Cardiff Eagles

About Cardiff Eagles

The Cardiff Eagles Ice Hockey club are a recreational hockey playing out of the Ice Arena Wales located in Cardiff Bay.

Cardiff Eagles Description

The Cardiff Eagles were formerly Eddy's Eagles and are a well established Rec Hockey side playing out of Ice Arena Wales (IAW) in Cardiff Bay. The Eagles were started by the then Cardiff Devils player Ed Patterson to give a group of beginner the chance to have a go at our favourite sport.

Training is currently every Thursday night commencing at 10: 00pm at Ice Arena Wales in Cardiff Bay. Registered team members pay a monthly fee but guest are welcomed, except for sessions prior to a weekend game (see our home page calander for details of matches). Each training session costs £10 for guests, payable before going on the ice.

We play challenge games and in the Southern Conference league against teams of a similar standard and our season runs from January to August. In between league matches we also seek out friendly matches to ensure all registered players see game time.

Anyone wishing to take part in matches must be registered with the EIHA at an annual cost of £45 per year, application forms are available from the General Manager. We strongly encourage everyone who attends training sessions on a regular basis to register as this includes liability insurance cover. As a strictly recreational team we play non-checking ice hockey so there is no hitting permitted either at training or in games, although some contact is inevitable.

Club colours are white, yellow and black (Home) and black, yellow and white (Away). The committee, comprised of the General Manger, Finance Manager, Fixture Secretary, Assistant GM, Coach and captians are responsible for the overall running of the club, any significant issues are referred to the whole team before any decisions are made, with monthly team meetings held. While we cannot please all the people all of the time it is our objective to try and do so.

To sum up, we are a happy friendly bunch of would-be hockey players and hope that you will enjoy playing with us. If you are interested in organising a match or want us to take part in a tournament, please contact our General Manager or fixture organiser.

More about Cardiff Eagles

Cardiff Eagles is located at Ice Arena WAles, Cardiff