Caereinion Leisure Centre/Canolfan Hamdden Caereinion

Monday: 16:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 16:30 - 21:00
Wednesday: 16:30 - 21:00
Thursday: 16:30 - 21:00
Friday: 16:30 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Caereinion Leisure Centre/Canolfan Hamdden Caereinion

Caereinion Leisure Centre is a flexible venue offering a variety of sports activities. We also have outstanding facilities for those special occasions including weddings, christening and birthday parties. The Hall can hold up to 360 guests seated for dinner and can be arranged to meet your individual requirements which can include a marquee lining, stunning atmospheric lighting effects, a full sound system, dance floor and a licensed bar.

With more than 17 years experience, Einion Hall is a remarkably cost effective venue for your special occasions. Please call us on 01938 810634 to discuss how we can help

Caereinion Leisure Centre/Canolfan Hamdden Caereinion Description

Caereinion Leisure Centre is a flexible venue offering a variety of sports activities. We also have outstanding facilities for those special occasions including weddings, christening and birthday parties. The Hall can hold up to 360 guests seated for dinner and can be arranged to meet your individual requirements which can include a marquee lining, stunning atmospheric lighting effects, a full sound system, dance floor and a licensed bar.

With more than 17 years experience, Einion Hall is a remarkably cost effective venue for your special occasions. Please call us on 01938 810634 to discuss how we can help



Cwympwch mewn cariad a ni unwaith eto. Ymunwch fel gyd-aelodau ar Ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen a thalu hanner pris ym mis Chwefror. A dim ffi ymuno hefyd! Telerau ac amodau yn berthnasol. Mae`r cynnig ond ar gael i gyd-aelodaeth a gymerwyd allan ar 25 Ionawr 2019!
Fall in love with us again. Join as joint members on St Dwynwen’s Day and pay just half price for February. And no joining fee too! Terms and conditions apply. Offer only available to Joint Memberships taken out on 25th January 2019!
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Cwympo mewn cariad a ni unwaith eto. Ymuno fel aelodau cwpl ar Ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen a thalu hanner pris ym mis Chwefror. A dim ffi ymuno hefyd! Telerau ac amodau yn berthnasol. Mae`r cynnig ond ar gael i gyd-aelodaeth a gymerwyd allan ar 25 Ionawr 2019!
Fall in love with us again. Join as joint members on St Dwynwen’s Day and pay just half price for February. And no joining fee too! Terms and conditions apply. Offer only available to Joint Memberships taken out on 25th January 2019!
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Become a better version of yourself this week with Ffion's classes at Caereinion Leisure Centre:
Monday Spinning (6:30-7:15am) Boogie Bounce (5:30-6:00pm)... Boogie Bounce (6:00-6:30pm)
Tuesday Boogie Bounce (6:00-6:30pm) Spinning (6:45-7:30pm)
Wednesday Kettles & Spin Blast (6:15-7:00pm) * JUST FOR THIS WEEK * Circuits (7:00-8:00pm)
Thursday Spinning (6:30-7:15am) Metafit (6:00-6:30pm)
See More


Mae Neuadd Digwyddiadau Canolfan Hamdden Caereinion yn cynnig lle perffaith ar gyfer eich digwyddiad nesaf. Mae’r Ganolfan yng Nghanolbarth Cymru ac mae seddau i bedwar cant o bobl (gan gynnwys nifer o ddewisiadau seddau mewn rhesi uwch). Hefyd mae gennym gyfleusterau parcio gwych, bar trwyddedig a system seinyddion newydd sbon danlli. Rydym wedi croesawu amrywiaeth eang o ddigwyddiadau gan gynnwys: cyngherddau, cynadleddau, dawnsfeydd, eisteddfodau, partïon, priodasau, digwyddiadau codi arian, cynyrchiadau theatr, nosweithiau cinio a sioeau ffasiwn (gwelwch ein horiel o ddigwyddiadau blaenorol ar waelod y tudalen). Mae ein tîm bob amser yn barod i ystyried syniadau newydd ar gyfer digwyddiadau a chyfleoedd, felly gofynnwch i ni heddiw. Ffeindiwch allan mwy o wybodaeth:


The Events Hall at Caereinion Leisure Centre is the perfect place to host your next event. Caereinion leisure centre is located in Mid Wales and has the capacity to seat 400 people (including several tiered seating options), great parking facilities, a fully licenced bar and a BRAND NEW speaker system. The hall has already hosted a wide range of events including concerts, conferences, dances, eisteddfodau, parties, weddings, fundraiser events, theatre productions, dinners, fashion shows and are always open to new ideas and opportunities. The team at Caereinion are always open to new ideas for events and opportunities so please do not hesitate to enquire today. Find out more information at


Mae Neuadd Digwyddiadau Canolfan Hamdden Caereinion yn cynnig lle perffaith ar gyfer eich digwyddiad nesaf. Mae’r Ganolfan yng Nghanolbarth Cymru ac mae seddau i bedwar cant o bobl (gan gynnwys nifer o ddewisiadau seddau mewn rhesi uwch). Hefyd mae gennym gyfleusterau parcio gwych, bar trwyddedig a system seinyddion newydd sbon danlli. Rydym wedi croesawu amrywiaeth eang o ddigwyddiadau gan gynnwys: cyngherddau, cynadleddau, dawnsfeydd, eisteddfodau, partïon, priodasau, digwyddiadau codi arian, cynyrchiadau theatr, nosweithiau cinio a sioeau ffasiwn (gwelwch ein horiel o ddigwyddiadau blaenorol ar waelod y tudalen). Mae ein tîm bob amser yn barod i ystyried syniadau newydd ar gyfer digwyddiadau a chyfleoedd, felly gofynnwch i ni heddiw. Ffeindiwch allan mwy o wybodaeth:


The Events Hall at Caereinion Leisure Centre is the perfect place to host your next event. Caereinion leisure centre is located in Mid Wales and has the capacity to seat 400 people (including several tiered seating options), great parking facilities, a fully licenced bar and a BRAND NEW speaker system. The hall has already hosted a wide range of events including concerts, conferences, dances, eisteddfodau, parties, weddings, fundraiser events, theatre productions, dinners, fashion shows (please see our gallery of previous events at the bottom of this page) and are always open to new ideas and opportunities. The team at Caereinion are always open to new ideas for events and opportunities so please do not hesitate to enquire today. Find out more information at


Be proud of each step you take towards your goals in this week’s with Ffion's classes at Caereinion:
Monday Spinning (6:30-7:15am) Boogie Bounce (5:30-6:00pm)... Boogie Bounce (6:00-6:30pm) Spinning (6:45-7:30pm)
Wednesday Kettles (6:15-7:00pm) Circuits (7:00-8:00pm)
Thursday Spinning (6:30-7:15am) Metafit (6:00-6:30pm)
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Create your own success this week. Ffion's classes at Caereinion are:
Spinning (6:30-7:15am)... Boogie Bounce (5:30-6:00pm) Boogie Bounce (6:00-6:30pm) Spinning (6:45-7:30pm)
Boogie Bounce (5:30-6:00pm)
Kettles (6:15-7:00pm) Circuits (7:00-8:00pm)
Spinning (6:30-7:15am) Metafit (6:00-6:30pm)
Slots also available for PT sessions just send Ffion a message!
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It's competition time over on Ffion's Fitness & Personal Training page with a chance to win a FREE PT session for you and a friend! Make sure you comment on the original post and like her page for your entry to count!


Wondering what you can do this January to kick-start your fitness resolutions? How about getting involved with #trijanuary? And we are offering NO JOINING FEE or a FREE 3 day pass to help you, so you can do your tri challenge in the dry and warm! #peoplelikeyou #morethanjustagym


Join Freedom Leisure this January and make the most of hundreds of opportunities all under one roof!
With some of the best equipped gyms in your area, swimming pools and hundreds of group exercise classes running each week, we are confident that you will never be bored!
For January only there is NO JOINING FEE! #peoplelikeyou


Train, Sweat & Be Merry this week at Caereinion Leisure Centre with Ffions classes:
Monday Spinning (6:30-7:15am) Boogie Bounce (5:30-6:00pm)... Boogie Bounce (6:00-6:30pm) Spinning (6:45-7:30pm)
Tuesday Boogie Bounce (5:30-6:00pm)
Wednesday Kettles (6:15-7:00pm) Circuits (7:00-8:00pm)
Thursday Spinning (6:30-7:15am) Metafit (6:00-6:30pm)
See More


Mae Neuadd Digwyddiadau Canolfan Hamdden Caereinion yn cynnig lle perffaith ar gyfer eich digwyddiad nesaf. Mae’r Ganolfan yng Nghanolbarth Cymru ac mae seddau i bedwar cant o bobl (gan gynnwys nifer o ddewisiadau seddau mewn rhesi uwch). Hefyd mae gennym gyfleusterau parcio gwych, bar trwyddedig a system seinyddion newydd sbon danlli. Rydym wedi croesawu amrywiaeth eang o ddigwyddiadau gan gynnwys: cyngherddau, cynadleddau, dawnsfeydd, eisteddfodau, partïon, priodasau, digwyddiadau codi arian, cynyrchiadau theatr, nosweithiau cinio a sioeau ffasiwn (gwelwch ein horiel o ddigwyddiadau blaenorol ar waelod y tudalen). Mae ein tîm bob amser yn barod i ystyried syniadau newydd ar gyfer digwyddiadau a chyfleoedd, felly gofynnwch i ni heddiw. Ffeindiwch allan mwy o wybodaeth:


Find your Umph and get moving this week with Ffion's classes at Caereinion Leisure Centre:
Monday Spinning (6:30-7:15am) Boogie Bounce (5:30-6:00pm)... Boogie Bounce (6:00-6:30pm) Spinning (6:45-7:30pm)
Tuesday Boogie Bounce (5:30-6:00pm)
Wednesday Kettles (6:15-7:00pm) Circuits (7:00-8:00pm)
Thursday Spinning (6:30-7:15am) Metafit (6:00-6:30pm)
See More


Mae Neuadd Digwyddiadau Canolfan Hamdden Caereinion yn cynnig lle perffaith ar gyfer eich digwyddiad nesaf. Mae’r Ganolfan yng Nghanolbarth Cymru ac mae seddau i bedwar cant o bobl (gan gynnwys nifer o ddewisiadau seddau mewn rhesi uwch). Hefyd mae gennym gyfleusterau parcio gwych, bar trwyddedig a system seinyddion newydd sbon danlli. Rydym wedi croesawu amrywiaeth eang o ddigwyddiadau gan gynnwys: cyngherddau, cynadleddau, dawnsfeydd, eisteddfodau, partïon, priodasau, digwyddiadau codi arian, cynyrchiadau theatr, nosweithiau cinio a sioeau ffasiwn (gwelwch ein horiel o ddigwyddiadau blaenorol ar waelod y tudalen). Mae ein tîm bob amser yn barod i ystyried syniadau newydd ar gyfer digwyddiadau a chyfleoedd, felly gofynnwch i ni heddiw. Ffeindiwch allan mwy o wybodaeth:

More about Caereinion Leisure Centre/Canolfan Hamdden Caereinion

Caereinion Leisure Centre/Canolfan Hamdden Caereinion is located at Watergate Street, SY21 0HW Llanfair Caereinion
01938 810634
Monday: 16:30 - 21:00
Tuesday: 16:30 - 21:00
Wednesday: 16:30 - 21:00
Thursday: 16:30 - 21:00
Friday: 16:30 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -