Cader Idris Outdoor Gear - Dolgellau

About Cader Idris Outdoor Gear - Dolgellau

Retailer of outdoor clothing, equipment and footwear based at the foot of Cader Idris in Dolgellau, southern Snowdonia

Cader Idris Outdoor Gear - Dolgellau Description

Retailer of outdoor equipment, clothing and footwear based at the foot of Cader Idris in southern Snowdonia



If you prefer a faster pace, Dolgellau is # 1 for trail running:…/8-o f-the-best-uk-towns-…


Cricket on the summit of Cader...


Today's warden's report for anyone visiting the park. Not sure about Cadair as we're closer to the coast - it has been raining all day today but definitely cooler. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bit of snow on the local tops too. come prepared, or drop by if you think you might be missing anything!


Safe to say, we get 'distressing weather conditions' here in southern Snowdonia too! Maps, waterproof clothing and footwear - all available in the shop!


This was a little trip to the summit of Snowdon, yesterday (27 01 2019) afternoon (about 4:30pm). As you can see, there was a fair bit of snow and the Pyg Track was icy in places. This is where micro-spikes, like Climbing Technology's 'Ice Traction' (which you can see in use here) come in handy. Although not a proper crampon, they are ideal for iced up paths where front pointing is not necessary and the slope of the ground not too extreme. We sell them here at Cader Idris Outdoor Gear!


The shelter on Cadair Idris was re-built in the 50's. This link shows a photograph from 1892 of the original shelter. The new shelter was built to the left of the building in this photo. You can still see the foundation stones of this building to the right of the new one, today.…/cadair-i dris-the-summit-1892…


Some photos of Dolgellau in Edwardian times, including a few of people ascending Cadair Idris...


For those venturing out on the hills of Snowdonia in the next few days: this type of snow, known as 'graupel' snow, is made up of tiny 'ball bearings' of hard, icy snow. If this layer, which fell mostly yesterday, is then covered by a layer of wind slab or wet snow, it presents the ideal conditions for an avalanche. The temperature is due to rise in the next few days and the snow will consolidate, reducing the risk, but care should still be taken on steeper ground.


So, as predicted, we've had a bit more snow. Although this is the summit of Snowdon, we've had a bit down here in southern Snowdonia too. Make sure you've brought all the proper winter gear with you if you're heading to the hilltops this week!


An interesting article written by Channel 4 News' weatherman Liam Dutton last year, about forecasting snowfall in the UK...


Just a note to be on the look out for these while walking in Snowdonia this time of year. Remember, don't touch them! They haven't been abandoned, their mothers are just out hunting...


Interesting info if you're planning a visit this year. The driest months for 2018 were May June and July... (and the driest for 6 years)


Well done to the team and also to the guy they rescued.


Get ready...

More about Cader Idris Outdoor Gear - Dolgellau

01341 422195