Breaking Point

About Breaking Point

Test your mind, train your body, be the best version of you possible!

The hardest programme you'll ever do!



Check out the progess of our client Yvonne Wells! Doing brilliant


Check out competition winner Paul McTrustry's progress as he has just finished the testing phase!


Check out Danielle's progress after completing the testing phase of the programme! Brilliant results


2 Spaces left at the discounted price of £250.


"Test your mind, Train your body, Be the best version of you possible!"


Breaking Point now on sale!
"Test your mind, train your body, be the best version of you possible"
Want to massively increase your strength?... Want to dramatically lose body fat? Want to increase muscle mass? Want to become incredibly fit? Want to test your limits and find out how far you can push your mind and body?
Of course you do, everyone wants all these things! Problem is how do you go about making this a reality?
Simple .... You work your backsdie off for it!
This is no 12 week programme where you lose a bit of weight and gain a wee bit of muscle that leaves you when you stop your diet and your normal boring training plan!
Breaking Point is a 6 month, 5 day a week programme that will push you to your limits EVERYDAY! No one can do it for you!
Throughout the programme you will be guided by our Breaking Point trainers who have all completed the programme and know how it feels to hit their Breaking Point but keep going and get through the pain barrier and achieve their own goals!
You will be tested, measured, weighed and pushed to get the most out of your Breaking Point experience.
If you are sick of how your health and fitness are going and think you have what it takes to hit your Breaking Point and keep moving forward then this is the programme for you, if not then go back to the sofa and open another beer!
You dont have to have any fitness experience to start the only opponent in this programme is you!
What does it cost?
Full 6 month programme is valued at £800 However if you come to one of our upcoming tester days you get 25% off bringing the price down to £600! Thats £3.12 per day to change your life forever.
However to celebrate the general release of Breaking Point for the next 10 customers that sign up we are offering the programme for £250. That's little more than £1 per day! This offer will never be repeated.
Check out your page to see how our Competition winners are getting on in their first month.
For more information PM the page for ring the gym on: 02893322283
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Competiton Winner!
Yvonne Wells
Yvonne has totally left here comfort zone by starting the programme. Here is what Yvonne has had to say about it thus far:
... "Well what can I say....middle of week 2 and how I got here is all down to my good friend and training partner Lisa. She signed us up for the breaking point challenge after seeing it advertised on Facebook.
She thought it was the challenge we needed to focus our training and get advice on what to eat and how to train as we have been going to morning classes at the gym but not really seeing many results.. ..think possibly to over eating the wrong foods!
Set off to the challenge nervous and unsure if I could do it but I am now into week 2 of Breaking Point and enjoying the fact that I’ve no idea what I’m coming into face, seeing it and thinking oh no and yet an hour later feeling so much better having completed it.....yes I am aching and hurting and doing exercises that I never would have thought possible.....but I’m enjoying the it says in Waites be stronger than your excuses!
Looking forward to the challenges and changes ahead under the watchful eye and support of Waites Gym....Thanks very much for this opportunity....I’m intending to succeed!"
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Competition Winner!
Paul McTrustry.
Paul is now onto the second week of testing. Here is his take on how things are going so far:
... "At the age of 42 I had let myself go and felt out of shape but about a year ago I joined Waites Warehouse Gym and set about trying to get fitter and stronger.
From the start the gym staff were supportive and helped me on my way with basic training plans to improve fitness and strength. As I got fitter and stronger the team gave me new training plans to keep pushing forward.
As I had a weight training and martial arts back ground I felt more comfortable training using the weights programs and avoiding the cardio days, this meant my strength went up but my fitness did not.
So the opportunity came up in the gym breaking point I was curious as I had seen the gym PT’s doing the program and saw the challenge they faced and jumped at the opportunity when offered to join the program.
Week 2 has just started and the daily challenges are pushing me to my limits with weights and cardio.
I really like the not knowing what our daily challenges are because if I knew I might just stay in bed lol.""
I have all ready learnt so much about my training and eating habits which will change the way I train and recover.
I would recommend this program to anyone out there who wants to challenge themselves or just need to take the next step in there training.
Ps I still do not like cardio but no pain no gain
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Meet our trialist Patrick Erkelens! or better known at the gym as Johnny Bravo.
Patrick kindly agreed to trial the programme for us and he has seen his fitness and strength go through the roof. Here is what he has had to say about the programme so far:
"William asked me: “When your at the gym do you really go for it?” I was working hard enough to beat myself down a little bit but not hard enough to facilitate a meaningful change in my fitness level. I tend to choose the exerc...ises that I like, because they are easy and make me feel good and soon realised I was sacrificing all cardiovascular conditioning. To improve you must push yourself past your perceived limits and this is where I got introduced to Breaking Point, a new challenge as a test subject for this new program.
After completing 3 months so far I’ve significantly gained strength, increased cardiovascular conditioning and mobility. This program will take you to a point where you can’t or won’t, but there’s nothing wrong with a little hurting and discomfort, the results are guaranteed for any fitness level.
For anyone that’s willing, want results, I would highly recommend it, I will keep using the exercises and you’ll have a “hate & love” for it, hate as it pushes you to your mental and physical limits and love for the functional results".
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Competition Winner!
Chris Arnold
Chris is another winner of a free place on the programme through one of our tester days. He is now also into week 2 of his testing phase. Here is what he has to say so far:
... "Seeing a ‘Challenge’ advertised is sometimes like a red rag to a bull to me. I enjoy the challenge of knowing that it is not going to be easy and that you are going to have to work for it.
After the challenge try out day it was clear that this was not going to be an easy programme and that I was indeed going to have to work hard at this, very hard in fact.
Only into week two and I have already been using equipment and exercises I have previously stayed away from in the gym, so the encouragement and the advice on proper form and technique has been excellent.
I am looking forward to seeing my progression over the next six months and see where this challenge can take me. This isn’t only a programme to follow in the gym, this is a better way of living a healthier lifestyle, eat better, sleep better, train better, or as it says on the wall, “WORK HARD, TRAIN SMART”
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