Bro Marketing

About Bro Marketing

Facebook is becoming increasingly important for businesses who want to interact with customers online. I offer virtual assistance specializing in Social Media Marketing & Design for small businesses.

Bro Marketing Description

Online Advertising Service for small businesses. From £25 per page!

. . . . Interactive Facebook Fan Page Design & Maintenence
. . . . Fanpage Apps
. . . . Web Design
. . . . Graphic Design

. . . . With over 500 million users, Facebook is the Google of the present century. In fact, after Google, Facebook is the most popular website in the world. It is the hottest social networking site right now with twice the number of visits than any other social networking site beating Twitter, MySpace, and LinkedIn by huge margins.

Here is why you need to use Facebook. According to Facebook statistics -

* More than 500 million active users.
* People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook.
* Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events .
* There are more than 150 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.

So, if you are not focusing your marketing efforts towards Facebook, you need to start doing it right now.
Inbox me for more information on how I can help.
