Bridgend College

Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Bridgend College

Welcome to Bridgend College's Official Facebook Page. For further information about the College please visit www. bridgend. ac. uk

Bridgend College Description

Bridgend College is officially a 'Double Excellent' Further Education College and is proud of its commitment and reputation of providing outstanding education and training to more than 12, 000 students each year.

This award-winning College delivers full and part-time courses in a wide range of vocational areas, across four campuses as well as apprenticeship programmes. We are also an established provider of Higher Education courses, with over 800 students completing HNC, HND and Degree courses locally at Bridgend College each year. They work in partnerships with University of South Wales & Cardiff Metropolitan University.



Nôl ym mis Medi 2018, fe wnaethom lansio rhaglen interniaeth mewn partneriaeth ag Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr.
Roedd y prosiect yn cynnwys carfan o ddysgwyr o Goleg Penybont sydd ag Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol yn gweithio mewn gwahanol adrannau ar draws yr ysbyty. Maent wedi ennill profiad gwaith gwerthfawr ac wedi ffynnu mewn lleoliad sy’n aml yn heriol ac anodd.
Rydym yn hynod falch bod un o’n interniaid, Rhys, wedi cael cynnig swydd â thal llawn amser yn... Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru yn yr adran fferylliaeth o ganlyniad ei interniaeth.
Cymerwch olwg ar yr hyn oedd gan ein interniaid a’u cydweithwyr i’w ddweud am y rhaglen a sut mae wedi eu helpu i fod yn bopeth y gallant fod.
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Back in September 2018, we launched a partnered internship programme at the Princess of Wales Hospital in Bridgend.
This involved a cohort of learners from Bridgend College with Additional Learning Needs working as interns in various departments across the hospital. They have gained valuable work experience and have thrived in a setting which is often challenging and demanding.
We are so pleased that one of our interns Rhys has been offered a full-time paid position at the Pr...incess of Wales in the pharmacy department on the back of his internship.
We are so proud of you Rhys! Well done you.
Take a look at what our interns and their colleagues had to say about the programme and how it has helped them be all that they can be.
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We have had such a fantastic weekend at the Bridgend County Show!
Family fun packed show with lots of activities at our stand! Face painting, badge making, planting flowers and lots of colouring ☺️
Thanks to everyone who popped by to see us 😎
... Tag us if you have any pictures - we would love to see them @BridgendCollege 👈
Rydym wedi cael penwythnos arbennig yn Sioe Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr! Sioe llawn hwyl i’r teulu gyda lot o weithgareddau ar ein stondin! Peintio gwyneb, gwneud bathodyn, plannu blodau a lot o liwio! Diolch i bawb am ddod i’n gweld!
Tagiwch ni os bod gyda chi luniay - byddwn wrth ein bodd yn ei gweld @BridgendCollege 🎉
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Edward has worked very hard to complete his Work-based Learning qualification with us and recently won the College Learner of the Year, Principal Award at our Annual Award ceremony Want to study a work-based learning course, see more here 👉🏼
Gweithiodd Edward yn galed iawn er mwyn cwblhau ei gymhwyster Seiliedig ar Waith gyda ni ac yn ddiweddar fe enillodd gwobr Dysgwr y Flwyddyn y Coleg, Gwobr y Pennaeth yn ein seremoni Gwobrau Blynyddol Eisiau astudio cwrs Seiliedig ar Waith? Mwy yma 👉🏼


Adele has been a great learner on our Health and Social Care course. She will be continuing her studies on a university course in September See our Health and Social Care courses here 👉🏼
Mae Adele wedi bod yn ddysgwr arbennig ar ein cwrs Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol. Mi fydd yn parhau ar ei hastudiaethau ar gwrs brifysgol ym mis Medi Gwelir ein cyrsiau Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yma 👉🏼


Nia came to study Fashion and Textiles at the College without any previous experience with Art & Design. This year she won the overall Commitment to Study award here at Bridgend College See all our creative courses here 👉🏼
Daeth Nia i astudio Ffasiwn a Thecstiliau yma yn y Coleg heb unrhyw profiad blaenorol mewn Celf a Dylunio. Eleni fe wnaeth hi ennill y wobr Ymrwymiad i Astudio yma yng Ngholeg Penybont Gwelir ein cyrsiau creadigol yma 👉🏼


Yesenia started at the College in the ESOL department and continued her studies in the Hairdressing department. She was delighted to have won the Learner of the Year in Hair, Beauty and Complementary Therapies this year! Want to follow Yesenia’s footsteps and study a course with us? More info here :
Dechreuodd Yesenia yn y Coleg yn yr adran ESOL a pharhau ei hastudiaethau yn yr adran Torri Gwallt. Roedd hi wrth ei bod i ennill Dysgwyr y Flwyddyn mewn Gwallt, Harddwch a Therapi Cyflenwol eleni! Eisiau dilyn ôl traed Yesenia ac astudio cwrs gyda ni? Mwy o wybodaeth yma :


Aaron recently won the Learner of the Year award in Hospitality & Tourism at our Annual Awards ceremony. See what it meant to him to win this award Want a career in the Hospitality & Tourism industry? Study a course with us this September
Enillodd Aaron gwobr Dysgwr y Flwyddyn yn Lletygarwch a Thwristiaeth yn ein seremoni Gwobrau Blynyddol yn ddiweddar. Gwelir yma beth oedd yn ei olygu iddo i ennill y wobr yma Eisiau gyrfa yn niwydiant Lletygarwch a Thwristiaeth? Astudiwch cwrs gyda ni ym mis Medi


Studying an Engineering course with us here at Bridgend College has enabled Gwion to receive work placement with a highly recognised company. Interested in studying an Engineering course with us this September? More information here 👉
Mae astudio cwrs Peirianneg gyda ni yng Ngholeg Penybont wedi galluogi Gwion i dderbyn lleoliad gwaith gyda chwmni cydnabyddedig iawn. Diddordeb mewn astudio Peirianneg gyda ni ym mis Medi? Mwy o wybodaeth yma 👉


We recently held our Annual Award ceremony at our Sony Theatre to celebrate learners' success cross-college. Read the lovely piece that's in the Glamorgan Gem, here
Fe wnaethom gynnal ein seremoni Gwobrau Blynyddol yn ein Theatr Sony yn ddiweddar, i ddathlu llwyddiant ein dysgwyr. Darllenwch fwy am ein digwyddiad, yma


Did you know that you may be eligible to receive some funding to buy school uniform, equipment, sports kit and kit for activities outside of school? See link below for more information for this great initiative from Welsh Government
Oeddech chi’n gwybod y gallech fod yn gymwys i gael rhywfaint o arian i brynu gwisg ysgol, offer, cit chwaraeon a cit ar gyfer gweithgareddau allgyrsiol? Gwelir y ddolen isod am fwy o wybodaeth am y fenter wych hon gan Llywodraeth Cymru


Happy Birthday to the NHS 🎉
Here’s to all the amazing staff at the NHS that have made a massive impact on each and everyone’s lives. We have a few courses that may help you have a future career in the NHS
More info here! 👇🏼
... Penblwydd Hapus i GIG 🎉
Dyma ddiolch i holl staff arbennig yr NHS sydd wedi gwneud effaith nawr ar bywydau pawb. Cynnigwn cyrsiau all eich helpu i gael gyrfa yn y GIG
Mwy o wybodaeth 👇🏼
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We are thrilled that Madeleine Moon MP has shared our success at the House of Commons today! We are very proud to be the TES FE College of the Year!
Rydym wrth ein bodd bod Madeleine Moon AS wedi rhannu'n llwyddiant yn Nhŷ'r Arglwyddi heddiw! Rydym yn falch iawn o fod y Coleg AB y Flwyddyn TES!


A huge congratulations to our Performing Arts learner, Caitlin and our former learner from Penybont 6th Form College, Lillie for becoming WORLD CHAMPIONS in Song and Dance duet in Braga, Portugal. Congratulations both on this incredible achievement.
Llongyfarchiadau mawr i’n dysgwr Celfyddydau Perfformio, Caitlin a’n cyn ddysgwr o Goleg 6ed Dosbarth Penybont, Lillie am ddod yn BENCAMPWYR BYD yn y deuaawd canu a dawnsio ym Mraga, Portiwgal. Llongyfarchiadau i chi’ch dwy ar eich cyrhaeddiad anghredadwy.


How to top off a fantastic week at Bridgend College...
We are nominated for a Leadership in Wales award! 🎉🎉 We have been shortlisted for the ‘Inspiring Great Leadership’ (Organisational Award) and we are in great company!!
Shortlist below 👇🏼
... Sut i orffen wythnos anhygoel yng Ngholeg Penybont...
Rydym wedi cael ein henwebi ar gyfer gwobr Arweinyddiaeth yng Nghymru 🎉🎉 Rydym ar y rhestr fer ar gyfer ‘Ysbrydoli Arweinyddiaeth Arbennig’ (Gwobr Sefydliadol) ac rydym mewn cwmni arbennig
Rhestr fer isod 👇🏼
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What a fantastic week we've had to celebrate learners' success cross-college. Here's a little taster of our Annual Awards Ceremony that was held on Thursday evening
Am wythnos anhygoel rydym wedi ei gael i ddathlu holl lwyddiant dysgwyr draws-goleg. Dyma flas o'n Seremoni Gwobrau Blynyddol a chafodd ei gynnal ar nos Iau


Congratulations to our HE learner Lacey Tranter on winning the Belinda Bauer medal and £500 prize for Best Creative Film Graduate at the Bridgend College End of the Year Screening 2019.
We’d like to thank Belinda for this generous prize. Belinda’s eighth novel, Snap, was longlisted for the Man Booker prize in 2018, The Sunday Times calling her 'the thriller Queen.'
Thank you, Belinda, for championing our learners and emerging talent once again!
... And a huge well done Lacey - we wish you every creative success and a very bright future. uc&
Study Film at Bridgend College
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More about Bridgend College

Bridgend College is located at Cowbridge Road, CF31 3DF Bridgend
Monday: 08:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 21:00
Friday: 08:00 - 16:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -