Benthyg - Borrow Don'T Buy

About Benthyg - Borrow Don'T Buy

Rumney Forum bring you Wales's first library of things.
Why buy when you can borrow?

Benthyg - Borrow Don'T Buy Description

All over the world communities are coming together to start their very own 'Library of Things', inspired by this The Old Library in Rumney run by Rumney Forum will be home to Wales's very own Library of Things called Benthyg - Borrow don't Buy or Benthyg (pronounced ben - thig) for short.

At Benthyg you will be able to borrow essential but little used items. We will have everything from a drill to camping equipment, from a hedge trimmer to board games.


To facilitate a sustainable future for local communities based on a sharing


To establish accessible & inclusive local borrowing facilities, embedded in communities

To enable more efficient and sustainable use of individual and community resources to support local, regional and national prosperity

To find innovative ways to engage hard-to-reach members of the community

To understand and respond to the needs of different communities and tailor the services that Benthyg provides to meet those needs

To empower people by sharing knowledge & skills as well as items

To increase community integration & cohesion and build more resilient communities, through bringing people together

Rumney Forum is a registered charity 116133

More about Benthyg - Borrow Don'T Buy

Benthyg - Borrow Don'T Buy is located at The Old Library (Brachdy House), CF3 3BG Cardiff