Cariad A Cwtch Day Nursery

Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Cariad A Cwtch Day Nursery

Cariad a Cwtch is a new day nursery open in Llandovery

Cariad A Cwtch Day Nursery Description

Children are the central focus at Cariad a Cwtch and will be cared for by a team of friendly and skilled professionals. Our Nursery provides a well-balanced programme of activities. This will encourage the children to develop their own ideas, creativity and feelings, regardless of their gender, culture, ability or family background. We also give each child the opportunity to develop their social skills, while constantly encouraging good behaviour. We encourage a non-sexist setting by giving the children suitable books, toys and games to create equal development of both boys and girls.



Outdoor fun this morningрҹӣҙрҹҡІрҹ’ң


Mr Potato Head, farm and transformers fun this morningрҹҗ»рҹ’ңрҹҗ»


Firework tuff tray funрҹ§ЁрҹҺҶ


Band practise is going well рҹҺё


We have enjoyed our firework tuff tray рҹ’ңрҹҺҶрҹ§ЁрҹҺҶрҹ§ЁрҹҺҶ


Hi everyone just to let you know it's children in need next week we will be celebrating by wearing pyjamas or fancy dress all week вҳәрҹ’ңвҳәрҹ’ңрҹҳҠрҹ’ң can't wait to see you all


We have limited spaces available please contact us for more information.We have limited spaces available please contact us for more information.


We loved singing row row row your boat рҹҡЈвҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹҗ»рҹ’ңрҹҗ»


We have enjoyed our choice of play his morning trains, blocks and peppa pigs рҹҗ»рҹ’ңрҹҗ»


We have enjoyed our firework tuff tray рҹҺҶрҹҺҶрҹҺҶрҹҺҶрҹҺҶ


We have enjoyed our firework activities drawing pictures and making firework marshmallows рҹҗ»рҹ’ңрҹҗ»


ItвҖҷs nice too see our friends dressed up in their Halloween costumes!! Happy Halloween everybodyрҹҺғрҹ‘»рҹ’ң


Today we had two little helpers/ helpwr y dydd we loved helping get ready for lunch time рҹҗ»рҹ’ңрҹҗ»


We have enjoyed play dough and our Halloween cutters рҹ‘»рҹ§ҷрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ§Әрҹ•·


We have had a look at our catalogues today as Christmas is fast approaching and we are getting excited for Santa to come and visit рҹҗ»рҹ’ңрҹҗ»


We have enjoyed choosing what colour cup and what we would like to drink milk or water, we were also good at helping pour our drinks рҹҗ»рҹ’ңрҹҗ»


Circle time. We chose our names, the day of the week, whatвҖҷs the weather like today and chose our favourite nursery rhymes to sing рҹҗ»рҹҳҠрҹҗ»


Our little helper/ helpwr y dydd has enjoyed helping set the tables out for lunch рҹҗ»рҹ’ңрҹҗ»рҹҚІрҹҚқ

More about Cariad A Cwtch Day Nursery

Cariad A Cwtch Day Nursery is located at 33 Queen Street, SA200BU Llandovery
Monday: 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 18:00
Friday: 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -