Canolfan Garth Olwg Centre

Monday: 09:00 - 21:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:30
Friday: 09:00 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Canolfan Garth Olwg Centre

Mae Gartholwg yn Ganolfan Addysg sy'n cynnig amrywiaeth eang o gyrsiau i bobl o bob oed. We hold events, plays and shows and have facilities to hire.

Canolfan Garth Olwg Centre Description

*English Below*

Sefydlwyd y Ganolfan i wasanaethu’r ardal leol ac mae’r adnoddau a’r ddapariaeth yn eang. Mae’r Ganolfan yn cynnwys:

Ystafelloedd dysgu
Ystafelloedd serameg, celf a dylunio
Stiwdio ddawns
Ystafell achlysuron gan gynnwys cegin a bar
Ystafell gyfrifiaduron

Beth gall y Ganolfan gynnig i mi?
Mae gan y Ganolfan rhywbeth i gynnig i bawb. Cynhelir amrywiaeth o gyrsiau i bobl o bob oed a chefndir yn ystod y dydd a’r nos. Gallwch fentro ar gyrsiau gwneud cardiau, ffotograffiaeth a chyfrifidauron. Beth am geisio dysgu iaith neu fynychu cwrs aromatherapi? Am fanylion pellach gallwch alw draw i’r Ganolfan neu ddychwelyd y daflen gofrestu sy’n rhan o’r pecyn hwn.

Oriau Agor:

Llun - Iau
9: 00am - 9: 30pm

9: 00am - 7: 30pm

* heb law bod digwyddiad ymlaen a fyddai’n golygu ein bod ar agor yn hwyrach.

__________ __________ __________ __________ _________

The main aim of the Centre is to serve the local community and the facilities and provision are extensive. The Centre has:

Teaching rooms
Ceramic, art and design rooms
Dance studio
Events room with bar and kitchen inclusive
IT suite
Cyber Cafe

What can the Centre offer?
The Centre has something for everybody. A variety of courses are held during the day and evening aimed at people of all ages and background. You can venture on a language course, card making, photography, computing and aromatherapy amongst others. A full list of courses is available on this website. You can also contact the Centre or even register for a regular update on forthcoming courses and events.

Opening Hours:

Monday - Thursday
9: 00am - 9: 30pm

9: 00am - 7: 30pm

* unless certain events are taking place in which case the Centre may be open later.



The centre has a new #Photography course for the new year! 12 weeks for £60 Mondays : 18:30 - 20:30 Thursdays : 10:00 - 12:00


Neges o'r ganolfan. A message from the centre. 🎅


Cwrs #ffotograffiaeth yn y ganolfan! 12 wythnos am £60 Llun: 18:30 - 20:30 Iau: 10:00 - 12:00 (Cwrs cyfrwng Saesneg)
... 01443 570 075
See More


Tocynnau ar gael ar y 7fed o Ionawr Tickets avaible on the 7th of January
Merched Caerdydd - Catrin Dafydd Nos Sadwrn o Hyd - Roger Williams


Ewch i i weld Cyrsiau a Digwyddiadau 2019 🎇 Go to to see the Courses and Events of 2019 🎆


Cafodd bawb hwyl neithiwr yn y noson cwis a chyri i ddysgwyr!!
Everyone enjoyed the curry and quiz evening for welsh learners last night!!


Nadolig ar ei ffordd! Christmas is on it's way! 🌲


Diolch yn fawr i Flossy a Boo. Sioe ardderchog prynhawn 'ma!!
Thank you Flossy and Boo for a wonderful show this afternoon!! Flossy and Boo


Ydych chi eisiau dianc rhag y glaw heddiw? Dewch draw i weld y sioe hudolus Litla the Brave am 2 y prynhawn 'ma.
Are you looking for something to do indoors with the kids today? Why not come along to see this magical show, Litla the Brave!! It starts at 2pm.


Dewch i weld y sioe hudolus yma yfory! ⭐ Come see this magical show tomorrow!


Dewch draw heddiw. Croeso i bawb.
Come along today. Everyone is welcome.


Edrych am rhywbeth i wneud gyda'r plant dydd Sadwrn yma? Looking for something to do with the kids this Saturday?


Edrych ymlaen i weld @steffanevanscomedy a @drewtaylorlite heno! 🔥🔥🔥 Looking forward!


Ewch draw i'r Wyl Coed Nadolig yn Salem penwythnos yma. Why not visit Salem this weekend? It's the opening weekend of their Christmas Tree Festival.


Dewch draw i'r Caffi Cyfeillgar heddiw am 2. Croeso i bawb!!
Come along to Chatty Café today at 2. Everyone's welcome!!


best good night out fun and great people line dancing monday night see you soon


Great atmosphere Lots to do Always something happening :)


First time doing a class was last night met lovely people the teacher was nice can't believe it's taken me so long to do a class can't wait to see what I'll learn really enjoyed it.


Defnyddiais y clwb haf ddoe a heddi er mwyn i fy mhlant joia cwpwl o weithgareddau dros y gwyliau. Staff gyfeillgar, digon iddynt wneud a awyrgylch hwylus iawn. Trysor o le. Diolch mas draw Menter Iaith xxxx⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


A great place! I attend 025 choir and have attended ukulele here and teach drama on Friday with Arius drama. Fabulous rooms and theatre and friendly and helpful staff. Have been to some shows here, which are always excellent.


best good night out fun and great people line dancing monday night see you soon


Great atmosphere Lots to do Always something happening :)


First time doing a class was last night met lovely people the teacher was nice can't believe it's taken me so long to do a class can't wait to see what I'll learn really enjoyed it.


Defnyddiais y clwb haf ddoe a heddi er mwyn i fy mhlant joia cwpwl o weithgareddau dros y gwyliau. Staff gyfeillgar, digon iddynt wneud a awyrgylch hwylus iawn. Trysor o le. Diolch mas draw Menter Iaith xxxx⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


A great place! I attend 025 choir and have attended ukulele here and teach drama on Friday with Arius drama. Fabulous rooms and theatre and friendly and helpful staff. Have been to some shows here, which are always excellent.

More about Canolfan Garth Olwg Centre

Canolfan Garth Olwg Centre is located at St Illtyd's Road, CF38 1RQ Pontypridd
Monday: 09:00 - 21:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 21:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 21:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 21:30
Friday: 09:00 - 19:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -