Cardiff 10K Caerdydd

About Cardiff 10K Caerdydd

Welcome to the Official Cardiff 10K Facebook Page.

Here, we will provide regular updates, answer questions and queries and share training tips.



It's FeelGoodFriday! And the Cardiff 10K Caerdydd team is feeling better than good about teaming up with our media partners for 2019, Nation Radio Wales. WeвҖҷre delighted to be working together for the 3rd year running! рҹ‘ҚрҹҳҖ
Enjoy your weekend run(s)! рҹҸғвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’Ё


For Thursday throwback this week we are throwing it all the way back to the 24th January 1965, and the death of Sir Winston Churchill. Did you know that in 1899, during the Boer War, Churchill escaped from a prisoner of war camp in a daring escapade after being captured while a correspondent in South Africa?
From the Cardiff 10K Caerdydd team, remember itвҖҷs the courage to continue that counts! рҹҸғвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’ЁвқӨпёҸрҹ‘Қ


With the cold weather here who couldnвҖҷt do with some new running gear? Brrr!! вқ„пёҸвҳғпёҸ So, courtesy of Cardiff 10K Caerdydd win a ВЈ25 Run and Become, Cardiff voucher and get those warm leggings or that headlamp you've had your eyes on! рҹ‘Җ
To Enter: Share this post with 3 friends вң”пёҸ... Like this post вң”пёҸ Like our page вң”пёҸ
The lucky winner will be announced on the 6th Feb. Good luck рҹ‘Қ
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Following our post on Friday, the Cardiff 10K Caerdydd team want to know what you think of bananas? рҹҸғвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’Ёрҹ’Ў
We love them on hot toast! Hmmm bananas рҹҚҢ


Stick to your goals and when it gets hard, remember why you are doing this! рҹ‘ҠвқӨпёҸрҹҸ…рҹ‘ЁвҖҚрҹ‘§вҖҚрҹ‘Ұ #MondayMotivation


Run with us, signup today!
Whether you are running to smash that PB, to raise awareness for a great cause or to simply just finish вҖ“ run with us at the Cardiff 10K Caerdydd 2019 рҹҺҪрҹҺ–пёҸрҹ‘ҚрҹҳҖ
Signup here today:
... #SignUp
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In a recent study, most runners named bananas as the food they couldnвҖҷt live without, and with good reason. Regular running can lower your potassium levels, which bananas are rich in, while they also carry plenty of vitamin B6, a useful tool for carrying oxygen around the body, and magnesium which is important for bone health. Hmmm, bananas! рҹҚҢрҹҸғвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’Ё


At the beginning of January we polled you on your running goals for 2019 with 64% of Facebook respondents telling us their goal is to get fit this year! рҹ‘ҠрҹҸғвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ’ЁрҹҸҶ
So, to assist you in your goal the Cardiff 10K Caerdydd team are sharing these 29 fantastic running tips to help you become a better, stronger, injury-proof runner, and get fitter:


A huge congratulations to Victoria Marie Coles who has won a free adult entry into the Cardiff 10K Caerdydd 2019, as well as the privilege of wearing race number 2019! рҹҸҶрҹҺҪ
Victoria, please DM us your contact details so we can arrange getting your fabulous prizes to you.
Thank you to everyone that entered and keep your eyes peeled for another chance to win soon. рҹ‘Җрҹ‘Ҡ
... #WinItWednesday #WinnerWinnerChickenDinner
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World class Ultra Endurance marathon runner Lowri Morgan has signed up for the Cardiff 10K Caerdydd 2019 and shared her top 3 tips for finishing WalesвҖҷ longest established running event in this video. рҹҢҺрҹҸғвҖҚвҷҖпёҸ
An inspiration, Lowri is 1 of only 8 athletes to complete the notoriously difficult 350 mile non-stop footrace вҖҳ6633 UltraвҖҷ in the Arctic as well as the challenging вҖҳJungle Ultra MarathonвҖҷ in the Amazon Forest.
To run with Lowri, register here today:
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Monday Motivation - For some extra motivation this Monday we are asking you to show us your medals! рҹҘҮрҹҘҲрҹҘүрҹҸ…
"If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how far or how fast."
... #MondayMotivation
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HeвҖҷs an endurance athlete, a world record holder & the host of BBC OneвҖҷs Dirty Vegan рҹҘ•рҹҘ’рҹҘҰ Mathew pritchard has just signed up for the Cardiff 10k 2019 рҹӨҳNow itвҖҷs your turn! вқӨпёҸрҹҸғвҖҚвҷӮпёҸ Sign up here: рҹ‘Ҡрҹ”Ҙ... #SaturdayMotivation #2019FitnessGoals #ukrunchat #Veganuary2019
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What couldn't you run without?


A sad ending to an incredible career. вқӨпёҸрҹҺҫрҹ‘Ҡ


This week for Throwback Thursday we are throwing it back to 2018's Cardiff 10K Caerdydd Corporate Challenge. HereвҖҷs Harry Weston proudly showing off Maxx Media's team photo from 2018вҖҷs runрҹҸғвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’ЁрҹҺҪрҹҘҮрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу  Ғ·у Ғ¬у Ғіу Ғҝ
Launching on 21st January the Corporate Challenge is a great chance to bring work colleagues together for team building and strengthening friendships, as well as encouraging a little competitive spirit. So watch this space.
... #ChallengeAccepted
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Fancy making 2019 a year to remember? Win a free adult place in the 2019 Cardiff 10K Caerdydd and wear the special race number 2019! рҹҸ…рҹҸғвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҸғвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’Ё
To enter: Share with 3 friends you hope all have a fantastic 2019 вң”пёҸ... Like our page вң”пёҸ Like this post вң”пёҸ
The winner will be announced Wed 30th Jan. Good luck рҹҳҺ
#Winning #Running #WinnerWinnerChickenDinner
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Tip Tuesday вҖ“ Do you have a goal to lose weight or get fit? Are you struggling for motivation? Check out this awesome audio article by endurance athlete and broadcaster Lowri Morgan :
Good luck and keep on keeping on! рҹ‘ҠвқӨпёҸрҹ’Ә #RunningMotivation


How are your health and fitness goals working out? Need some inspiration? Register now for Cardiff 10K Caerdydd 2019. ItвҖҷs flat, fast and fun, making it the perfect race for beginners or for crushing a PB! рҹҸғвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’ЁрҹҺҪрҹҘҮрҹҸҙу Ғ§у Ғўу Ғ· у Ғ¬у Ғіу Ғҝ2вғЈ0вғЈ1вғЈ9вғЈ Register here and get on it! #FitnessGoals


MikeвҖҷs signed up, now itвҖҷs your turn! Give yourself a bit of extra motivation through these Winter months and register today for SeptemberвҖҷs Cardiff 10K Caerdydd 2019. You can even join Mike training on CardiffвҖҷs beautiful Taff Trail too! рҹҸғвҖҚвҷӮпёҸрҹ’Ё Register here: #Running


i loved the new route excellent potentiall for a pb my only negative gripe is it took me longer to get my bag from baggage area than running the course lol but I would recommend this race to any one .big thanks to all volunteers and supporters .just bring the sunshine next year


What a day!!

Absolutely fantastic day outstanding atmosphere not just from volunteers who done a marvellous job but also from the other runners who was also giving us a shout out and congratulating us which kept us going.

Doesn't matter how old or what size you are every one was so supportive and encouraging.

Will definatly be going again next year and will bring all my family down as it's such a lovely day not even the weather could spoil it.

Thank you for a fantastic day

See you next yearпҝҪ


This was my daughter and mines 1st 10k ever and we loved it. About half way around we decided we are going to do it again next year пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


One of the best experiences I have had, my first distance run and now I've got the bug! Bit disappointed I didn't get a tshirt tho!


My first 10k and I loved it. Volunteers were amazing even in that horrid weather. Loved the cheering at different places kept me going. Only negative was there seemed to be chaos with the tshirts. Poor volunteers seemed to have a mix of sizes in each box so they stood no chance of being able to be organised. IWill definitely recommend this race though


My first 10k and I loved it. Volunteers were amazing even in that horrid weather. Loved the cheer station just after that hill. Only negative was there seemed to be chaos with the tshirts. Poor volunteers seemed to have a mix of sizes in each box so they stood no chance of being able to be organised. I volunteered at world champs last year and tshirt collection was a lot better then so it seems like an issue with the way the boxes were packed rather than the tshirt station. Will definitely recommend this race though


Loved the new route! Fantastic race and marshals who were amazing! Great crowd support!

Shame the shirts ran out though maybe we can pick them up before next year?

Thank you though it was a good one пҝҪпҝҪ


Loved it! Great course, every volunteer and marshal was amazing for braving this God awful weather. A thousand thank you's to them for enabling us to babe a safe run. I didn't have an issue with bottlenecks or cajoling for places as am a 'back of the pack' girl! My only gripe - as with most - was the lack of sizes of t shirt available. We all put out sizes on at registration, yet nothing available. Ah well, bling is awesome & a great charity.


Love running in Cardiff, well organised, great, fast route (although that Hill by the Cemetery in Roath always gives my glutes a rude awakening!!) weather was cruel to us today but spirits were high, and bit of rain won't keep a runner down!! Great fun!!


Had a fab run. My first 10k and loved it. The 7k hill was a killer. T-shirts were a bit all ove the place (small in the large section). X


First time doing this, very well organised, loved the route, Marshalls were brilliant especially in that horrible rain, loved the medal and the tshirt, results out within no time, well done, will be back next year :)


First 10km, cant say i love running but the race was really good. I even managed the hill by the cemetary. Very pleased that i did it and raised money for kidney wales. Thanks to all the marshals and supporters who were with us all the way in such miserable weather. пҝҪ


An amazing day, great to meet old friends and new. рҹҳғ


Was my first 10k or first race of any kind. Agree with the comments that there was a bottleneck situation at the turn into Roath Park which slowed pace down a bit just as I had hit my stride (ha!) and the start was certainly jostling for position - needed I think just to be wider at this point or a more staggered/longer start. Too many people in the wrong pens I dont think helped the situation. Other than that, loved the course, ran 54.00 which was well happy with for a first timer who has only been running a couple of months :)


Very good course and great experience. Only fault was how narrow it got in places which meant limited opportunity to pass in the first couple of k when the pack was clumped but still a very well run event.


Thought the race itself was ace, but felt that the start times should have been staggered more to prevent the cajoling, and jostling, for positioning that went on for the first 3 miles, and involved lots of sharp elbows and sly kicks. I also thought the medal and t-shirt distribution was poorly organised and needlessly chaotic. Having them laid out on tables with an orderly queuing system (as per most other races) would have been much more efficient. The course itself was pretty good, with the exception of the bottleneck created through the middle of Roath Park, which caused a drastic slow down of pace and a few slips and trips amongst several runners. Overall, with a few tweaks, I would recommend this race and probably do it again (purely because it's the capital of Wales and ideal for a PB)


Great course... however my 2 biggest gripes were that the course was very narrow in places due to the amount of participants therefore it was difficult to maintain a constant running cadence and the baggage drop off/pick up was a nightmare... the tent needed to be bigger and more volunteers as standing in the rain for 30mins or so wasn't enjoyable and dampened my enjoyment of the event


Atmosphere was fantastic! Everyone was so positive and the rain didn't dampen anyone's spirits! The change of course from last year was nice too, some parts were a little bumpy, but that's road running! Only thing I was disappointed with was not getting a finishers tshirt at the end. Fantastic day and a fantastic achievement for everyone! Until next year!


So after queuing for the last hour and a half to get a race number, Cardiff 10K decide to just give any race number out 25 minutes after the race has actually started with at least 300 people still queuing. Massive health and safety issue aswell as awful for people wanting to actually вҖҳraceвҖҷ with the crowd not run around Cardiff on their own! (After all that it was I paid ВЈ25 to do!)

Never again. Piss poor organisation.


i loved the new route excellent potentiall for a pb my only negative gripe is it took me longer to get my bag from baggage area than running the course lol but I would recommend this race to any one .big thanks to all volunteers and supporters .just bring the sunshine next year


What a day!!

Absolutely fantastic day outstanding atmosphere not just from volunteers who done a marvellous job but also from the other runners who was also giving us a shout out and congratulating us which kept us going.

Doesn't matter how old or what size you are every one was so supportive and encouraging.

Will definatly be going again next year and will bring all my family down as it's such a lovely day not even the weather could spoil it.

Thank you for a fantastic day

See you next yearпҝҪ


This was my daughter and mines 1st 10k ever and we loved it. About half way around we decided we are going to do it again next year пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


One of the best experiences I have had, my first distance run and now I've got the bug! Bit disappointed I didn't get a tshirt tho!


My first 10k and I loved it. Volunteers were amazing even in that horrid weather. Loved the cheering at different places kept me going. Only negative was there seemed to be chaos with the tshirts. Poor volunteers seemed to have a mix of sizes in each box so they stood no chance of being able to be organised. IWill definitely recommend this race though


My first 10k and I loved it. Volunteers were amazing even in that horrid weather. Loved the cheer station just after that hill. Only negative was there seemed to be chaos with the tshirts. Poor volunteers seemed to have a mix of sizes in each box so they stood no chance of being able to be organised. I volunteered at world champs last year and tshirt collection was a lot better then so it seems like an issue with the way the boxes were packed rather than the tshirt station. Will definitely recommend this race though


Loved the new route! Fantastic race and marshals who were amazing! Great crowd support!

Shame the shirts ran out though maybe we can pick them up before next year?

Thank you though it was a good one пҝҪпҝҪ


Loved it! Great course, every volunteer and marshal was amazing for braving this God awful weather. A thousand thank you's to them for enabling us to babe a safe run. I didn't have an issue with bottlenecks or cajoling for places as am a 'back of the pack' girl! My only gripe - as with most - was the lack of sizes of t shirt available. We all put out sizes on at registration, yet nothing available. Ah well, bling is awesome & a great charity.


Love running in Cardiff, well organised, great, fast route (although that Hill by the Cemetery in Roath always gives my glutes a rude awakening!!) weather was cruel to us today but spirits were high, and bit of rain won't keep a runner down!! Great fun!!


Had a fab run. My first 10k and loved it. The 7k hill was a killer. T-shirts were a bit all ove the place (small in the large section). X


First time doing this, very well organised, loved the route, Marshalls were brilliant especially in that horrible rain, loved the medal and the tshirt, results out within no time, well done, will be back next year :)


First 10km, cant say i love running but the race was really good. I even managed the hill by the cemetary. Very pleased that i did it and raised money for kidney wales. Thanks to all the marshals and supporters who were with us all the way in such miserable weather. пҝҪ


An amazing day, great to meet old friends and new. рҹҳғ


Was my first 10k or first race of any kind. Agree with the comments that there was a bottleneck situation at the turn into Roath Park which slowed pace down a bit just as I had hit my stride (ha!) and the start was certainly jostling for position - needed I think just to be wider at this point or a more staggered/longer start. Too many people in the wrong pens I dont think helped the situation. Other than that, loved the course, ran 54.00 which was well happy with for a first timer who has only been running a couple of months :)


Very good course and great experience. Only fault was how narrow it got in places which meant limited opportunity to pass in the first couple of k when the pack was clumped but still a very well run event.


Thought the race itself was ace, but felt that the start times should have been staggered more to prevent the cajoling, and jostling, for positioning that went on for the first 3 miles, and involved lots of sharp elbows and sly kicks. I also thought the medal and t-shirt distribution was poorly organised and needlessly chaotic. Having them laid out on tables with an orderly queuing system (as per most other races) would have been much more efficient. The course itself was pretty good, with the exception of the bottleneck created through the middle of Roath Park, which caused a drastic slow down of pace and a few slips and trips amongst several runners. Overall, with a few tweaks, I would recommend this race and probably do it again (purely because it's the capital of Wales and ideal for a PB)


Great course... however my 2 biggest gripes were that the course was very narrow in places due to the amount of participants therefore it was difficult to maintain a constant running cadence and the baggage drop off/pick up was a nightmare... the tent needed to be bigger and more volunteers as standing in the rain for 30mins or so wasn't enjoyable and dampened my enjoyment of the event


Atmosphere was fantastic! Everyone was so positive and the rain didn't dampen anyone's spirits! The change of course from last year was nice too, some parts were a little bumpy, but that's road running! Only thing I was disappointed with was not getting a finishers tshirt at the end. Fantastic day and a fantastic achievement for everyone! Until next year!


So after queuing for the last hour and a half to get a race number, Cardiff 10K decide to just give any race number out 25 minutes after the race has actually started with at least 300 people still queuing. Massive health and safety issue aswell as awful for people wanting to actually вҖҳraceвҖҷ with the crowd not run around Cardiff on their own! (After all that it was I paid ВЈ25 to do!)

Never again. Piss poor organisation.


i loved the new route excellent potentiall for a pb my only negative gripe is it took me longer to get my bag from baggage area than running the course lol but I would recommend this race to any one .big thanks to all volunteers and supporters .just bring the sunshine next year


What a day!!

Absolutely fantastic day outstanding atmosphere not just from volunteers who done a marvellous job but also from the other runners who was also giving us a shout out and congratulating us which kept us going.

Doesn't matter how old or what size you are every one was so supportive and encouraging.

Will definatly be going again next year and will bring all my family down as it's such a lovely day not even the weather could spoil it.

Thank you for a fantastic day

See you next yearпҝҪ


This was my daughter and mines 1st 10k ever and we loved it. About half way around we decided we are going to do it again next year пҝҪпҝҪпҝҪпҝҪ


One of the best experiences I have had, my first distance run and now I've got the bug! Bit disappointed I didn't get a tshirt tho!


My first 10k and I loved it. Volunteers were amazing even in that horrid weather. Loved the cheering at different places kept me going. Only negative was there seemed to be chaos with the tshirts. Poor volunteers seemed to have a mix of sizes in each box so they stood no chance of being able to be organised. IWill definitely recommend this race though


My first 10k and I loved it. Volunteers were amazing even in that horrid weather. Loved the cheer station just after that hill. Only negative was there seemed to be chaos with the tshirts. Poor volunteers seemed to have a mix of sizes in each box so they stood no chance of being able to be organised. I volunteered at world champs last year and tshirt collection was a lot better then so it seems like an issue with the way the boxes were packed rather than the tshirt station. Will definitely recommend this race though


Loved the new route! Fantastic race and marshals who were amazing! Great crowd support!

Shame the shirts ran out though maybe we can pick them up before next year?

Thank you though it was a good one пҝҪпҝҪ


Loved it! Great course, every volunteer and marshal was amazing for braving this God awful weather. A thousand thank you's to them for enabling us to babe a safe run. I didn't have an issue with bottlenecks or cajoling for places as am a 'back of the pack' girl! My only gripe - as with most - was the lack of sizes of t shirt available. We all put out sizes on at registration, yet nothing available. Ah well, bling is awesome & a great charity.


Love running in Cardiff, well organised, great, fast route (although that Hill by the Cemetery in Roath always gives my glutes a rude awakening!!) weather was cruel to us today but spirits were high, and bit of rain won't keep a runner down!! Great fun!!


Had a fab run. My first 10k and loved it. The 7k hill was a killer. T-shirts were a bit all ove the place (small in the large section). X


First time doing this, very well organised, loved the route, Marshalls were brilliant especially in that horrible rain, loved the medal and the tshirt, results out within no time, well done, will be back next year :)


First 10km, cant say i love running but the race was really good. I even managed the hill by the cemetary. Very pleased that i did it and raised money for kidney wales. Thanks to all the marshals and supporters who were with us all the way in such miserable weather. пҝҪ


An amazing day, great to meet old friends and new. рҹҳғ


Was my first 10k or first race of any kind. Agree with the comments that there was a bottleneck situation at the turn into Roath Park which slowed pace down a bit just as I had hit my stride (ha!) and the start was certainly jostling for position - needed I think just to be wider at this point or a more staggered/longer start. Too many people in the wrong pens I dont think helped the situation. Other than that, loved the course, ran 54.00 which was well happy with for a first timer who has only been running a couple of months :)


Very good course and great experience. Only fault was how narrow it got in places which meant limited opportunity to pass in the first couple of k when the pack was clumped but still a very well run event.


Thought the race itself was ace, but felt that the start times should have been staggered more to prevent the cajoling, and jostling, for positioning that went on for the first 3 miles, and involved lots of sharp elbows and sly kicks. I also thought the medal and t-shirt distribution was poorly organised and needlessly chaotic. Having them laid out on tables with an orderly queuing system (as per most other races) would have been much more efficient. The course itself was pretty good, with the exception of the bottleneck created through the middle of Roath Park, which caused a drastic slow down of pace and a few slips and trips amongst several runners. Overall, with a few tweaks, I would recommend this race and probably do it again (purely because it's the capital of Wales and ideal for a PB)


Great course... however my 2 biggest gripes were that the course was very narrow in places due to the amount of participants therefore it was difficult to maintain a constant running cadence and the baggage drop off/pick up was a nightmare... the tent needed to be bigger and more volunteers as standing in the rain for 30mins or so wasn't enjoyable and dampened my enjoyment of the event


Atmosphere was fantastic! Everyone was so positive and the rain didn't dampen anyone's spirits! The change of course from last year was nice too, some parts were a little bumpy, but that's road running! Only thing I was disappointed with was not getting a finishers tshirt at the end. Fantastic day and a fantastic achievement for everyone! Until next year!


So after queuing for the last hour and a half to get a race number, Cardiff 10K decide to just give any race number out 25 minutes after the race has actually started with at least 300 people still queuing. Massive health and safety issue aswell as awful for people wanting to actually вҖҳraceвҖҷ with the crowd not run around Cardiff on their own! (After all that it was I paid ВЈ25 to do!)

Never again. Piss poor organisation.

More about Cardiff 10K Caerdydd

Cardiff 10K Caerdydd is located at 2 Radnor Court, CF5 1GZ Cardiff