Cadoxton Moors Community Centre

About Cadoxton Moors Community Centre

Cadoxton Moors community hall is the perfect venue for your party or function.
A spacious hall with kitchen facilities and large off road parking area.



All of us at Cadoxton moors community centre would like to say a huge thank you to Sonic Alarms for their generous donation to the hall it gives us great comfort to know that our hall will be safe once more. Also to the amazing residents and staff from Orchard House for their fantastic donation of £200 from a raffle they held in house, for the community centre. We have been so overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity from the local community after the hall was broken in to. Thank you so much.


Billboard Juniors would like to thank Lewis McGowan from bar TEN11 and Charlie-Rose Strongman for their generous and thoughtful donations of tuck for their panto rehearsals. After the break in on Saturday night, all their tuck was taken along with their tuck money tin and radio mics. These two kind people have really brightened up our juniors days and restored their faith in the community. Thank you so much xxx


If anyone is offered a set of these wireless microphones with receivers please notify us or the police immediately!! They are brand new in a green and white box. These were stolen from our hall on Saturday and belong to the children's section of Billboard Juniors. They were donated by the mayor himself and were to be used in the juniors shows. We are devastated.


Update. The scum bags have also stolen the children's section of billboard ensemble's radio mics and receivers that were donated to billboard by the Barry Town mayor. This has made us sick to our stomachs as Billboard were unable to buy these on their own, hence the donation.


It's been a long, sad day for us at the hall as we were broken into again early this morning. Lots of damage this time and things were stolen. Our sound system, a hirers big PA speaker for their exercise class and all of the sweets and drinks from our drama group's tuck shop were taken. It's a devastating blow to us as we worked so hard to decorate and fix up the hall last year and now these scum bags have ruined it. If anyone knows anything please let us know. The police have been down and are also on the case.


Our hall was broken into this evening between 5:30 and 6:45pm. The people involved broke open a door to a room rented by a local drama group and several kitchen doors were ripped open. This is very upsetting as we love our hall and provide a place for the community to take part in clubs and activities. We are investigating this horrible event and if any residents have any information or any CCTV footage could be provided, we would be very grateful.

More about Cadoxton Moors Community Centre

Cadoxton Moors Community Centre is located at Rear of Edmund Place, Off Cardiff Road, CF63 2NX Barry, Vale of Glamorgan