Bridgend Reach

About Bridgend Reach

rural - people - place - tourism - produce - enterprise - bridgend



Cyfarfod Cyhoeddus Nos Lun 15fed Gorffennaf 7pm yng Nghlwb Rygbi Nantymoel i drafod cae chwaraeon pob tywydd yng Nghwm Ogwr.
Cyfarfod Cyhoeddus Dydd Mercher 17eg Gorffennaf 10am yng Nghlwb Bechgyn a Merched Nantymoel a'r Ganolfan Gymunedol i drafod Gardd Gymunedol Nantymoel Berwyn
‘Rhannwch eich atgofion am y Cwm’ ddydd Mawrth 30ain Gorffennaf 10am yng Nghlwb Bechgyn a Merched Nantymoel a'r Ganolfan Gymunedol. Dewch i rannu eich atgofion ac unrhyw wybodaeth sydd gennych chi am dreftadaeth Cwm Ogwr. Bydd eich atgofion yn cael eu cofnodi a bydd unrhyw wybodaeth yn cael ei chopïo a'i huwchlwytho i wefan Casgliad y Werin Cymru.


Public Meeting Monday 15th July 7pm at Nantymoel Rugby Club to discuss an all-weather sports pitch in the Ogmore Valley.
Public Meeting Wednesday 17th July 10am at Nantymoel Boys and Girls Club and Community Centre to discuss the Nantymoel Berwyn Community Garden
‘Share your memories about the Valley’ on Tuesday 30th July 10am at the Nantymoel Boys and Girls Club and Community Centre. Come and share your memories and any information you may have that relate to the heritage of the Ogmore Valley. Your memories will be recorded and any information copied and uploaded to the Peoples Collection Wales website.


Coming soon! Step back in time, keep fit and enjoy the countryside. The Ogmore Valley Heritage Trail will soon become a reality with the installation of interpretation panels, the voicemap app and the creation of the Nantymoel community and heritage centre. The 6 mile trail starting in either Nantymoel or Bryngarw Country Park will show case interpretative panels along the Blackmill to Nantymoel section of the trail.


Ar y gweill! Ewch yn ôl mewn amser, byddwch yn heini a mwynhewch gefn gwlad. Bydd Llwybr Treftadaeth Cwm Ogwr ar agor cyn bo hir yn dilyn gosodiad paneli dehongli, ap map llais a sefydliad canolfan gymunedol a threftadaeth Nant-y-moel. Bydd y llwybr 6 milltir, sydd yn cychwyn un ai yn Nant-y-moel neu Barc Gwledig Bryngarw yn dangos paneli dehongli ar hyd y daith o Felin Ifan Ddu i Nant-y-moel.


Bioamrywiaeth Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Bydd cyfarfod nesaf Partneriaeth Bioamrywiaeth Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr: 6yh Dydd Iau 10eg Gorffennaf 2019. Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Cynffig, CF33 4PT. Croeso i bawb. Alwad Mark 01656 815080


Bridgend Biodiversity Partnership
The next meeting of the Bridgend Biodiversity Partnership will be: 6pm Wednesday 10th July 2019. Kenfig National Nature Reserve Centre, CF33 4PT. All welcome. Call Mark 01656 815080


Gwirfoddolwyr Clwb Ieuenctid, Cwm Garw, Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr
Elusen leol yw Calon-y-cwm sydd wedi sefydlu 2 Glwb Ieuenctid ym Mhontycymer. Disgwyliwyd i’r cyntaf, clwb ieuenctid iau, gael 30 o ddefnyddwyr cofrestredig yn y 12 mis cyntaf, ond llwyddwyd i gyrraedd 250! Rhaid ein bod ni’n gwneud rhywbeth yn iawn - a dyma'ch cyfle chi i ymuno!
Bob nos Wener rhwng 5:30 a 8:30pm.
... Yn seiliedig ar lwyddiant y Clwb Ieuenctid Iau, rydym wedi cael cefnogaeth gan yr adran Datblygu Gwledig i ddechrau clwb ieuenctid ar gyfer pobl ifanc 13-17 oed!
Peidiwch â cholli’r cyfle gwych hwn a’r cyfle i rannu ein llwyddiant.
Efallai y byddwn yn gallu cynnig swyddi gyda thâl yn y fenter gyffrous hon - gweler ein swyddi eraill.
Bob nos Lun rhwng 5:30pm a 9pm.
Canolfan Hamdden Cwm Garw, CF328ES
Yn ogystal â chyllido'ch gwiriad DBS rydym yn disgwyl i wirfoddolwyr elwa cymaint â'n pobl ifanc. Rydym yn cynnig cyfleoedd hyfforddi a datblygu.
Rydym yn falch o dderbyn a gweithio gyda phawb. Byddwn yn hyfforddi gwirfoddolwyr i gyflawni mwy. Rydym yn cynnig cyfleoedd i weithwyr ieuenctid cymwys roi eu sgiliau ar waith
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Youth Club Volunteers, Garw Valley, Bridgend
Calon-y-cwm is a local charity which has founded 2 Youth Clubs in Pontycymer. The first, Junior Youth, was expected to have 30 registered users in the first 12 months and achieved 250! We must be doing something right - here's your chance to join in!
Every Friday between 5:30 and 8:30 p.m.
... Based on Junior Youth's success, we have been given support by Rural Development to start a 13-17 year-old youth club!
Be quick to get in on this great opportunity and share our success. We may have paid posts at this exciting venture - see our other posts.
Every Monday evening between 5:30 and 9pm
Garw Community Leisure Centre , CF328ES
As well as funding your DBS check we expect volunteers to benefit as much as our young people. We offer training and development opportunities.
We are pleased to accept and work with all. We will train volunteers to achieve more. We offer qualified youth workers opportunities to put their skills into practice
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Garw Youth Club Opening Event (Club 165) Monday, May 10th 6:30 - 9:30pm.
Monday Evenings 6 to 9 p.m. 13 to 17 years old MEMBERS ONLY... £3 per session
Nosweithiau Llun 6 i 9 p.m. 13 i 17 mlwydd oed AELODAU YN UNIG £3 y sesiwn
Club - Clwb 165 165 Oxford Street Pontycymer Bridgend CF32 8DE
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Via Chris Elmore MP
***New Funding Opportunity - Please Share!***
A new £1 million fund has been launched by Co-op’s charity, The Co-op Foundation, to enable groups in Wales with a community and environmental focus to safeguard spaces and become more sustainable.
... The funding boost has been generated by proceeds from the 5p single-use carrier bag charge in the Co-op’s Welsh food stores.
Welsh groups can “bag” grants of up to £10,000 to explore enterprising ideas that could contribute to a more sustainable future for their community space. Funding could support feasibility costs, technical or legal fees and, projects which test and explore new ideas. Eligible organisations must engage local people and support the environment, and applications close at noon on Friday, 21 June.
In addition, interest-free loans of up to £50,000 are available to organisations to grow more established business ideas. Loans are usually repaid within five years with no need to make repayments in the first year. Some organisations could be eligible for a further grant dependent upon circumstances.
For further information, click the link below ⬇️…/new-1m-coop-f oundation-fund-for-w…
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Fel rhan o Brosiect Twyni i Dwyni, rydym yn cynnig: Dysgu Adeiladu Wal Gerrig ar Fferm y Sgêr Yr 11eg a’r 12fed o Fai 2019 Dewch i ddigwyddiad adeiladu wal gerrig arbennig ar Fferm y Sgêr dan arweiniad Cymdeithas Waliau Cerrig Cymru, lle byddwn yn ailgodi corlan ddefaid dan gyfarwyddyd rhai sy’n feistri ar y grefft. Archebwch le ymlaen llaw, os gwelwch yn dda, gan fod y nifer wedi ei gyfyngu i ddeg o bobl.
... Cyswllt Mark Blackmore ar (01656) 815080 Ebost:
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As part of the Dunes 2 Dunes Project, we are offering: Learn Dry Stone Walling at Sker Farm
11th & 12th May 2019
Come along to a special dry stone walling event at Sker farm led by the Dry Stone Walling Association Wales, where we’ll be reconstructing a sheep pen under the instruction of master craftsmen. Please book in advance as numbers are limited to ten people. ... Contact Mark Blackmore at (01656) 815080 Email
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Diweddariad Canolfan Gymunedol Nant-y-moel
Bellach, mae gan Ganolfan Gymunedol Nant-y-moel, sydd newydd gael ei hadnewyddu, gaffi ar agor sy’n cynnig te, coffi a byrbrydau. Mae pethau eraill o ddiddordeb, megis dosbarthiadau, cyfnewid llyfrau, ymweliadau dyddiol gan yr heddlu cymunedol, byd colli pwysau a Zumba ar gael hefyd. Mae'r ganolfan hefyd ar agor 3 noson yr wythnos, yn cynnig Clwb Bechgyn a Merched. Galwch i mewn i ddarganfod mwy!

More about Bridgend Reach

Bridgend Reach is located at Unit 3, Castle View, CF31 1NJ Bridgend
01656 815080