Cardiff Castle / Castell Caerdydd

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00

About Cardiff Castle / Castell Caerdydd

Discover 2000 years of history at the heart of Cardiff / Darganfyddwch 2000 o flynyddoedd o hanes yng nghanol Caerdydd

Cardiff Castle / Castell Caerdydd Description

In the heart of the capital city is Cardiff Castle, a truly remarkable site with a history that spans over 2000 years. Roman soldiers slept here, noble knights held court here, and The Bute family, with extraordinary wealth and vision, transformed the Castle into a romantic Victorian fantasy. ‘Eccentric genius’ architect William Burges was given free rein to create the lavish and opulent interiors; each breathtaking room rich with murals, stained glass, gilding and superb craftsmanship.



🎃🕷️🕸️ As our #Halloween‘creepy crawlies’ events have been ever so popular this year we have added another one today at 12:45!
Hurry on down to the Castle and experience a variety of creepy creatures up close!
... Tix and info here: ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 🎃🕷️🕸️ Gan fod ein digwyddiad bwystfilod bach wedi bod mor boblogaidd eleni, rydym wedi ychwanegu sesiwn arall heddiw am 12:45!
Brysiwch i’r Castell i gyfarfod amrywiaeth o greaduriaid anghynnes, o gynrhon a brogaod i fadfallod a nadroedd!
Tocynnau a wybodaeth:
See More


🎃🎬 New On Sale / Newydd Ar Werth! 🎬🎃
Sun 4 Nov @ 14:00 / Sul 4 Tach @ 14:00
Halloween Week in Cardiff Castle's Underground Cinema... Darkened Rooms Visit Cardiff / Croeso Caerdydd
See More


🎃🎬 New On Sale / Newydd Ar Werth! 🎬🎃
Sun 4 Nov @ 18:00 / Sul 4 Tach @ 18:00
Halloween Week in Cardiff Castle's Underground Cinema... Darkened Rooms Visit Cardiff / Croeso Caerdydd
See More


🎃🎬 New On Sale / Newydd Ar Werth! 🎬🎃
Thu 1 Nov @ 14:00 / Iau 1 Tach @ 14:00
Halloween Week in Cardiff Castle's Underground Cinema... Darkened Rooms Visit Cardiff / Croeso Caerdydd
See More


🎃🎬 New On Sale / Newydd Ar Werth! 🎬🎃
Fri 2 Nov @ 10:30 / Gwe 2 Tach @ 10:30
Halloween Week in Cardiff Castle's Underground Cinema... Darkened Rooms Visit Cardiff / Croeso Caerdydd
See More


Mon 29 October & Tue 30 October
What makes people so scared of spiders?
Join us for an in-depth insight into these fascinating creatures and then get a chance to test your nerve by seeing how it feels to hold a tarantula.
... Children – see whether the adults are as brave as you and manage to face their fears!
Recommended for ages 6 and over.
Limited availability & Pre-booking is essential.
Tickets cost £4 per person.
----------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Dydd Llun 29 a Dydd Mawrth 30 Hydref
Beth sy’n gwneud i bobl ofni pryfaid cop?
Ymunwch â ni i gael cipolwg fanwl ar y creaduriaid rhyfeddol hyn ac yna cewch gyfle i brofi’ch asgwrn cefn drwy weld sut beth yw gafael mewn tarantwla.
Blant – beth am weld os yw’r oedolion mor ddewr â chi?!
Argymhellir ar gyfer plant 6+ oed.
Niferoedd cyfyngedig - rhaid cadw lle ymlaen llaw.
Cost tocynnau yw £4 y person.
See More


Monday October 29 & Tuesday October 30
The return of our ever-popular Halloween animal sessions. This hour-long session will enable visitors to get close to variety of creepy creatures, from maggots and frogs to lizards and snakes.
Booking Essential
... Tickets cost £4 per person.
No charge for under 1's
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Dydd Llun 29 Hydref a Dydd Mawrth 30 Hydref
Mae ein sesiynau anifeiliaid Calan Gaeaf poblogaidd yn ôl. Bydd y sesiwn awr o hyd yn galluogi ymwelwyr i ddod yn agos at amryw fwystfilod bach, o gynrhon a brogaod i fadfallod a nadroedd.
Rhaid archebu lle.
Cost tocynnau yw £4 y person.
Dim tâl i rai dan 1 oed.
See More


Sunday October 28 - Wednesday October 31 10:00 AM - 16:00 PM
No tickets required, normal admission applies.
... Following his appearance at Cardiff Castle last year, the Black Knight returns. Join us to help our brave knights find out a way to conquer this evil being.
11.00 - Act 1 12.30 - Story 13.30 - Act 2 14.30 - Story 15.30 - Finale
----------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Dydd Sul Hydref 28 - Dydd Mercher Hydref 31 10.00-16.00
Nid oes angen tocynnau, tâl mynediad arferol.
Ar ôl ymddangos yng Nghastell Caerdydd y llynedd, daw’r Marchog Du’n ei ôl. Ymunwch â ni i helpu’r marchogion dewr i atal y drygioni hwn!
11.00 - Act 1 12.30 - Stori 13.30 - Act 2 14.30 - Stori 15.30 - Diwedd
See More


Wow! Some amazing footage of Cardiff here, including the Castle, way back in 1954; that's a year before it became capital of Wales. Have a watch, it's fascinating :-)
Waw! Dyma fideo anhygoel o Gaerdydd, gan gynnwys y Castell, maith yn ôl yn 1954; dyna flwyddyn cyn iddi ddod yn brifddinas Cymru. Rhaid i chi wylio, mae'n mor ddiddorol :-)


Remember, tickets will be on sale this morning at 10:00 am! 🎅
Cofiwch, bydd tocynnau ar werth y bore yma am 10:00 yb! 🎅


Tickets On Sale: Mon, 15th October @ 10:00 AM
£25 per person £7.50 additional adult to assist
... Join us in the Undercroft and learn how to make an authentic Christmas wreath and decorate it in traditional style. Foliage and berries will be supplied, plus expert guidance will be on hand to help you create a masterpiece that you can take home.
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Tocynnau Ar Werth: Dydd Llun, 15fed Hydref @ 10:00 YB
£25 y pen £7.50 oedolyn ychwanegol i gynorthwyo
Ymunwch â ni yn yr Is-grofft a dysgu sut i wneud torch Nadolig dilys a'i addurno mewn arddull draddodiadol. Bydd deiliaint ac aeron yn cael eu darparu, ynghyd â chanllawiau arbenigol wrth law i'ch helpu i greu campwaith y gallwch fynd adref.
See More


Tickets On Sale: Mon, 15th October @ 10:00 AM
Experience a traditional Christmas as Santa returns to Cardiff Castle this winter. Come and visit our magical grotto in the 13th Century Black Tower and explore the Castle in all its festive splendour.
Child tickets are £12.95 (includes 2 accompanying adults).
... Your ticket includes:
- Visit to Santa in his Grotto - Traditional Christmas Gift - Christmas Craft Area while you wait - Christmas Activity Booklet to take home - Candy Cane Trail in the decorated Victorian House - Access to the Castle Grounds - 10% off Christmas range in the Gift Shop
----------------------------------------- -----------------------------
Tocynnau Ar Werth: Dydd Llun, 15fed Hydref @ 10:00 YB
Profwch Nadolig traddodiadol wrth i Siôn Corn ddychwelyd i Gastell Caerdydd y gaeaf hwn. Dewch i ymweld â'n groto hudol yn y Tŵr Du o'r 13eg ganrif ac edrychwch ar y Castell yn ei holl ysblander Nadoligaidd.
Mae tocynnau i blant yn £12.95 (yn cynnwys 2 oedolion yn cyfeili).
Mae'ch tocyn yn cynnwys:
- Ymweld a Santa yn ei groto - Anrheg Nadolig traddodiadol - Ardal Grefftau Nadolig tra byddwch chi'n aros - Llyfryn Gweithgaredd Nadolig i fynd adref gyda chi - Llwybr Candy Cane yn y Tŷ Fictoraidd addurnedig - Mynediad i Tiroedd y Castell - 10% i ffwrdd o'r amrywiaeth Nadolig yn y Siop Anrhegion
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Please note that due to the @CardiffHalf Marathon taking place today #CardiffCastle will be open from 11am with closing times unaffected. The first tour will be at midday. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------- Oherwydd Hanner Marathon Caerdydd bydd y Castell ar agor o 11am ddydd Sul 7 Hydref, ni fydd y digwyddiad yn effeithio ar amser cau’r castell.Bydd y daith gyntaf am 12pm. Pob lwc i bawb sy’n cystadlu ddydd Sul Cardiff Half Marathon


Halloween Cinema returns to Cardiff Castle in 2018 with three days of freaky feature films! 🎃
Venture, if you dare, in to the Castle's atmospheric, 15th century undercroft, where a host of horrible Halloween horror films await you.
Tickets are on sale now! ...…/2018/10 /30/halloween-cinema/
----------------------------------------- ---------------
Mae Sinema Calan Gaeaf yn dychwelyd i Gastell Caerdydd yn 2018 gyda thri diwrnod o ffilmiau ddychrynllyd! 🎃
Mentro, os ydych chi'n digon hyderus, i mewn i isgrofft atmosfferig, 15fed ganrif y Castell, lle mae llu o ffilmiau arswyd erchyll Calan Gaeaf yn aros i chi.
Mae tocynnau ar werth nawr!…/10/3 0/sinema-calan-gaeaf/
See More


Went to the Catfish and the Bottlemen gig here last night and love the venue, it was all very well organised and the facilities were good too.


We went to the Santa’s grotto Saturday 16 Dec 17. We loved it! It’s excellent value and very well organised. If you allow a couple of hours before you can go round the house and the candy cane spotting really appealed to our 2 kids. Considering it’s normally £12 an adult for this access it’s amazing value.

We also climbed to the top of the keep and went into the tunnels.

It’s true that if you have a pram or pushchair (we had our 7 week old too so we did) it isn’t easy as you can’t take a pushchair round but I think the castle just wasn’t built with them in mind � It might be handy to point this out and mention that a carrier would make things easier for those of us who don’t think about this in advance - but it really wasn’t anything which ruined the experience

Santa was great. Kids (5 yr olds) were convinced he was he real one. He spent a nice amount of time chatting to them and the ladies (elves) ushering us in were absolutely lovely and great with the kids. The crafty bits and dressing up was fine for 20 mins or so while waiting too. We will definitely be back! ��


We visited Cardiff for our little boys birthday - he’s obsessed with castles so wanted to visit the castle. We had an amazing day - and Tyler was made a fuss of by the manager who treated him to a birthday gift - what a fantastic guy!! Thank you for making it extra special for him �


We spent a few hours there with audioguides and the house tour in marvellous weather. Entertaining and edifying!


Took my daughters to see Santa at Santa’s Grotto, lovely friendly Staff, I have been a few times over the years, and I have always found it a lovely Christmassy atmosphere. It’s probably the best value for money, although I was a little disappointed that you don’t get a photo as well as a gift but you have enough time with Santa to take lovely photos yourself. My daughters loved every minute with him. And as a parent he looks the best Santa around!! Great gifts as well. Thanks x


The joust was fantastic. Nothing was to much for staff involved to please the kids.. my son took part in everything and enjoyed... only down point was the drinks are so expensive and there was no water to wash your hands in the loos provided...


One of the best castles I've been in UK. It's the largest castle in Wales and it's very well preserved so quite impressive. They also do arch and catapult exhibition. Totally recommended and less pricy than Cardiff


On entering the castle I was a little underwhelmed at first but soon realised how wrong I was. The tour of the house was informative and your guide (Jessie I think) managed to make things light hearted and accessible to all ages. The firing line museum was interesting and the bomb shelter was eerily fantastic. The keep was good and in a well kept condition. Highly recommend as a great way to fill in a few hours and learn more about Cardiff.


Had a great day here today at the Joust event. The whole family had a great day. Thanks to all the staff who were so talented and entertaining, and brilliant with the kids. Thoroughly recommend!


As a wedding planner, I work with venues all across Wales and the South West of England. I had the pleasure of working at Cardiff Castle for my clients' wedding ceremony on Saturday and couldn't be more grateful to the fabulous team at the Castle who went above and beyond to ensure that everything ran smoothly and the couple had a fantastic experience - which must be challenging for them as the venue is of course open to the public at the same time. Thank you so much for everything and very much look forward to working with you again in the future! Zoë Binning


All the way from Nashville, Tennessee USA to have the most amazing experience at Cardiff castle. Well worth the trip and I’m looking forward to seeing it again soon. Thanks!


Absolutely fantastic day out. We paid a bit extra to take the house tour too which was well worth it. The guide was very knowledgeable as well as good fun and made it much more interesting.

The cafe staff were chatty and friendly and the coffee and Welsh Cakes delicious.

Highly recommend a visit .


Visited the castle today for the dinosaur event which was brilliant, really well organised. Haven’t been here since I was a little girl and was so impressed it was amazing. We got to see the air raid shelters too before the show and was ever so humbled. Lovely day and my 8 year definitely wants to go again soon xx


Our first time to see Cardiff Castle all the way from Oman to Cardiff UK...All I can say is it's really very beautiful inside the Castle I was really amazed to see those rooms with antique pieces of great art and books etc... Love it..


Nice to visit but a

Shame about the lack of charged up working audio sets available and noisy gardeners strimming the weeds all day and spraying bits of plant all over us.


I had a meeting in Cardiff, so I took the following day to see the sights in Cardiff. Cardiff Castle mostly didn't disappoint. The staff at The Interpretation Centre were helpful and friendly. The audio tour is fantastic. It gives you as much or as little information about each part of the tour as you'd like. The views are stunning. The history is compelling. It was well worth the £12 admission.

One thing to keep in mind is that not all of the grounds would be accessible with people who have mobility issues. I don't think it would be very good for people with children that can't walk. There are a lot of narrow stairs to climb around the grounds, and some of them are fairly steep.

I started with what was closest, which was the walls of the Castle. During World War II they were used as a bomb shelter during air raids. I then exited the walls near the back (North) gate. So the next stop was the Norman Keep. Fantastic views are found at the top.

I realized at the top of the Keep that my tour of the House started soon so I excitedly exited the Keep and hurried towards the meeting place for the House tour. So as part of this review, we'll be exiting the "fantastic" part of my visit. I was pointed to the house by one of the staff at the meeting point. I was on the last tour of the day (4pm) and I was the only person. This part of the tour is extra (£3), and it was a cold day so I can't say I'm surprised that I was the only person on the tour. The last tour starts at 4pm. I'm not going to say I was rushed, but this "50 minute tour" lasted 30 minutes. I was told in the Victorian Banqueting Room that "there's to much history to go over in this room" and to take the regular public tour. I was only in town for one day, so I couldn't return. The entire tour felt very rushed. I get that I was the only person on the tour, and it was the end of the day, but I'm preferred if they just refunded me the £3 rather than give the shoddy tour I was given. I literally saw the tour guide outside the Castle gate at 16:35pm.

Overall, it was a fantastic visit, I just was really soured by the House tour. It was the one weak spot in an otherwise wonderful visit.


We had a Welsh banquet at the castle last night. Awesome compare and entertainment. Food was good. Tour of the castle was informative. The only issue was that a colleague accidentally mislaid her iPhone in the banqueting Hall. The find my iPhone app located the iPhone as on premises. Sadly the iPhone was not traced and is today doing the rounds in Cardiff city. As we can only assume access was only to staff it’s a shame that this dishonesty has blighted the event. I hope it gets sorted.


Went to see Pete Tong here at the weekend. Amazing concert in a beautiful location, but the queue for the bar was ridiculous. Took an hour to get served. Been to many outdoor events and this was the worst bar service I’ve ever experienced.


Went to see Pete Tong at the weekend. Great concert, wouldn’t go back to Cardiff castle as a venue. Poorly organised toilets and bar mean that ques exceeded an hour. If you aren’t going to allow people to take their own drink you need to organise better facilities on site. Really disappointing.


Went to the Catfish and the Bottlemen gig here last night and love the venue, it was all very well organised and the facilities were good too.


We went to the Santa’s grotto Saturday 16 Dec 17. We loved it! It’s excellent value and very well organised. If you allow a couple of hours before you can go round the house and the candy cane spotting really appealed to our 2 kids. Considering it’s normally £12 an adult for this access it’s amazing value.

We also climbed to the top of the keep and went into the tunnels.

It’s true that if you have a pram or pushchair (we had our 7 week old too so we did) it isn’t easy as you can’t take a pushchair round but I think the castle just wasn’t built with them in mind � It might be handy to point this out and mention that a carrier would make things easier for those of us who don’t think about this in advance - but it really wasn’t anything which ruined the experience

Santa was great. Kids (5 yr olds) were convinced he was he real one. He spent a nice amount of time chatting to them and the ladies (elves) ushering us in were absolutely lovely and great with the kids. The crafty bits and dressing up was fine for 20 mins or so while waiting too. We will definitely be back! ��


We visited Cardiff for our little boys birthday - he’s obsessed with castles so wanted to visit the castle. We had an amazing day - and Tyler was made a fuss of by the manager who treated him to a birthday gift - what a fantastic guy!! Thank you for making it extra special for him �


We spent a few hours there with audioguides and the house tour in marvellous weather. Entertaining and edifying!


Took my daughters to see Santa at Santa’s Grotto, lovely friendly Staff, I have been a few times over the years, and I have always found it a lovely Christmassy atmosphere. It’s probably the best value for money, although I was a little disappointed that you don’t get a photo as well as a gift but you have enough time with Santa to take lovely photos yourself. My daughters loved every minute with him. And as a parent he looks the best Santa around!! Great gifts as well. Thanks x


The joust was fantastic. Nothing was to much for staff involved to please the kids.. my son took part in everything and enjoyed... only down point was the drinks are so expensive and there was no water to wash your hands in the loos provided...


One of the best castles I've been in UK. It's the largest castle in Wales and it's very well preserved so quite impressive. They also do arch and catapult exhibition. Totally recommended and less pricy than Cardiff


On entering the castle I was a little underwhelmed at first but soon realised how wrong I was. The tour of the house was informative and your guide (Jessie I think) managed to make things light hearted and accessible to all ages. The firing line museum was interesting and the bomb shelter was eerily fantastic. The keep was good and in a well kept condition. Highly recommend as a great way to fill in a few hours and learn more about Cardiff.


Had a great day here today at the Joust event. The whole family had a great day. Thanks to all the staff who were so talented and entertaining, and brilliant with the kids. Thoroughly recommend!


As a wedding planner, I work with venues all across Wales and the South West of England. I had the pleasure of working at Cardiff Castle for my clients' wedding ceremony on Saturday and couldn't be more grateful to the fabulous team at the Castle who went above and beyond to ensure that everything ran smoothly and the couple had a fantastic experience - which must be challenging for them as the venue is of course open to the public at the same time. Thank you so much for everything and very much look forward to working with you again in the future! Zoë Binning


All the way from Nashville, Tennessee USA to have the most amazing experience at Cardiff castle. Well worth the trip and I’m looking forward to seeing it again soon. Thanks!


Absolutely fantastic day out. We paid a bit extra to take the house tour too which was well worth it. The guide was very knowledgeable as well as good fun and made it much more interesting.

The cafe staff were chatty and friendly and the coffee and Welsh Cakes delicious.

Highly recommend a visit .


Visited the castle today for the dinosaur event which was brilliant, really well organised. Haven’t been here since I was a little girl and was so impressed it was amazing. We got to see the air raid shelters too before the show and was ever so humbled. Lovely day and my 8 year definitely wants to go again soon xx


Our first time to see Cardiff Castle all the way from Oman to Cardiff UK...All I can say is it's really very beautiful inside the Castle I was really amazed to see those rooms with antique pieces of great art and books etc... Love it..


Nice to visit but a

Shame about the lack of charged up working audio sets available and noisy gardeners strimming the weeds all day and spraying bits of plant all over us.


I had a meeting in Cardiff, so I took the following day to see the sights in Cardiff. Cardiff Castle mostly didn't disappoint. The staff at The Interpretation Centre were helpful and friendly. The audio tour is fantastic. It gives you as much or as little information about each part of the tour as you'd like. The views are stunning. The history is compelling. It was well worth the £12 admission.

One thing to keep in mind is that not all of the grounds would be accessible with people who have mobility issues. I don't think it would be very good for people with children that can't walk. There are a lot of narrow stairs to climb around the grounds, and some of them are fairly steep.

I started with what was closest, which was the walls of the Castle. During World War II they were used as a bomb shelter during air raids. I then exited the walls near the back (North) gate. So the next stop was the Norman Keep. Fantastic views are found at the top.

I realized at the top of the Keep that my tour of the House started soon so I excitedly exited the Keep and hurried towards the meeting place for the House tour. So as part of this review, we'll be exiting the "fantastic" part of my visit. I was pointed to the house by one of the staff at the meeting point. I was on the last tour of the day (4pm) and I was the only person. This part of the tour is extra (£3), and it was a cold day so I can't say I'm surprised that I was the only person on the tour. The last tour starts at 4pm. I'm not going to say I was rushed, but this "50 minute tour" lasted 30 minutes. I was told in the Victorian Banqueting Room that "there's to much history to go over in this room" and to take the regular public tour. I was only in town for one day, so I couldn't return. The entire tour felt very rushed. I get that I was the only person on the tour, and it was the end of the day, but I'm preferred if they just refunded me the £3 rather than give the shoddy tour I was given. I literally saw the tour guide outside the Castle gate at 16:35pm.

Overall, it was a fantastic visit, I just was really soured by the House tour. It was the one weak spot in an otherwise wonderful visit.


We had a Welsh banquet at the castle last night. Awesome compare and entertainment. Food was good. Tour of the castle was informative. The only issue was that a colleague accidentally mislaid her iPhone in the banqueting Hall. The find my iPhone app located the iPhone as on premises. Sadly the iPhone was not traced and is today doing the rounds in Cardiff city. As we can only assume access was only to staff it’s a shame that this dishonesty has blighted the event. I hope it gets sorted.


Went to see Pete Tong here at the weekend. Amazing concert in a beautiful location, but the queue for the bar was ridiculous. Took an hour to get served. Been to many outdoor events and this was the worst bar service I’ve ever experienced.


Went to see Pete Tong at the weekend. Great concert, wouldn’t go back to Cardiff castle as a venue. Poorly organised toilets and bar mean that ques exceeded an hour. If you aren’t going to allow people to take their own drink you need to organise better facilities on site. Really disappointing.


Went to the Catfish and the Bottlemen gig here last night and love the venue, it was all very well organised and the facilities were good too.


We went to the Santa’s grotto Saturday 16 Dec 17. We loved it! It’s excellent value and very well organised. If you allow a couple of hours before you can go round the house and the candy cane spotting really appealed to our 2 kids. Considering it’s normally £12 an adult for this access it’s amazing value.

We also climbed to the top of the keep and went into the tunnels.

It’s true that if you have a pram or pushchair (we had our 7 week old too so we did) it isn’t easy as you can’t take a pushchair round but I think the castle just wasn’t built with them in mind � It might be handy to point this out and mention that a carrier would make things easier for those of us who don’t think about this in advance - but it really wasn’t anything which ruined the experience

Santa was great. Kids (5 yr olds) were convinced he was he real one. He spent a nice amount of time chatting to them and the ladies (elves) ushering us in were absolutely lovely and great with the kids. The crafty bits and dressing up was fine for 20 mins or so while waiting too. We will definitely be back! ��


We visited Cardiff for our little boys birthday - he’s obsessed with castles so wanted to visit the castle. We had an amazing day - and Tyler was made a fuss of by the manager who treated him to a birthday gift - what a fantastic guy!! Thank you for making it extra special for him �


We spent a few hours there with audioguides and the house tour in marvellous weather. Entertaining and edifying!


Took my daughters to see Santa at Santa’s Grotto, lovely friendly Staff, I have been a few times over the years, and I have always found it a lovely Christmassy atmosphere. It’s probably the best value for money, although I was a little disappointed that you don’t get a photo as well as a gift but you have enough time with Santa to take lovely photos yourself. My daughters loved every minute with him. And as a parent he looks the best Santa around!! Great gifts as well. Thanks x


The joust was fantastic. Nothing was to much for staff involved to please the kids.. my son took part in everything and enjoyed... only down point was the drinks are so expensive and there was no water to wash your hands in the loos provided...


One of the best castles I've been in UK. It's the largest castle in Wales and it's very well preserved so quite impressive. They also do arch and catapult exhibition. Totally recommended and less pricy than Cardiff


On entering the castle I was a little underwhelmed at first but soon realised how wrong I was. The tour of the house was informative and your guide (Jessie I think) managed to make things light hearted and accessible to all ages. The firing line museum was interesting and the bomb shelter was eerily fantastic. The keep was good and in a well kept condition. Highly recommend as a great way to fill in a few hours and learn more about Cardiff.


Had a great day here today at the Joust event. The whole family had a great day. Thanks to all the staff who were so talented and entertaining, and brilliant with the kids. Thoroughly recommend!


As a wedding planner, I work with venues all across Wales and the South West of England. I had the pleasure of working at Cardiff Castle for my clients' wedding ceremony on Saturday and couldn't be more grateful to the fabulous team at the Castle who went above and beyond to ensure that everything ran smoothly and the couple had a fantastic experience - which must be challenging for them as the venue is of course open to the public at the same time. Thank you so much for everything and very much look forward to working with you again in the future! Zoë Binning


All the way from Nashville, Tennessee USA to have the most amazing experience at Cardiff castle. Well worth the trip and I’m looking forward to seeing it again soon. Thanks!


Absolutely fantastic day out. We paid a bit extra to take the house tour too which was well worth it. The guide was very knowledgeable as well as good fun and made it much more interesting.

The cafe staff were chatty and friendly and the coffee and Welsh Cakes delicious.

Highly recommend a visit .


Visited the castle today for the dinosaur event which was brilliant, really well organised. Haven’t been here since I was a little girl and was so impressed it was amazing. We got to see the air raid shelters too before the show and was ever so humbled. Lovely day and my 8 year definitely wants to go again soon xx


Our first time to see Cardiff Castle all the way from Oman to Cardiff UK...All I can say is it's really very beautiful inside the Castle I was really amazed to see those rooms with antique pieces of great art and books etc... Love it..


Nice to visit but a

Shame about the lack of charged up working audio sets available and noisy gardeners strimming the weeds all day and spraying bits of plant all over us.


I had a meeting in Cardiff, so I took the following day to see the sights in Cardiff. Cardiff Castle mostly didn't disappoint. The staff at The Interpretation Centre were helpful and friendly. The audio tour is fantastic. It gives you as much or as little information about each part of the tour as you'd like. The views are stunning. The history is compelling. It was well worth the £12 admission.

One thing to keep in mind is that not all of the grounds would be accessible with people who have mobility issues. I don't think it would be very good for people with children that can't walk. There are a lot of narrow stairs to climb around the grounds, and some of them are fairly steep.

I started with what was closest, which was the walls of the Castle. During World War II they were used as a bomb shelter during air raids. I then exited the walls near the back (North) gate. So the next stop was the Norman Keep. Fantastic views are found at the top.

I realized at the top of the Keep that my tour of the House started soon so I excitedly exited the Keep and hurried towards the meeting place for the House tour. So as part of this review, we'll be exiting the "fantastic" part of my visit. I was pointed to the house by one of the staff at the meeting point. I was on the last tour of the day (4pm) and I was the only person. This part of the tour is extra (£3), and it was a cold day so I can't say I'm surprised that I was the only person on the tour. The last tour starts at 4pm. I'm not going to say I was rushed, but this "50 minute tour" lasted 30 minutes. I was told in the Victorian Banqueting Room that "there's to much history to go over in this room" and to take the regular public tour. I was only in town for one day, so I couldn't return. The entire tour felt very rushed. I get that I was the only person on the tour, and it was the end of the day, but I'm preferred if they just refunded me the £3 rather than give the shoddy tour I was given. I literally saw the tour guide outside the Castle gate at 16:35pm.

Overall, it was a fantastic visit, I just was really soured by the House tour. It was the one weak spot in an otherwise wonderful visit.


We had a Welsh banquet at the castle last night. Awesome compare and entertainment. Food was good. Tour of the castle was informative. The only issue was that a colleague accidentally mislaid her iPhone in the banqueting Hall. The find my iPhone app located the iPhone as on premises. Sadly the iPhone was not traced and is today doing the rounds in Cardiff city. As we can only assume access was only to staff it’s a shame that this dishonesty has blighted the event. I hope it gets sorted.


Went to see Pete Tong here at the weekend. Amazing concert in a beautiful location, but the queue for the bar was ridiculous. Took an hour to get served. Been to many outdoor events and this was the worst bar service I’ve ever experienced.


Went to see Pete Tong at the weekend. Great concert, wouldn’t go back to Cardiff castle as a venue. Poorly organised toilets and bar mean that ques exceeded an hour. If you aren’t going to allow people to take their own drink you need to organise better facilities on site. Really disappointing.

More about Cardiff Castle / Castell Caerdydd

Cardiff Castle / Castell Caerdydd is located at Castle St, CF10 3RB Cardiff
029 2087 8100
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00