Caerphilly - Www. Thisis Caerphilly .Co.Uk

About Caerphilly - Www. Thisis Caerphilly .Co.Uk

Estate Agents for Caerphilly
Tel: 02920 880896 Web: www. thisisCaerphilly. co. uk

Caerphilly - Www. Thisis Caerphilly .Co.Uk Description

Helpful Estate Agents for Caerphilly



Good morning Ladies and Gents, We hope you have had a fantastic week, We are still here working around the clock on our Advanced Recycling Tech for Caerphilly, Heres a Concept Design of things to come in 2020. We are in contact exclusively with UK manufacturers who can create such a machine for us. We hope with our petition and media coverage we will be able to gather the needed following and bring forward posative Changes in waste collection and also become more eco-efficient in flytipping/waste collection, more still to come.
please help us with our petition and share it with friends and family, every single person who signs is bringing us closer to a new way of waste handling. Link to the petition is just below take Care Everyone and thank you for all your support in making Caerphilly better.


INSTAGRAM: Out on a morning walk after Halloween, Decided to make some artwork for a quote.


There is a reuse for everything. You just need to be creative enough to find it.


Good morning everyone, The new Costa launch in Gallagher retail park has officially opened, being right next to our project site we got a chance to get good first look inside, looking great with all new decor. Meeting with the team there is good staff and an active manager. Let's hope they can manage there waste effectively and set an example in the area. You can view our review on Google maps searching Costa Caerphilly.


Good morning everyone, someone in the area this morning, took it upon themselves to steal our Chromebook from our bag! We have reported to the police log number 148/27/10/2019
On the underside it is engraved with Lunacare Cymru and our name + mailing address
We got some pictures from the website as to the make and model, Please help us recover it the laptop itself not very expensive but all our work is on there!!!!
... Offering a reward for its return.
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Good morning wonderful people of Caerphilly, Posting an update for the community this morning, after we received a large number of responses about fly-tipping Many people have been asking is there a link between the Dump requiring ID and also restricting vans. Yesterday we analysed the information we had from July 2018 - July 2019.
Using the Gallagher woodland as reference We put together a mapping system, the map shows the Waste three months before April 2019 and the wast...e 3 months after.
In April 2019 further I'D checks had been implemented at the dump.
The maped data shows an estimated increase percentage of 127.4% after April 2019.
More detailed survey should be carried out and going street level to find a solution.
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Good Morning Caerphilly, Very positive start to the day. Our press release has been published on the caerphilly observer. And we have had a monumental response from the community. It shows together things can progress forward, A huge thank you to you all
We also want to give the Morgan Jones Labour team, who is actively working with ourselves a big thank you for your efforts so far, with your support we have reached new opportunities for the community.
Our petition is growin...g strong we are so close to our first milestone, Please help sign and share our petition and let's keep the momentum going for action in caerphilly il-flytipping-actiโ€ฆ
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Good evening all hope everyone had a good day a huge thank you to everyone who has signed our petition so far if you haven't please help us by doing so, It makes a huge difference everyone one who signs up Link Is just below
Today we have been out again and found another pile of needles..... Not enough is being done within the authority to help combat this and continuing austerity is reducing resources.
... Anti-social Behaviour in the Gallagher retail park and surrounding woodlands has hit a peak. Despite increased activity in the area and daily patrols by ourselves, there is more fly-tipping and more anti-social behaviour.
The fact they get away with it is undermining community efforts. If someone knows a contact within the government or Higher chain council who would meet in person I would be more than happy to discuss the matter further.
not enough happening and is causing a social divide between community and council, This, in turn, means people are coming to other sources such as ourselves for action as they feel failed time and time again. With all this in mind, caerphilly needs motivating towards a common cause that can bring everyone together for change. The council ground teams put up with a lot of hostilities from the community which isn't fair to anyone cleaning up their mess. The problem is stemming from a much further source down the chain who need to see what's going on street level. with our petition, we hope to get some nudges going within the system and make caerphilly the town a place to be proud of.
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Arrived at pontypady lane site today to finish off, lads from the council going at the pile now and removing it, Good start to the day,


good evening everyone hope you all had a good Monday ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Huge pile of fly tipping was reported in pontypady lane. The site is an absolute nightmare spent alot of time trying to organise it for collection, will need another visit tomorrow to open up a path way. There is relentless flytipping in Caerphilly, Even waste gets wasted could turn all this into a fortune worth of planters probably ยฃ500 - ยฃ800 worth of done right, if we had a site and collection methods we would certainly start a new way of waste collection.


Good afternoon all, S**Ty start to the afternoon for us "Pun intended there" ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ All jokes aside Some people are just pure disgusting ๐Ÿคฎ, why throw a dirty disgusting nappy on a pathway, close by there are changing facilities!!! Not just that but a bin yards away from were it's left. Both pictures taken are in the Gallagher retail park woodlands today 21/10/19. Some amazing wildlife in the area as a professional Photographer I have been trying to get this heron through the lense almost a year now! and today..boom got ya ๐Ÿ“ธ๐Ÿ“ธ
PS: thanks again everyone for the support with our petition we posted earlier on, We are trying are best today to respond to everyone's comments, inboxes, phonecalls & emails we will get back to you all no later than tomorrow evening, promise ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Good Morning Caerphilly Mid-Night Start For Us!, It's our children that drives us to want a better life for all and a healthier environment for them to grow up in, I have started a petition to help raise awareness for the "Need and Want" of changes with waste handling and community restoration projects. Please use the link to sign the petition 100 people is our first milestone so please help share about! Thank you to everyone for the support so far its been amazing!
Petition Link


Good evening all a change in activity today, There was a need to help a elderly lady in Cardiff move into her new home and everything went smoothly. We are dedicated to helping everybody we can, rich or poor strong and sick. Have a great weekend everyone! ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒ


Some woodlands photography at one of our favourite spots not a single sign of human activity in sight, dense paths = rare sights, it's good to see the rare side to the environment in the places untainted , this mushroom is an example of world people destroy ๐Ÿ“ธ


So we thought we seen it all, flytipping comes in many forms but today tops it all, While out doing our report this came passed ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ฐ you could hear something jetting out of a rupture. Some people are so dangerous the speed it was traveling down the river was crazy could just about keep up at a light jog


Good afternoon everyone, its been a while since we posted a update...
We have been receiving some horrible comments and messages from certain people over there fly tipping and overall lack of care towards environment.
the simple solution is not to dump your furniture and waste.
... Despite the comments we do not feel in anyway intimidated or deterred from our projects and we still are making Great progress, clearance is half the battle community awareness is key to putting a end to this. Bellow is the woodlands from 2018
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This is a really good article on fly tipping, worth a read

More about Caerphilly - Www. Thisis Caerphilly .Co.Uk

Caerphilly - Www. Thisis Caerphilly .Co.Uk is located at Douglas House, CF83 3HU Caerphilly
02920 880896