email us or call us.



Gweld y gwahaniaeth / Spot the difference


Gallech chi gael gostyngiad ar eich yswiriant yn sgil cymryd rhan mewn cwrs Dragon Rider Cymru. Archebwch le i chi ar gwrs AM DDIM nawr!…/beicio- …/dragon-rider-cymru/


Attending a Dragon Rider Cymru course could see a reduction in your insurance. Book yourself onto a FREE course now!… /motorcycling/drago…/


Have you just passed your motorcycle test and want to learn more riding skills?
Book onto a Dragon Rider Cymru Course for FREE… /motorcycling/drago…/


Ydych chi newydd lwyddo yn eich prawf beic modur ac eisiau dysgu rhagor o sgiliau beicio?
Archebwch le ar gwrs Dragon Rider Cymru AM DDIM…/beicio- …/dragon-rider-cymru/


Ydych chi’n aelod o glwb beicio modur? Beth am gysylltu â ni a chael gwybod beth sydd gan Gyngor Sir Caerfyrddin i'w gynnig i chi?
E-bostiwch ni -< br>


Are you a member of a motorcycle club? Why not get in touch and see what Carmarthenshire County Council can offer you?
Email us rcycling


Anyone who rides a motorcycle or scooter knows that they can be the quickest way to get around. Riding them is also exhilarating. But with traffic conditions these days, it’s more important than ever that you can deal with the unexpected.… /trave…/motorcycling/


**New date for Dragon Rider Cymru ** 11/08/19 Carmarthen Fire Station Book your place on-line


**Dyddiad newydd am Dragon Rider Cymru ** 11/08/19 Gorsaf Dân Caerfyrddin Archebwch eich lle ar-lein
Carmarthen fire station 11/08/19
Book your place online


Ymgyrch lleihau cyflymder lwyddiannus yn Nhrimsaran y bore 'ma wrth i 22 o bobl gael ei stopio gan GoSafe a Heddlu Dyfed-Powys am oryrru mewn parth 20mya. Diolch i'r rhai a gadwodd at y terfyn cyflymder i wneud yr ardal y tu fas i Ysgol Trimsaran yn fwy diogel i ddisgyblion.

More about Beicio Modur De-Orllewin Cymru / South West Wales Motorcycling

Beicio Modur De-Orllewin Cymru / South West Wales Motorcycling is located at Parc Myrddin, SA31 1HQ Carmarthen
01267 228284
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -