Brynmawr Rfc

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Brynmawr Rfc Description

Welcome to the official Facebook account of Brynmawr RFC.

Like this page to keep up to date with all Brynmawr RFC announcements, fixtures, results, squad updates and all other Brynmawr news.



Please share - any donation small or large will be appreciated by the family he-amazing-john-boвҖҰ


Big 3 hours needed from the boys - we are down & away from home. Cast your votes on the link below and lets get the ship sailing into round 3 for Jonny рҹ”ҙвҡ«пёҸрҹ”ё рҹҸҶвҖҰ/status /1251423332366516225вҖҰ


Message from Caerphilly & Gwent Youth Rugby


Statement from Anthony Apperley regarding the sad news this morning:
It is with a great deal of sadness I have to write this.
Brynmawr RFC have received some devastating news this morning that John Boulter a valid member of the Brynmawr RFC committee and former Secretary of Gwent Youth as sadly passed away . Our thoughts first and foremost go out to Wendy his wonderful wife and all the family in these difficult times . The man was a complete gentleman and would do anything t...o help anyone.Everyone who knew John will all know the work he carried for Brynmawr RFC and Gwent Youth rugby.
No duties were ever ignored and he was always at the fore front in volunteering. It is no coincidence that our group has been flooded with messages of condolences and tributes to John from our players, committee, all staff and rugby clubs and personnel involved with Gwent rugby clubs.He was a much loved man and a outstanding human being and will never be forgotten and will always be remembered by everyone associated with Brynmawr RFC and Gwent rugby forever .
RIP John Boulter. вқӨпёҸвқӨпёҸвқӨпёҸ
Anthony Apperley. Brynmawr RFC. Chairman.
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We face a tough trip to Ammanford in the 2nd round of the virtual cup.
Go onto our twitter @feelthemawr and cast your vote рҹҸҶрҹ”Ҙ


The boys entered the Virtual Welsh Cup and we have received a bye into Round two
Follow all the action on our twitter @feelthemawr


рҹҢҹ Max Boyce has written a beautiful poem, in his own inimitable way, about these troubled times called вҖҳWhen Just The Tide Went Out'. (which can be sung to the tune of 'Hymns and Arias')
We hope it brings a smile to your face and keeps you safe...
... Team Max рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу Ғҝрҹ’ҷ
'When Just The Tide Went Out'
Last night as I lay sleeping When dreams came fast to me I dreamt I saw JERUSALEM Beside a tideless sea And one dream IвҖҷll remember As the stars began to fall Was Banksy painting Alun Wyn On my neighbourвҖҷs garage wall And dreams like that sustain me Till these darkest times have past And chase away the shadows No caring night should cast But times like this can shine a light As hardship often can To see the best in people And the good there is in man And I remember Swansea with nobody about When the shops were closed like Sunday And just the tide went out
And I remember Mumbles with the harbour in its keep And the fishing boats at anchor that trawl the waters deep And I heard the seabirds calling As the gulls all wheeled about But all the town was sleeping now And just the tide went out
And when these days are over And memories remain Of children painting Rainbows When the sun shone through the rain And I thought of all the nurses who stretchered all the pain And I hope they never get to see a time like this again And I prayed last week for Boris Who knocked on Heavens door And I thought of voting Tory, which IвҖҷve never done before And though the sun is shining now IвҖҷve no immediate plans So IвҖҷll write a book on вҖҳStaying InвҖҷ and вҖҳWays To Wash Your HandsвҖҷ And IвҖҷll remember mornings with nobody about When the shops were closed like Sunday And just the tide went out.
Max Boyce
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Lucky 4 numbers. 5 15 19 22 No winner. Prize pot next week is ВЈ1959Lucky 4 numbers. 5 15 19 22 No winner. Prize pot next week is ВЈ1959


Reminder about the Lucky 4 draw this evening
Ensure your tickets at the club before the 6pm deadline


Lucky4 numbers. 8. 17. 19. 21. No winner. Next week prize ВЈ1844


LUCKY 4 DRAW will go AHEAD this evening.
Please drop your tickets at the club before 6pm this evening whilst on your walk or food trip


Who wants to see the full game ?
We are working to bring you the live game & build up very soon рҹ“Ҫрҹ“ә videos/10155676358788722/


Thank you to those who threw their rubbish over the fence at the rec.
If you want a some rubbish bins let us know We are sure BGBC will provide you with some.
The club would like to thank Councillor W Hodgins for removing the rubbish


Everyone is applauding everyone but our kids!! These little heroes have stayed indoors more than theyвҖҷve ever known in their lives. Their whole little worlds have literally been turned upside down. All these rules theyвҖҷve never known. A life they couldnвҖҷt have imagined. Adults talking about others becoming unwell, news reporting death after death. Our poor babies minds must be racing. Every day they get up and carry on despite all thatвҖҷs going on and all theyвҖҷve done is paint pictures and put stuff in their windows for the вҖңheroesвҖқ out in the world. So hereвҖҷs to our little heroes, today, tomorrow, forever вқӨпёҸ


Your next isolation challenges :
Past and present rugby players 1)рҹ‘” рҹҗҺ 2) рҹҗҫ L вӣ°... 3)рҹ§ё рҹҡӮ 4)рҹҺӨ рҹҮөрҹҮӯ рҹ‘„ 5) рҹҗңрҹ”ӣрҹҰөрҹҸ» вқ“рҹ‘ҰрҹҸ» 6)рҹ‘Җ рҹҗ„ N рҹҗҰ 7)рҹҰ¶рҹҸ»рҹҗқ рҹҢҠ 8)рҹҰҲ рҹҚ” 9)рҹҘҳрҹҺЁ рҹҗ– 10)рҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғіу ҒЈу Ғҙу Ғҝ рҹҚ– L рҹ’Ҝ 11)рҹҗҗ рҹҢІрҹҢірҹҢҙрҹҢІрҹҢірҹҢҙрҹҢІрҹҢірҹҢҙрҹҢІр ҹҢірҹҢҙ 12)рҹҚҶ рҹ’»рҹ…ҫпёҸJ 13)рҹҰҳ рҹҡҖ вҡ° 14)рҹҗҗ рҹ”Ҙ 15)рҹҰөрҹҸ» рҹ”ҷ 16)рҹҺӨ рҹҗҲ 17)рҹ‘ЁвҖҚвҡ–рҹҰөрҹҸ» рҹ‘®рҹҸ»вҖҚвҷӮ 18) J рҹ‘ҰрҹҸ» рҹҗҰрҹ‘ҰрҹҸ» 19)рҹҗҗ рҹҺҖ вӣ° 20) Jрҹ”ӣрҹҰөрҹҸ» рҹ”һрҹ’Ҝ 21) рҹҰҲ рҹҮ¬рҹҮ§ 22)рҹӨ§рҹӨ§ 23) рҹ‘Җ вҡӘрҹ”’
Results to be posted tomorrow
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Simple message from us and more importantly STAY HOME


Lucky4 numbers. 2 10 14 18 No winner. Prize next week ВЈ1734Lucky4 numbers. 2 10 14 18 No winner. Prize next week ВЈ1734

More about Brynmawr Rfc

Brynmawr Rfc is located at Catholic Rd, NP23 4 Brynmawr