Beyond The Border International Storytelling Festival

About Beyond The Border International Storytelling Festival

Biennial international storytelling festival plus year-round events based in Wales. Promoting traditional stories and music from around the world.



Good morning / bore da! We hope you're all safe & well, and we have another Monday Menu of Digital Delights to make staying home a little brighter!
Here's the offering of some of the events taking place in virtual storyspace this week!


Ivan Coyote is a writer and internationally renowned storyteller from Canada. Born and raised in Whitehorse, Yukon, they are the author of twelve books, the creator of four films, six stage shows, and three albums that combine storytelling with music. Mae Ivan Coyote yn awdur a chwedleuwr o fri rhyngwladol o Ganada. Cafodd ei eni a’i fagu yn Whitehorse, Yukon, mae’n awdur deuddeg llyfr, wedi creu pedair ffilm, chwe sioe lwyfan a thair albwm sy’n cyfuno chwedleua gyda cherddoriaeth.


As part of Storytelling Friday Canadian performer, Tamar Ilana shares a short story fusing flamenco and song. Fel rhan o Ddydd Gwener Chwedleua, bydd y berfformwraig Tamar Ilana o Ganada yn rhannu stori fer yn plethu flamenco a chân.


As part of Storytelling Friday Canadian Storyteller Marta Singh shares with us the short story of The Merchant and the Parrot. Fel rhan o Ddydd Gwener Chwedleua, bydd y chwedleuwr Marta Singh o Ganada yn rhannu stori fer Y Masnachwr a’r Parot.


11 year old Bella Atherton shares her short story as part of Storytelling Friday. Bella Atherton, 11 oed, yn rhannu ei stori fer fel rhan o Ddydd Gwener Chwedleua.


This week is our last Storytelling Friday session, and we have more ideas developing over the next few weeks for online. Thank you for all your suggestions and ideas. Please keep sharing. Yr wythnos hon yw’n sesiwn olaf o Ddydd Gwener Digidol, ac mae gennym fwy o syniadau ar y gweill ar gyfer ar-lein yn yr ychydig wythnosau nesaf. Diolch am eich holl awgrymiadau a syniadau. Daliwch ati i rannu os gwelwch yn dda.


We may have postponed the festival to 2021 but you can still enjoy some of the international stories that would have been told at the festival this Friday online as part of Storytelling Friday. Watch on Facebook and YouTube as we share slightly longer stories this week from Marta Singh, Tamar Illana and Ivan Coyote, plus 11 year old storyteller, Bella Atherton.
Efallai ein bod ni wedi gohirio’r ŵyl tan 2021, ond gallwch ddal fwynhau rhai o’r straeon rhyngwladol y byddech wedi eu clywed yn yr ŵyl y dydd Gwener hwn ar-lein fel rhan o Ddydd Gwener Chwedleua. Edrychwch ar Facebook ac YouTube wrth i ni rannu straeon ychydig yn hirach yr wythnos hon gan Marta Singh, Tamar Ilana ac Ivan Coyote, ynghyd â’r chwedleuwr 11 oed, Bella Atherton.


11 year old Bella Atherton shares her short story as part of Storytelling Friday - Friday 9am (Facebook & YouTube @BTBStorytelling)
Bella Atherton, 11 oed, yn rhannu ei stori fer fel rhan o Ddydd Gwener Chwedleua - Dydd Gwener 9am (Facebook & YouTube @BTBStorytelling)


Ivan Coyote is a writer and internationally renowned storyteller from Canada. Born and raised in Whitehorse, Yukon, they are the author of twelve books, the creator of four films, six stage shows, and three albums that combine storytelling with music. This Friday Ivan will be sharing a story with us at 6pm on Facebook and YouTube. Mae Ivan Coyote yn awdur a chwedleuwr o fri rhyngwladol o Ganada. Cafodd ei eni a’i fagu yn Whitehorse, Yukon, mae’n awdur deuddeg llyfr, wedi creu pedair ffilm, chwe sioe lwyfan a thair albwm sy’n cyfuno chwedleua gyda cherddoriaeth. Y dydd Gwener yma bydd Ivan yn rhannu stori gyda ni am 6pm ar Facebook ac YouTube.


Tamar Ilana is a Toronto-born multifaceted artist who grew up touring internationally, singing in multiple languages and dancing flamenco. This Friday she will be sharing her short story as part of Storytelling Friday at 1pm (UK time). Mae Tamar Ilana yn artist aml-agweddog a anwyd yn Toronto ac a gafodd ei magu yn teithio’n rhyngwladol, yn canu mewn nifer o ieithoedd ac yn dawnsio fflamenco. Y dydd Gwener hwn bydd yn rhannu ei stori fer gyda ni fel rhan o Dydd Gwener Chwedleua am 1pm (amser Prydain).


We are thrilled to have 3 of the storytellers who were programmed for Beyond the Border 2020 Festival (postponed now until 2021) share some longer stories with us this Friday - Ivan Coyote, Marta Singh and Tamar Ilana. Facebook & YouTube @BTBStorytelling
Rydym wrth ein bodd i gael 3 o’r chwedleuwyr oedd ar raglen Gŵyl Beyond the Border 2020 (a ohiriwyd tan 2021) i rannu rhai straeon hirach gyda ni y dydd Gwener hwn - Ivan Coyote, Marta Singh and Tamar Ilana. Facebook & YouTube @BTBStorytelling


Our #WebinarWednesday this week will be providing support & advice for artists and creative professionals who are applying for Arts Council Wales's Urgent Response Fund for Individuals.
We'll be having an informal group support session and Q&A via Zoom at 11am, but if you'd rather talk to one of the BtB team privately, we can arrange a session at some point during the day. Just ask and we'll see what we can do!
You do not need to be a storyteller to attend this session. If y...ou're an artist or creative professional we will do our very best to help you at this time.
Please contact if you'd like to attend our webinar or with any queries.
Fe fydd ein hyfforddiant arlein wythnos yma yn digwydd yfory am 11yb, ac yn cynnig cymorth a chefnogaeth i artistiaid a gweithwyr creadigol fydd yn ceisio am Gronfa Ymateb Brys y Cyngor Celfyddydau.
Fe fyddem yn cael sesiwn anffurfiol fel grŵp ar Zoom am 11yb ond os hoffech siarad i un o dîm BtB yn breifat, gallwn drefnu sesiwn i chi yn ystod y dydd. Gofynnwch, a wnewn ni weld beth sydd yn bosib!
Nid oes angen i chi fod yn chwedleuwr i fynychu'r sesiwn yma. Os rydych yn artist neu'n gweithio'n greadigol fe wnewn ni ein gorau glas i'ch helpu chi.
Plîs cysylltwch â os hoffech ymuno â'r sesiwn neu gyda unrhyw gwestiynau.
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This Friday we have 4 stories for you as part of Storytelling Friday. 3 from Canada and one from a young storyteller, Bella Atherton. Follow us on Facebook and YouTube all day. Y dydd Gwener hwn mae gennym 4 stori ar eich cyfer fel rhan o Dydd Gwener Chwedleua, 3 o Ganada ac un gan Bella Atherton, chwedleuwr ifanc. Dilynwch ni drwy’r dydd ar Facebook ac YouTube.


It's time for our Monday Menu of Digital Delights!
We've collated here some of the wonderful online storytelling events taking place in virtual story-space over the next seven days. If you know of any other events you'd like us to share, please let us know. And if you know of anybody who would benefit from receiving this list by email, please send their details, with their permission, to

More about Beyond The Border International Storytelling Festival